Another World

Another World,
For You, Unfurled.

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1 month ago

Are they insane?!

Sometime I wonder how stupid people could be.
They're not being just an idiot, but more:
Ignorant and unable to see
Is one way of describing this flaw.

But saying it's a flaw is being nice
Because this is an identity they choose to live.
I doubt they ever think things through twice
And they gift things they have no right to give.

This is not humanity anymore.
This is the dystopia we all feared.
Even though the people still call,
Their pleas fall on deaf ears.

#anotherworldpoem #currently

1 month, 2 weeks ago


There is a poem for me to read,
There is a second one written later on.
There is a journey for me to tread
There is a path for me to follow.
There is a story to be told,
There is a past that was almost forgotten
There is a change, so large and dark,
There is a life that feels far away.
There is a war that had to be fought
There is...


1 month, 3 weeks ago

It wasn't even a day after the ceasefire and they're already at it again 🤦

How long do you reckon it'll be before it's back to being a full blown war? 🤔

2 months, 1 week ago


Another year has now passed by us all,
Filled with its ups and downs, we’re left to haul
A summary of all that has passed us,
For us to prepare for what’s left before us.
A new year with new hopes and expectations,
Hoping for improvements in certain situations.
Keep the Middle East in your prayers:
The wars wage on; there’s no stop to their tears
Although Syria can finally breathe
As we’ve reached the end of Assad’s regime.

This is the year the world reached for the skies
We saw potential from Space X’s tries
To create a reusable rocket.
China, with rocks from the moon, filled their pockets,
To study them on Earth. Unlike those rocks,
NASA’s astronauts faced a few blocks
As they could not return home and remain
Up in the ISS as NASA strains
To fix this mess and bring them back down home.

This year was also pretty political…
Someone attempted to assassinate Trump
Only for him to miss by millimetres
And for Trump to become President Trump.
A moment gone down as historical.
You’d think that was it, no more drama…
Except he’s also a convicted fraudster
As well as America’s new leader...

The billionaire Elon Musk made history
Being the first to reach the victory
Of being worth more than 400 billion!
His dear X was banned by the Brazilians
For a month, over misinformation
concerns. Now, he’s part of the government
As if his power was not already enough.

The wars keep raging all over the world.
Russia’s bombs at Ukraine are still hurled,
Israel’s attacking AND playing the victim
But the ICC now sees the real victim:
It has called Israel an illegal state
Finally writting Netanyahu’s fate.

Natural disasters have also occurred,
So, of course, humanity was stirred.
With deadly floods in the East of Spain
And in the US, hurricane Helene,
It was only right to help them out.

It was quite the summer that we all had!
Watching the Paris Olympics, we were glad
Of the thrill of the competition
As we supported our countries’ magicians.

We saw the hundred and fiftieth birthday
Of art in the impressionist style’s way.
That’s 150 years of Monet!

Twenty-twenty-four was a leap year -
One where we saw an eclipse nice and clear.

Now, the sun sets on 2024.

#anotherworldpoem #edited #newyear

2 months, 1 week ago

#announcement #anotherworld

I know it's been over a month since I last wrote a poem. And I was supposed to do 'Poem a Day' that month...

But rest assured, I did not forget you all loves ? and I'm back with our annual end of year poem! ?

And this time, as an apology, it's coming an hour earlier than usual. (Not that it'll actually make up for all the poems I missed... ?)

4 months ago

His hello warmed the heart,
his goodbye left it aching.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

*" As if the memories have a heart that beats only at night "

- Mahmoud Darwish*

5 months ago

*Future Dreams

Sometimes I wish that I'd stop thinking of you
To work on myself and on my future too.
But I want you to be a part of that future
So we can live and grow old together.
I don't want to ever be alone
Even if that may never be shown.
I really, really want 'us' to exist
And the reasons why make up a long list.*

#anotherworldpoem #poemaday #repost

5 months ago

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

#anotherwriter #poemaday

9 months, 3 weeks ago

From Time To Time

There is plenty that needs to be done
But a break is permitted you know,
Which is why it's ok to have fun
From time to time.

#anotherworldpoem #verse #firstdraft #random

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