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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago
The diagram shows the process of electricity production from a certain type of coal. Overall, the process involves three stages: preparing the coal for the process, producing gas using it and generation of electricity in the gas power plant. In addition, the process is a complex one, using various machinery and taking place in different locations.
Before the gas is produced out of it, the coal goes through several stages. First, the big rocks of coal are extracted from mines and crushed into smaller pieces. Then, they are taken to the gasifier where heat is applied to the coal to produce gas. The produced gas then goes to the cooling plant, where the waste heat is released before the cooled gas is sent for cleaning.
The next stage of the process starts when the cleaned gas is sent to the gas power plant which generates electricity and releases the remaining waste heat. Once the electricity is produced, it is sent to households and factories for consumption.
166 words
18 mins
*Success isn't build in the spotlight, it is built in silence.
In the moments no one else will ever know about.
What people see is just tip of the iceberg, but what they don't see where the real story lies.
It is not just about showing up when everyone's watching. Rather, it's the grind in the dark, the hours spent mastering the smallest details and the discipline to keep going when it feels pointless.
So put in the work when no one is looking because that's what separates those who want it form those who MAKE IT HAPPEN*
***In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally.
Why people buy imported food?
What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?***
In many parts of the world, people now prefer to buy imported food over locally produced food. While this can be attributed to several reasons, some steps can be taken to encourage individuals to buy local produce.
First reason why people opt for foreign food items is that they are often imported and distributed by companies with significant wealth and marked share. To compare with smaller local food businesses, those major players of the food market have got enough capital and power to advertise their products on TV and billboards to ensure that the public will know about their product. This, in turn, will almost certainly make their product popular among the people. Another reason for the popularity of the imported food is the globalization. Globalization is bringing nations, cultures, traditions and also foods together. Trying foreign food has become so easy these days that people try, like and crave the food of foreign countries which will drive the need for imported food.
To encourage people to buy locally produced food, governments can impose higher tariffs on imported produce to increase their price in the domestic marked. This will give the local farmers and businesses a chance to grow their capacity to compete with big international companies. This is one of the common policies that governments apply in such situations. Furthermore, agriculture sector of the economy should be developed through enough funding for innovations and research so that food items that are imported from other parts of the world can be grown domestically. Once farmers adopt the farming methods of foreign food products, such as fruit and vegetables, the public can purchase and consume them at a relatively lower price. This is because domestically produced food is less costly due to avoided transportation and other administrative expenses.
In conclusion, people nowadays choose more imported food because of the effect of globalization and the domination of big importing businesses in the food marked. However, the situation can be improved by the government intervention in the market and necessary funding to improve the agriculture sector.
#writingchallenge Day 8
345 words
42 mins
Boʻldi, futbol atmen.
*TikTok gained popularity very quickly during the pandemic. Millions of people use the platform nowadays. However, there are a lot of concerns related to the use of it.
This article examines how bad TikTok is for brain.*
#Daily_Article #Reading
Day 1
Today's result from Kozimxon's group.
Writing 7.0
Overall 7.5.
She is on fire ?
The table compares the proportion of workforce working in six different sectors in Australia in 1989 and 2009. Overall, the shares of people working in healthcare, construction, education and tourism industries experienced an increase during a 20-year period, while the figures for those employed in manufacturing and retail sector declined. In addition, the greatest percentage of the workforce were working in manufacturing industry in 1989, whereas in 2009, healthcare took up the biggest share.
Focusing on the biggest numbers first, 15% of Australians were employed in manufacturing sector in 1989, a figure which dropped noticeably to 9.8% by 2009. Retail sector had 11.8% of the labor force in 1989, despite a slight fall to 10.1% in 2009. The figure for healthcare, however, witnessed a growth to 11.3% from the initial of 9.6%.
By contrast, other industries exhibited smaller numbers. 7.6% of the workforce were construction workers in 1989, a figure which then grew to 8.3%. Education and Tourism employed the smallest proportions of Australian people in both years in question, with the respective figures of 6.8% and 5.5% in 1989 and 7.5% and 7.3% in 2009.
#wiritinchallenge Day 7
186 words
15 mins.
Hozirgi dunyo asta sekinlik bilan yashirib borayotgan haqiqatlardan biri:
●Hayotga mazza qilish uchun kemaganmiz
Bu ham diniy ham dunyoviy tarafdan olib qaraganda to'g'ri.
Ikkala tomonlama olib qarasak ham bizga yoqmidigan narsalar hayotimizga aslida yaxshiliklar bag'ishlaydi.
Har kuni ertalab erta uyg'onish qiyin, nafsimizni tiyib to'g'ri ovqatlanish qiyin, 1.5-2 yil davomida har kuni 20-30 ta soʻz yodlash qiyin, vaqt ajratib oʻtirib kuniga 10 bet kitob oʻqib qoʻyish qiyin, oʻzimizni telefondan tiyish qiyin...
Ammo mana shunga oʻxshash barcha "yoqimsiz" va qiyin boʻlgan yumushlar bizni keyinroq hayotimiz yaxshiroq boʻlishini ta'minlaydi.
Biz maza qilib qiladigan narslarni aksariyati esa kelajagimizni oʻlishiga yoki eng kamida rivojlanishdan toʻxtab qolishimizga sabab boʻladi.
Aslini olib qarasak hammasi adolatdan; kelajakda qiynalmoqchimisan, hozir "maza" qib yasha. Kelajakda maza qib yashamoqchimisan, marhamat hozir qiynal.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago