Atlas Active Club (banned)

Atlanta and North Georgia

With Fire and Iron ⚔️🔥


[email protected]
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The Open Network (TON) está llevando las criptomonedas a todos. Al construir el ecosistema Web3 en Telegram Messenger, TON da a miles de millones la oportunidad de poseer su identidad digital, datos y activos. Administrado por @tonsociety.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Citas y refranes inspiradores sobre la vida 💫

🗂 Nuestros canales:

👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Un remanso de paz para mitigar el cansancio del día a día tratando de seguir los pasos de TON.

Admin: @Z41K0

Chat: @fdtchatpublic

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

1 year, 2 months ago
War is to man what maternity …

War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in perpetual peace. - Benito Mussolini

War and hardship cull the human species down to its most capable of facing hard truths and practical realities and those who can make hard decisions and live with the consequences.

Those who in good times spend their time wishing for even more comfort and even less responsibility are forced to harden or to perish during hard times.

Generations of easy living have taken their toll. How many compromises did the last generation make in order to perpetuate their comfort a little longer? Everything was given up in the name of economy.

The true aristocracy is those men who do not need the imposition of external circumstances to live and to train as if the hard times were here. Those with the discipline and philosophy of life to remain strong and to reject decadence and easy living. Those with the will to fight and sacrifice for what those before us tossed aside.

1 year, 2 months ago

Over the last decade the plutocrat gang 'Serco Group PLC' have won contracts to house "migrants" numbering in excess of £2.2 Billion over the last decade.

This organisation is one of the largest instruments in the plot to replace native Britons outside the UK Government, and they have gone largely unopposed as of yet.

Vanguard members visited their headquarters in Solihull, marking a new opposition and a taste of the future they will reap.

Housing Invaders makes you Traitors.

1 year, 2 months ago

The hard reality is, there is no one worth voting for in the 2024 elections, but the political spectrum is far broader than just what happens at the ballot box. The political encompases almost every aspect of our lives, from who we chose to do business with, the individual we chose to make a family with, the amount of children we decide to have, what we teach our children, the court battles we fight, the information we obtain and expose that disrupts opposition networks, the pressure we put on elected officials, the institutions we build with our time and resources. Politics is an ongoing affair, and if you leave it up to only what box you are going to tick off every couple years, we are going to get trampled over. All of life is a battlefield, and you should be looking to make an impact wherever and whenever you can.

1 year, 2 months ago
Atlas Active Club (banned)
1 year, 2 months ago
Atlas Active Club (banned)
1 year, 2 months ago
Atlas Active Club (banned)
1 year, 2 months ago
Atlas Active Club (banned)
1 year, 2 months ago

We've reached 19,000 subscribers once again. Instead if the usual round of thank yous, we will say this.

Many of you are not doing your proper duty to Our People. If you consider yourself WN, NS, or some other version of Our Guy; you have to earn that title.

Nationalism is not a passive ideology, it's something you participate in with other people of your Nation. If you're participating in it, you're not it.

Get out from behind the screen and start advocating for your people. Join a group, a network, start a community; live your ideology.

One of these groups may be close to you. If you're an able bodied man, consider joining. There are other groups we share all the time that may be more to your liking, watch the channel for one in your area. Start to resist or cease to exist.


The Western Chauvinist

Our Guy Activist groups: EVERYWHERE: White Lives Matter ( Based: North America, Europe, and Australia. Contact: AMERICA: Patriot Front ( Based: Every State Contact:…

1 year, 2 months ago

"Long periods of peace foster certain optical illusions, among them the conviction that inviolability of home is grounded in the constitution which guarantees it. In reality, it is grounded in the family father, who, sons at his side, appears at the door axe in hand."
— Jünger

1 year, 4 months ago
The Bronze Age Active Club is …

The Bronze Age Active Club is an athletics and activism based fraternity in the West Virginia area. We follow the 3.0 Nationalist lifestyle, Bronze Age A.C. strives to promote activism, uniformity, professionalism, and embrace the struggle of our people! We will fight side by side with our brothers and sisters in the never slowing big brother machine. We will fight for our land, for our people, and for our future! Our aim is to transcend from the modern culture and revive the mental and physical resilience that our forefathers possessed. Given the current climate, where holding traditional views and being proud of your heritage can result in harm or shame, we strive to safeguard our identity and work towards our common objectives.


Applications and inquiries:
[email protected]
DM: @Bronze_Age_Savage

We recommend to visit

The Open Network (TON) está llevando las criptomonedas a todos. Al construir el ecosistema Web3 en Telegram Messenger, TON da a miles de millones la oportunidad de poseer su identidad digital, datos y activos. Administrado por @tonsociety.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Citas y refranes inspiradores sobre la vida 💫

🗂 Nuestros canales:

👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Un remanso de paz para mitigar el cansancio del día a día tratando de seguir los pasos de TON.

Admin: @Z41K0

Chat: @fdtchatpublic

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago