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Women in Tech Finland

We foster a more diverse and inclusive tech industry, by offering opportunities for participation, recognition, and progression to individuals in tech with an emphasis on women.
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1 month, 4 weeks ago

Don't forget to register for the Afterwork with TEK! https://www.lyyti.in/Perhevapaat__uhka_vai_mahdollisuus_3953


Perhevapaat - uhka vai mahdollisuus?

Don't forget to register for the Afterwork with TEK!
2 months ago

Before you start your holiday, we have two great opportunities to share 🔥

👉🏼 University of Helsinki and European Language Data Space are bringing together experts from the Finnish Industry, Public Administration and Research to discuss the importance of language data for the development of Language Technologies and AI-based tools in Finland. The event is taking place on 10.04.2024 at Clarion Hotel Helsinki, it is free. 🔊

🔗 Learn more: https://www.kielipankki.fi/business/language-data-space-workshop-in-finland/
🔗 Register: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/LDS_WS1-FI

👉🏼 Urban Tech Helsinki organizes the Challenge 2024: Revolutionising Handling of Recycled Materials in Construction

🔗 Learn more: https://urbantechhelsinki.fi/news/revolutionising-handling-of-recycled-materials-in-construction/
🔗 Apply: https://new.ultrahack.org/hackathons/revolutionising-handling-of-recycled-materials-in-construction

And don't forget to share these opportunities with your networks 😉

Have a happy holiday!


LDS Country Workshop Finland

EUSurvey is an online survey-management system built for the creation and publishing of globally accessible forms, such as user satisfaction surveys and public consultations.

2 months ago
"This is coupled with very outdated …

"This is coupled with very outdated dynamics: if there is something that needs to be prepared, especially regarding food… you can bet all eyes are on me. These are small things that nevertheless pile up, and the consequence is that you create this funny, careless, easy-going persona to hang out with male coworkers and feel included."

💫 It's time for the new role model blog!

In the new piece, Aino Taipalus, a Service Manager at Advania Finland shares how her career stems from her passion for helping people and how she utilizes technology to fulfill her passion. 🤲🏼

Aino also discusses the challenges women still, unfortunately, face.

Read the new role model blog 🤩 https://womenintech.fi/2024/03/role-model-blog-aino-taipalus-advania/

P.S. The corgi's name is Sessu. 🐶 Aino says that Sessu visits Advania's office almost weekly. If we are lucky, maybe we will see it as Advania is doing the Instagram takeover now 👀 🍀 😉

2 months, 1 week ago

🟢 What: WiT Breakfast Date with Relex Solutions - Innovate and Inspire: Women Leading IT Transformation in Tech
🟢 When: 5th of April, 8:30 - 11:00
🟢 Where: Postintaival 7, Helsinki
🟢 Registration: https://www.eventbrite.fi/e/innovate-and-inspire-women-leading-it-transformation-in-tech-tickets-871626306747?aff=oddtdtcreator
🟢 More info:
🌟 Join Us for a Transformative Morning! 🌟
An empowering event dedicated to showcasing the pivotal role of women in shaping business-driven and service-oriented IT strategies within the tech industry. Discover the transformative journey of IT over the past decade and the growing influence of women in leadership roles. Learn about RELEX's commitment to supporting women from diverse backgrounds in their careers, offering practical advice and inspiration for navigating the evolving landscape of internal IT and service delivery.
Enjoy a morning filled with enriching talks, networking opportunities, and a delightful breakfast. Don't miss this chance to gain insights from industry leaders and connect with like-minded professionals.
Petra Berg, Vice President of Business & Information Technology, brings over two decades of experience in IT and IT transformation. A fervent advocate for women in tech, Petra is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion, breaking down barriers, and serving as a beacon for aspiring women in IT. Her leadership philosophy centers on people, transparency, and strategic thinking, aiming to drive business strategy through smart IT solutions.
Fina Takki, Head of IT Service Delivery and Development, shares her journey from sunny Indonesia to Finland, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of continuing her IT career as an immigrant woman. With 16 years of experience across various ICT roles, Fina emphasizes the importance of human connection, empathy, and making a meaningful impact through service delivery. As a proud mother, she is committed to being a role model, inspiring her daughter and others to pursue their dreams without constraints.
This event promises to be a source of motivation and insight for the anyone interested in intersection of technology, leadership, and diversity.
08:30 - 09:00 Doors & Breakfast
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome to RELEX 09:15 - 10:00 Fina Takki, Head of IT Service Delivery and Development
10:00 - 10:45 Petra Berg, Vice President, Business & Information Technology 10:45 - 11:15 Networking & Closing Up


Innovate and Inspire: Women Leading IT Transformation in Tech

Get ready to be blown away by badass women leading the charge in transforming the tech industry at our event!

***🟢*** What: WiT Breakfast Date with Relex Solutions - Innovate and Inspire: Women Leading IT Transformation in Tech
2 months, 1 week ago
Women in Tech Finland
2 months, 1 week ago

Happy Monday! Today we bring you more opportunities from our members 👇🏼 🎉

⭐️ Vaisala, Scrum Master (no Finnish required): https://careers.vaisala.com/job/Helsinki-Scrum-Master/789606302/
& Senior Software Engineer (no Finnish required): https://careers.vaisala.com/job/Helsinki-Senior-Software-Engineer/789953102/

⭐️ Advania Finland, Sales Manager (Public Cloud): https://rekrytointi.advania.fi/fi/jobs/3735595-sales-manager-public-cloud?utm_campaign=jobs-widget&utm_source=rekrytointi.advania.fi&utm_content=jobs&utm_medium=web&_gl=1*12go76h*_ga*OTk2Nzg4MDUxLjE2OTc2OTczMDQ.*_ga_HF8ZP545GR*MTcxMTAwMjI0NS40MS4xLjE3MTEwMDIyNTQuMC4wLjA

⭐️ Deloitte, Financial Services Risk Consulting professionals (no Finnish required): https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/DeloitteNordic/743999975086754

⭐️ EY, BMC Product Manager - Social Media (no Finnish required): https://careers.ey.com/ey/job/Amsterdam-BMC-Product-Manager-Social-Media-1083-HP/1039525201/

CGI Suomi, Full Stack Developer: https://cgi.njoyn.com/corp/xweb/xweb.asp?NTKN=c&clid=21001&Page=JobDetails&Jobid=J1223-1480&BRID=1099360&lang=1

⭐️ Accenture Suomi, Junior konsultteja Tech Talent Program:iin: https://www.accenture.com/fi-en/careers/jobdetails?id=R00204974_en&title=Junior%20konsultteja%20Tech%20Talent%20Program%3Aiin

⭐️ Knowit Oy, Azure Architect: https://www.knowit.fi/uraknowitilla/avoimet-tyopaikat/azure-architect/

⭐️ BCG Platinion, IT Architech (no Finnish required): https://careers.bcg.com/job/163/IT-Architect-Helsinki-BCG-Platinion

⭐️ AFRY, Accounts payable / Accounts Receivable Specialist: https://afry.com/en/join-us/available-jobs/REF9106P-accounts-payable-accounts-receivable-specialist

⭐️ Etteplan, ICT Lead Engineer (no Finnish required): https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1522&ProjectId=150588&DepartmentId=18971&MediaId=5

⭐️ Reaktor, Lead Generation Manager (no Finnish required): https://www.reaktor.com/careers/locations/helsinki/lead-generation-manager

⭐️ Nokia, IP NPI Network Design & Virtualization Engineer (no Finnish required): https://fa-evmr-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/requisitions/preview/3380/?hotJobFlag=true&location=Finland&locationId=300000000471640&locationLevel=country&mode=location

⭐️ Fraktio, Mobiili­kehittäjää: https://www.fraktio.fi/rekry/haemme-mobiilikehittajaa?hsCtaTracking=c7969001-3b69-49e0-9857-7070c23e6d41%7C7309e232-ff4b-4105-b353-57b41daaf459

⭐️ Efima Oyj, Service Manager: https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/229746-efima-service-manager/

⭐️ Sulava, Azure Data Architect / Engineer: https://sulava.com/company/careers/azure-data-konsultti/

Advania Finland Oy

Sales Manager (Public Cloud) - Advania Finland Oy

Advania  on vauhdikkaasti kasvava IT- ja asiantuntijatalo, jolla on Pohjoismaissa ja Isossa-Britanniassa yli 5 000 työntekijää. Suomessa meitä on noin 330 kuudella eri paikkakunnalla. Palvelumme ka...

Happy Monday! Today we bring you more opportunities from our members ***👇🏼*** ***🎉***
2 months, 1 week ago

🟢 What: WiT Afterwork with TEK: Perhevapaat – uhka vai mahdollisuus
🟢 When: 7th of May, 17:00 - 20:00
🟢 Where: Epicenter, Mikonkatu 9, Helsinki
🟢 Language: Finnish
🟢 Registration: https://www.lyyti.in/Perhevapaat__uhka_vai_mahdollisuus_3953
🟢 More info:
Tekniikan akateemiset TEK ja Women in Tech Finland kutsuvat sinut punnitsemaan, ovatko perhevapaat uhka vai mahdollisuus työelämässä. Kuulemme huippupuhujia ja tuoretta tutkimustietoa, minkä jälkeen osallistujilla on mahdollisuus verkostoitua tapas-tarjoilun äärellä. Tapahtuma on lapsiystävällinen. Esiintyjien puheenvuorot voi kuunnella myös etänä.


16.30 Ovet avautuvat
17.00 Tervetuloa, juontaja Jani Toivola
17.10 Näkemyksiä perhevapaista -tutkimustuloksia, Susanna Bairoh, TEK
17.30 Perheystävällinen työelämä, Annica Moore, MiB ry
17.50 Isyys ja vanhemmuus, Jani Toivola
18.10 Yleisön kysymykset
18.40 Verkostoitumista, tapaksia ja virvokkeita
19.45 Illan päätössanat
20.00 Tilaisuus päättyy


Jani Toivola, yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaja, näyttelijä ja kirjailija

Susanna Bairoh, tutkimuspäällikkö, Tekniikan akateemiset TEK

Annica Moore, Mothers in Business -yhdistyksen toiminnanjohtaja

Stream link: https://event.prospectumlive.com/perhevapaat-uhka-vai-mahdollisuus


Perhevapaat - uhka vai mahdollisuus?

***🟢*** What: WiT Afterwork with TEK: Perhevapaat – uhka vai mahdollisuus
2 months, 1 week ago

Why do women leave tech? 🤔

According to our survey conducted on LinkedIn, up to 40% of our audience has thought about leaving tech.

This concerning percentage reflects global trends: according to Accenture’s research (2020), up to 50% of women leave tech by the age of 35, while already making up less than 30% of the tech workforce.

The gender imbalance in tech stems not only from the biases about tech studies but also from several obstacles people face throughout their careers, even after getting degrees in STEM.

Being a woman in tech quite often means:

🔵 Having a low pay or being underpaid compared to men. This is, unfortunately, still the case even for Finland, according to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
🔵 Having to face various stereotypes and inappropriate behavior
🔵 Being held back by a glass ceiling – having little to no career progression opportunities
🔵 Lacking role models, especially in senior leadership
🔵 Having few opportunities to get support and mentorship from colleagues

And switching jobs isn’t always the solution, since many women don’t dare to apply for a position they may be a perfect fit for, unless they match 100% of the requirements.

But it must not be that way. If we want more women to stay in tech, the system has to change. Women should not rely on their resilience and have to overcome obstacles at the cost of their own mental health to prove that women can. We can, and this has to be the default.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

🟢 What: WiT Breakfast Date with Ework Group: Biggest challenge in skills economy: Digitalization & AI
🟢 When: 24th of April, 8:30 - 10:30
🟢 Where: Mikonkatu 6 C 503, 00100 Helsinki
🟢 Registration: The event is full
🟢 More info:

According to Ework’s Market Report, digitalization emerged as the dominant megatrend in 2024, shaping the market significantly. The most pressing challenge identified by around 3000 respondents in Tech industry is the skills shortage.

In addition, women working in the Tech industry is significantly lower than other genders. How is Ework contributing in making the market more equal by promoting the importance of the non-biased skills based matching. Are the trends affecting to consultancy rates, and how?

Welcome to the event to get some insights from Ework Group and discuss with your peers about the market!

8:30 Door’s will open & breakfast is served, welcome!
9:00 Biggest challenge for 2024 in terms of skills economy is Digitalization & AI.
Reetta Rautu, Market Unit Lead & Johanna Haapman, Senior Client Developer, Ework Group
9.45 Q & A
10:00 Take some more coffee and network with your peers!
Take some minutes to chat with Eworkers about work opportunities in consulting industry
10:30 Thank you and we truly hope to see you again!

2 months, 2 weeks ago

☀️ Eaton, Sr Electrical Engineer: https://eaton.eightfold.ai/careers?location=Espoo%2C%20Uusimaa%2C%20FI&pid=687213827882&domain=eaton.com&sort_by=relevance

☀️ OP Financial Group, Solution Analyst: https://op-careers.fi/job/Helsinki-Solution-Analyst-Taloudellisen-ja-tilastollisen-tiedon-raportointi/1049446201/

☀️ Nordea, Expert - Cyber Security Strategy and Design: https://careers.nordea.com/job/Helsinki-Expert-Cyber-Security-Strategy-and-Design-500/1047715701/?feedId=335801&utm_source=CareerSite

☀️ Reaktor, Lead Developer (no Finnish required): https://www.reaktor.com/careers/locations/turku/lead-developer-7277786002

☀️ Nokia, SW Architect: https://fa-evmr-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/job/2681/?location=Finland&locationId=300000000471640&locationLevel=country&mode=location

☀️ Fraktio, DevOps-osaajaa: https://www.fraktio.fi/rekry/haemme-devops-osaajaa?hsCtaTracking=11a5ab1c-9a0c-4a44-aa7a-ec5ea13dd179%7C7ba922bf-30ef-4db9-8039-9cfe7e592923

☀️ Efima, Power Apps Developer: https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/210567-efima-power-apps-developer/

☀️ Sulava, Azure Data Architect / Engineer: https://sulava.com/company/careers/azure-data-konsultti/

☀️ AFRY, Sustainable Safety & HSE - Delivery Manager: https://afry.com/en/join-us/available-jobs/REF9059F-sustainable-safety-hse-delivery-manager

☀️ VTT, Research Scientist, Smart Grids: https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/research-scientist-smart-grids/mWPL6y


Careers at Eaton

***☀️*** Eaton, Sr Electrical Engineer:
We recommend to visit

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