The Official League of the South

This is the ONLY Official CHANNEL of The League of the South. If you should have any questions, please send an email to: [email protected]
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8 months, 1 week ago
The Official League of the South
8 months, 1 week ago
The Official League of the South
8 months, 2 weeks ago

BREAKING — The Patriot who lost his life at the Trump rally has been identified as Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief of Buffalo Township

According to his family, Corey’s final act was heroically shielding his young daughter from the gunfire.

12 months ago

YouTube execs can go straight to hell! They have decided to shut our channel down that has been doing well since 2015. We will work on posting all video content directly here on Telegram.

1 year ago

Biden can’t shut down the TEXIT movement.

Statistics show that support for any retaliation against a state who votes to peacefully rule withdraw from the union typically hovers less than 10%.
— Texas Nationalist Movement (TEXIT) (@TexasNatMov)
Mar 27, 2024

1 year ago

Recent all U.S. states poll results: "North and South, Democrat and Republican, the distribution was fairly consistent, averaging out to 23 percent in favor of their state’s secession."

Highest: Alaska, 36%
2nd: Texas, 31%
Lowest: Connecticut, 9%

The poll results show "peaceful secession of Great Britain from the European Union has made quite an impression on Americans. After all, when Britain voted to leave the EU Brussels sent no battleships up the Thames to bombard London into submission. “Brexit” has literally set the pattern".

From the article:

"The federation itself is not sovereign. The states created it by the power of their own sovereignty, so a transfer of sovereignty, apart from its impossibility, would be self-contradictory: the powers that created the federation would no longer exist, and so the federation, deriving its existence from those creative authorities, wouldn’t exist, either. So, as Jefferson Davis phrased it in his Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, you cannot claim 'that the creature is endowed with an authority not possessed by the creator, or that a stream has risen to an elevation above that of its source.' ...

Remember, "each of those states still joined the Union with the clear understanding that they could secede at will."

“We the Delegates of the People of Virginia duly elected … and now met in Convention … Do in the name and in behalf of the People of Virginia declare and make known that the powers granted under the Constitution being derived from the People of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression.”
- Virginia ratifying convention, June 26, 1788

Of course VA can constitutionally, legally, leave the union - it's in the document where VA agreed to join. As can any of the 50 States should any one decide to go on their individual decision alone. No other opinion matters - each state is sovereign.
"We may as well remember that, unlike the federal government with its few deputed powers and explicit limitations, each state is juristically complete in the structure of its sovereignty."

If every State left the Union, the U.S. federal government would simply cease to exist. The federal government is not sovereign over anything, it can't be. Any power it exercises is delegated by the States and can be recalled at will.

To secede, all that's legally required is for a State to recall the Senators and Representatives from U.S. Congress. It's polite to provide the reasons, an explanation, as done by the Declaration and during Brexit, but that is not necessary

The reasons don't matter to justify a go/no go decision to anyone outside the particular state. That's what it means to be a state. Just say goodbye to DC, and good luck to those who choose to remain.

Great article, recommended reading. All quotes above are from the linked Abbeville Institute article.

1 year ago

The League of the South will have a one-day conference in North Georgia on Saturday, 27 April. Speakers will be Steve Garrett (Georgia LS State Chairman); Eddie Miller (host of Blood River Radio); Mark Thomey (LS XO); and Michael Hill (LS Founder and Chief). There will be no charge for admission. If you're interested in attending, contact us via email at [email protected]. Deo vindice!--Michael Hill

1 year ago
Never forget. Never Nikki!

Never forget. Never Nikki!

1 year ago
It was a war for independence …

It was a war for independence and not a civil war.

1 year, 2 months ago

A very Happy New Year to all my friends! May 2024 be a blessed and prosperous year for us all.--Michael Hill

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