
Musings and ramblings of a militant Mantrika
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2 months ago

The threefold world does not announce, "I am the threefold world." Rather it's you, followers of the Way, who do so, this person here in front of my eyes who in marvelous fashion shines his torch on the ten thousand things and sizes up the world -- it's he who assigns names to the threefold world.

2 months ago

Everything can be solved now, today.

Your body-mind has a store of natural intuitive wisdom. It will take charge & handle everything that could possibly come up, if you let go & let it do the job.

All that gets in its way is obsessive thinking (about the past, the future, even the present!)

The senses are intrinsically brilliant & clear, as open & ungraspable as space.

2 months ago

A person can spontaneously enter the state of true Suchness (Tathata). In ancient Zen, such spontaneous enlightenment was highly regarded.

While you are in this state of Suchness, you feel no interest in describing it. Once you're out of it again, there is no confidence in even making the attempt.

What is the state of Suchness like? It is highly alert. It is joyful. It is relaxed. It is devoid of dullness, emotional conflicts and worked out ideas.

2 months ago

All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, beside which nothing exists. This Mind, which is without beginning, is unborn and indestructible.

—Huang Po

2 months ago


“He gives that gift as purified because of ten features. What are they?

  1. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not provide for inappropriate pleasures.2. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not inflict harm on sentient beings.
  2. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not come from intimidation or fear.
  3. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not discourage renunciation.
  4. The bodhisattva’s generosity is not superficial.
  5. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not discriminate between sentient beings.
  6. The bodhisattva’s generosity is not a gesture of flattery.
  7. The bodhisattva’s generosity is not a gesture of animosity.
  8. The bodhisattva’s generosity is not a means to acquire land.
  9. The bodhisattva’s generosity does not involve denigrating sentient beings, thinking that they are unworthy recipients.

These, Śāriputra, are the ten features by means of which the bodhisattva gives that purified gift.

2 months ago

When you receive goods or honors, be grateful for them and keep them without arrogance, knowing that where there is pride, there is anger and folly, but where there is humility, there is wisdom and joy. The Noble Ones say that if pride were to reach the clouds, it would inevitably fall. From pride arise many evils that can destroy mind, body, honor and wealth. Keep your knowledge and honor without pride, and humbly ask to learn what you do not know.

2 months, 1 week ago

Some people have the guts to claim the romans and greeks had no clue on Impermanence or Co-dependent Arising.

Its always those who never read roman poetry:

"And since I am carried by this great sea, and I have set full sails to the winds:
Nothing in the whole world remains fixed.
All things flow, and every shape is fashioned as it wanders.
Time itself slips away in perpetual motion,
Like a river, for neither a river nor fleeting time can stand still.
Just as wave is driven by wave, and one pushes another,
So do moments flee, one after the other,
And they are always new. What was before has passed;
What has not been comes into being, and all moments are transformed."

"All things are changed, nothing perishes: the spirit wanders,
From here to there, and from there to here; it inhabits whatever bodies it pleases—
From animals into human bodies, and from humans into animals.
It never perishes at any time.
Just as soft wax is easily molded into new shapes,
It neither remains as it was nor retains its original form,
Yet it is still the same. So too, I teach that the soul
Is always the same but migrates into different forms."

2 months, 1 week ago

It is said her compassion is so powerful that any being who merely hears or sees her mantra will never be reborn in the lower realms again. If her mantra is hung from a high place (like a stupa, a tree, a rooftop, or a mountain peak) every being – even the tiniest insect, or being without a body – who walks in, on or under that structure, or who is even touched by its shadow, will be liberated from rebirth in the lower realms. Any wind or breeze that touches her mantra will purify the negative karma of any being it touches thereafter.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

"The desire to be free from desire is also desire ?"

The desire to relieve the suffering of thirst is based on seeing that you do not want to be tormented by thirst. Likewise, the desire to attain liberation—which relieves the suffering of the aggregates appropriated by karma and the afflictions—is based upon seeing that the appropriated aggregates are flawed insofar as they have suffering as their nature. Unless you develop a determination to reject cyclic existence through meditation on its faults, you will not seek relief from the suffering of the appropriated aggregates.

—Lamrim Chenmo 1.17.2a.ii

2 months, 3 weeks ago

He who sows virtue reaps honor.

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