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Meanwhile, Durov received nearly a million stars in less than an hour after his first post since the arrest.
That’s more than $10,000 ?— at this rate, Durov could even raise enough for bail in Paris! ?
Intel might be sold to China – Qualcomm is interested in purchasing Intel Core's division, which creates processors for PCs.
Intel itself denies any plans to sell parts of the business, but the numbers say otherwise – a 60% drop in stock value over six months, processor degradation, and the CEO’s prayers on Twitter hint at the inevitability of disaster. ?
Qualcomm, on the other hand, is a reliable supplier for Apple and one of the leaders in the mobile device market. With Intel's technology, the Chinese could enter the PC market as well. ??
*? Kamala Harris, just like Trump, is accepting cryptocurrency donations: this is the first election where both candidates are accepting crypto donations.*
WCR-Rankings: Over the past 10 years, Germany's economy has dropped 18 positions in the competitiveness rankings. ?
In 2014, Germany was ranked sixth in the competitiveness ranking of leading world economies, but by 2024, it had fallen to 24th place. Over the past year, Germany has lost two positions in this list, according to the updated report. The pace of Germany's economic recovery, according to analysts, has also been insufficiently rapid and lags behind all developed countries. ?
When you are first forbidden to build a pipeline for cheap resources, and when you finally build it, it is openly sabotaged, you can't expect anything different. ?️
Thailand has confirmed its desire to join BRICS as soon as possible. *?
The list of candidate countries or partner states for BRICS membership currently includes 28 countries: Azerbaijan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Honduras, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Palestine, Pakistan, Senegal, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Chad, Sri Lanka, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, and South Sudan. ?***
The issue of admitting new countries to BRICS will be decided in October at the BRICS summit in Kazan. ?
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Rusal fears that up to 36% of its sales could be at risk due to sanctions imposed by the UK and the US, a person close to the company said. ?****
About 1.5 million tons of export shipments are under threat, Rusal reports, noting that exports may return to the level of 2008. ?
Sanctions on metals have led to a rise in prices on the London Metal Exchange. For instance, aluminum rose by 9.4% — the highest increase since the current form of contract for this metal appeared in 1987. Nickel rose by 8.8%. ?
In the end, it turns out just as we mentioned above - for the EU, the price of metal will rise, production in the EU will become more expensive, and competition with American goods will be even tougher. ?
Electrek: Rumors are circulating that Tesla is preparing mass layoffs - up to 20% of its workforce. ?
Currently, Tesla earns about 764 thousand rubles per car, while its main competitor, BYD, is undercutting prices and earning only 115 thousand rubles per sale.
Tesla is going through a tough period, as its cars are becoming less competitive in China. Tesla may reduce its margin by lowering prices and increasing sales volume, but in any case, it will lose profit. ?
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago