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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

6 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago

When he tried to tell me how to dress but he looked like he needed a detailed and thorough explanation about how black people started dressing decently after slavery was over ?****

11 months, 3 weeks ago


1 year, 8 months ago

he be callin me delusional while he's the one who's jerking off watching some big ass and boobs of a woman who doesn't even know he exists ? nigga አልተጋጨብህም??

1 year, 8 months ago

**Them: what keeps u goin

Me: this..

"Fear not, For i am with you;
Be not dismayed, for i am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes i will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.' "**

1 year, 9 months ago

Can somebody please recommend amharic fiction books???

1 year, 9 months ago

**It's you who are lazy and spend a lot of time scrolling your phone, so stop complaining that you are not able to achieve anything.

Your phone or your social media account is not going to help you in exam hall, it's only you who can do that.

Spend atleast 15 minutes to study atleast it will get you close to get any Job.

So throw your phone at side and go study. You are what you do not what you say will do

Otherwise keep scrolling and you are going to regret this later in life.

If you want to become someone stop invisaging and make it a reality. Else this life is going to push you as always.

Be your strongest soldier ?**

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago