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7 months ago
***Progressiv, ahil va shubhasiz, mamlakatimizdagi eng …

Progressiv, ahil va shubhasiz, mamlakatimizdagi eng kuchli jamoa - EVEREST TEAM a'zosiga aylaning! ?**?****

Bizga xozirda uch yo'nalishda hodimlar kerak - mock examination, teaching staff va administrativ hodim!

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida overall IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

2) MOCK EXAM TEAM - 5 nafar;
- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- sirtqi shaklda o'quvchi universitet talabasi (qat'iy emas muhimi 9.00-19.00 oralig'ida ishlay olishi kerak);
- kamida IELTS 5.5, 6.0 va 6.5 (qat'iy);

P.S. Kaminaga bemalol murojaat qilavering: @urokovkhurshid :)

Ariza va suhbat bosqichlarida barchaga EVEREST TEAM omad tilaydi!?


? @everestmanzillari
?‍?‍? @everest_kids

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7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago

Breaking news

I'm launching a new beginner group for even days ( Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) from 4:30 to 6:30, 3 times a week. Every lesson lasts at least 2 hours.
If someone wants to take part in my incredible lessons, contact the number below!!!!
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Or write to

9 months, 1 week ago

The bar chart depicts the participation in regular physical exercise among males and females in Australia across six various age groups in 2010.

Overall , women generally had higher engagement rates, except for the 15 to 24 age category. The smallest gender gap occurred among those who aged over 65, while the largest was observed in the 35 to 44 age group.

As regards the age groups under 44-year-olds, there was almost a 5% discrepancy between percentages of men and women who were at the age of 15 to 24, engaging persistent sport activities  about 53% and 48% respectively. By contrast, women's figure who aged 25 to 34 was more or less 7% higher than that for men, constituting 49%. The most significant contrast in proportions occurred for those aged over 35 to 44, with females constituting close to 53% and males only 40 %

Regarding the last three age categories, 43% of men and 53% of women engaged in consistent physical activity at the age of 45 to 54. A similar trend continued for the 55 to 64 age group, where  females surpassed males, accounting for 53% compared to 45% . However, the smallest difference was noted for the elderly, with both genders participating at around 47%.


9 months, 1 week ago

It's already - RM vs FCB - 2 : 0



9 months, 1 week ago

The table illustrates the visitor count at Ashdown museum before and after its reconstruction , while the pie charts give information about survey results showing visitor satisfaction during these corresponding periods.

It is clear from the charts that the proportions of guests who were glad to visit Ashdown museum increased substantially after it was refurbished. There was also a notable ascent in the total number of tourists after renovation.

Looking at the details, regarding the year before refurbishment , the proportion of very satisfied visitors accounted for 15 %, which was a half of that for delighted ones. By contrast, 40% of guests to the museum, which was 4 times as much as that for very dissatisfied ones, was disappointed . Yet 5% of the survey attendances did not respond.

As regards after the reconstruction of the museum, the percentages of very pleased and pleased visitors, however, grew significantly by 20% and 10 % respectively. As a result of this, there were declines in the indexes of  unsatisfied and very unsatisfied ones to relative 15% and 5%. Nevertheless, the figure for travellers who said nothing about the museum remained  unchanged at 5%.

The overall number of visitors to Ashdown museum ascended from 74.000 to 92.000 as well.



11 months, 1 week ago

What does each word mean ?
Conscious ?
Conscience ?


11 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months, 2 weeks ago
1 year ago
***⚡️*****EVEREST PODCAST again!**Bu loyiha IELTS imtihoniga …

⚡️EVEREST PODCAST again!Bu loyiha IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotgan kandidat hamda IELTS instruktorlar uchun foydali bo'lib kelayotganligi bilan ahamiyatli hisoblanadi!

Loyihaning keyingi 8-oktabr, yakshanba kuni bo'lib o'tadigan soni IELTS overall 8.5 natija qayd etgan EVERESTER ustozlarimiz ishtirokida bo'lib o'tadi.

*? Mr. Khumoyunmirzo Kholmakhamatov- IELTS 8.5 (L 8.5, R 8.5, W 7.5, S 8.5);
- IELTS instruktorlik faoliyat tajribasi - 4 yil
- direct messages: @KhumoyunIELTSbro? Mr. Abdurakhmon Nasriddinov- IELTS 8.5 (L 9.0, R 8.5, W 8.5, S 7.5);
- IELTS instruktorlik faoliyat tajribasi - 4 yil
- direct messages: @realabdurahmon? Mr. Navruz Mukhammadiev- IELTS 8.5 (L 9.0, R 9.0, W 7.5, S 7.5);
- IELTS instruktorlik faoliyat tajribasi - 3 yil
- direct messages: @Navruz_Muhammadiev? Mr. Khusan Koraev- IELTS 8.5 (L 9.0, R 9.0, W 6.5, S 8.5);
- IELTS instruktorlik faoliyat tajribasi - 3 yil
- direct messages: @KoraevKhusanAgar IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotgan kandidatlar orasida bo'lsangiz, ustozlarimiz tomonidan siz uchun eng qimmatli fikr va tavsiyalar tayyorlab qo'yilganligi aniq. Siz esa do'stlaringizga share* qilishni unutmang!

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