Telegram es sinónimo de libertad y privacidad y tiene muchas funciones fáciles de usar.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Paypal por si gustas apoyarme:
Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
1️⃣Tenga en cuenta que existen FAKE NBU TOKENS y FAKE Platforms donde terceros intentan copiarnos.
2️⃣Tenga en cuenta que los tokens NBU reales SÓLO son accesibles a través de nuestra plataforma:
3️⃣Aquí está el ÚNICO contrato inteligente de Token NBU REAL: 0xEB58343b36C7528F23CAAe63a150240241310049. Asegúrese de verificar dos veces con qué token está tratando antes de cambiar‼️
Hey Nimbus Community,
The Demo of the Nimbus Platform is now officially Live!??
Go ahead and check it out here:
Of course, since it's a demo version, the actual features such as staking are not functioning yet and you cannot make real transactions. But what you certainly can do is take a close look at the interface and get a feel of the great experiences that are coming.
If at this stage you happen to find any minor bugs or face any other issues, please do write about it to our community managers in private message. Your feedback will help us fully polish the platform before the launch so that when it goes live on the mainnet on January 27th, it is in perfect condition for you to enjoy!
Thank you and do give it a try now!?
Your Nimbus Team
Querida comunidad,
Os informamos que ya tenéis disponible el tutorial para configurar vuestra billetera a través de Metamask.
Hemos observado que algunos de los usuarios tenéis dudas acerca del funcionamiento de la Sidechain o cadena lateral, a través de la cual se realizan los pagos actualmente en Kuailian.
Para ello, se desarrolló la app Kuailian Wallet, pero aun así, hay usuarios que por diferentes motivos, ya sea compatibilidad de dispositivo, versión, etc. Están teniendo problemas. Todos aquellos que estáis en esta situación, os recomendamos utilizar este tutorial para poder resolverlos ya que se ha realizado expresamente para que los casos que están teniendo problemas con la App, puedan tener una alternativa fiable, segura y sencilla para poder recibir los pagos.
Es por ello por lo que os facilitamos este documento a través del cual podréis configurar vuestras billeteras a través de Metamask, por lo que os ofrecemos herramientas adicionales para poder gestionar vuestros cobros a través de Kuailian.
Esperamos que os sirva de gran ayuda. Aprovechamos para desearos feliz semana.
Kuailian Corporate Team.
Dear community,
We inform you that the tutorial to configure your wallet through Metamask is now available.
We have noticed that some of the users have doubts about the operation of the Sidechain or side chain, through which payments are currently made in Kuailian.
The Kuailian Wallet app was developed for this purpose, but even so, there are users who for different reasons, be it device compatibility, version, etc. They are having problems. All of you who are in this situation, we recommend you to use this tutorial to solve them since it has been made expressly so that the cases that are having problems with the App, can have a reliable, safe and simple alternative to receive the payments.
That is why we provide you with this document through which you can configure your wallets through Metamask, so we offer you additional tools to manage your collections through Kuailian.
We hope it will be of great help to you. We take this opportunity to wish you a happy week.
Kuailian Corporate Team.
Telegram es sinónimo de libertad y privacidad y tiene muchas funciones fáciles de usar.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Aquí encontrarás todos los juegos subidos recientemente en mi cuenta.
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Paypal por si gustas apoyarme:
Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago
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👥 Mais de 13 milhões de usuários
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago