Aclihe Archive Degrelle

Léon Degrelle archival material & Other historical content in relation to the REX Party, as well as fascism, edits, and more.
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10 months, 4 weeks ago
Aclihe Archive Degrelle
10 months, 4 weeks ago
**Léon Degrelle** ~ Letter to **Pope …

Léon Degrelle ~ Letter to Pope John-Paul II upon his visit to Auschwitz, Concentration Camp - 20th May, 1979.

11 months ago
11 months ago
11 months ago
**Meine Ehre heißt Treue ***❤️******?*****

Meine Ehre heißt Treue ❤️*?***

11 months ago

Léon Degrelle Showcases his Awards to Belgian Journalist Maurice De Wilde (1923-1998), In a documentary based on military and political collaboration between Belgium and Germany during WW2.

~ Enhanced English Subtitles

11 months, 1 week ago

Germanic Heritage

In the year June 1942, Hitler was able to consult the substantial study by Franz Petri a philologist and a doctor from the University of Bonne, and Cultural Attaché of the Military Administration in Brussels. The study, published in 1937 was mainly based on Toponymy was named "Germanisches Volkserbe in Wallonien und Nordfrankreich" In English, "Germanic Heritage in Wallonia and Northern France.

The thesis is that the territories between the Seine and the linguistic border between Wallonia and Flanders, were initially Germanised
during the early Middle Ages through Frankish colonization and later Romanized over subsequent centuries. This perspective echoed an earlier thesis by Belgian historian Godefroid Kurth. According to this view, the local populations, even though they speak Romance languages, are indeed of Germanic origin and race.

Furthermore when Degrelle was absent on the Eastern front, Victor Matthjis the Interim Leader of Rex, had emphasised the need for a social revolution. Mathjis proclaimed to supporters of the 'New Order', presented the Walloons as a people belonging to the Germanic space "by blood, history, and customs". This perspective allowed him to conclude that "our provinces'' (of Wallonia and Flanders) would remain united, by an "indisputable and enduring community of destiny." This sentiment pleased the Rexist leaders, who remained deeply rooted in their Belgian identity.

11 months, 1 week ago

A big show event

In Belgium, Léon Degrelle backed by the SS with the approval of the German Military administration received full support to publicly present the 'new marching orders' of his movement. The meeting was scheduled for the 17th of January 1943 and was widely publicised. Necessary security measures were implemented. The Palais de Sports was monitored for several days before the speech in order to prevent potential bomb attacks, The decor was grandiose to suit the occasion.

A high platform bearing the military flag of the Reich was displayed. A massive double headed eagle, a symbol of the Empire during the times of Philip the Good and Charles V, dominated the setting, which was also adorned with Burgundy crosses and the names of the victorious battles in which the Walloon Legion had participated.

An 'imperial directive' was displayed on a large banner ~ "People of the Empire, wake up!". At the start of the session, the area was filled with delegations from the Walloon Guard, the National Socialist Motorized Corps, and Party Combat Formations, while the Rex Youth worked to stir enthusiasm. According to Le Pays réel on January 18, 1943, it was reported as "an immense crowd." However, in reality, there were no more than 5,000 attendees.

11 months, 1 week ago
Setting of Léon Degrelle's speech at …

Setting of Léon Degrelle's speech at the Palais des Sports, 17 January 1943.

11 months, 2 weeks ago
There is great hatred between men, …

There is great hatred between men, between classes, between peoples, because everyone is bent on the pursuit of material goods which ultimately avail nothing. But all abandon the goods, proffered to all, of the moral universe and the eternity of the soul.

Léon Degrelle ~ The Burning Souls

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