All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH
Partnerships: [email protected]
Last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago
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Contact us @Burqasupport
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀
0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo
Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago
أكثروا الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم الجمعة وليلة الجمعة.
Rasuula Sallallaahu aleeyhi wasallam irratti salawaata guyyaa jumu'aa fi halkan jumu'aa buusuu baay'isaa!
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Rabbiin waan ati jaalattu akka siif tursiisu yoo feete, waan Rabbiin jaalaturra Isaaf turi atis.
-Imaamu Ahmad bin Hanbal.
Guyyaa muraasatu hafe, warri hin jalqabne eegalaa; warri hojjataa jirtan profit per hour guddifadhaa!
Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
? 2k Coins as a first-time gift
? 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium
Hamster Kombat
Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!
Assalaamu Aleeykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu
Rabbiin warra gaggaarii warruma gaggaariif qooda. Hariiroon siifii Allaah gidduu jirtu bareedduu taanaan Rabbiin namuma bareedaa si badhaasa.
Kun immoo uffannaa fi tolfannaa irratti hin hundaa'u. Bareedinni qalbiidha malee uffataamiti.
Namni keessi tole gubbaanis daran tola, namni keesaatti jallina qabu hangam uffatus hangam fakkeeffatus jallinni irraa mul'ata.
Yaa Obboloota koo , fuudha yaadaa jirtaa ykn heeruma yaadaa jirtaa?.
Ergasiifuu qalbii tee Allaahaaf qulqulleessi, Rabbiin immoo qalbii qulqulluu si badhaasa. Bultii jaaruuf otoo intala/gurbaa janajjanuu hin jalqabne Allaah kee janajjanadhu.
Hanga daqiiqaa 40, 50 ,60...intala/gurbaa jaalattu amansiisuuf torba sagalee jijjiirtee hirriiba dhabdu daqiiqaa 10 qofa qalbii tee as deebisii wudu'a guuttadhuu raka'aa lama qofa salaatii harka kee ol qabadhuu nama diinii fi duniyaa teetiif gaarii ta'e Allaah kadhadhu.
Rabbiin isin haa milkeeysu.
Ammas warri hin jalqabin akka isin hin dabarre ammuma seenaa.
Liinkii gadiitiin seenaa tap tap godhaa; yeroo ni qabdu; coin walitti qabatuun profit per hour guddifachuun irratti dalagaa!
Liinkiin kunooti???
Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
? 2k Coins as a first-time gift
? 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium
Hamster Kombat
Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!
Ammas warri hin jalqabin akka isin hin dabarre ammuma seenaa.
Liinkii gadiitiin seenaa tap tap godhaa; yeroo ni qabdu; coin walitti qabatuun profit per hour guddifachuun irratti dalagaa!
Liinkiin kunooti???
Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
? 2k Coins as a first-time gift
? 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium
Hamster Kombat
Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!
Liinkii gadiitiin seenaa tap tap godhaa; yeroo ni qabdu; coin walitti qabatuun profit per hour guddifachuun irratti dalagaa!
Liinkiin kunooti???
Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
? 2k Coins as a first-time gift
? 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium
Hamster Kombat
Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!
Ammas hin dhumanne, coin kuufatuun profit per hour keessan dabalaa hojjadhaa!
Liinkiin kunooti warri haarawa taatan!
Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
? 2k Coins as a first-time gift
? 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium
Hamster Kombat
Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!
Dhaamsa jabaa ergamaan Rabbii guyyaa #Arafaa kana dhaame keessaa..
“Yaa ilmaan namaa. Dhagahaa! Dhugatti Rabbiin keessan tokko. Abbaan keessanis tokko. Sodaa Rabbiitin (malee) Arabni Ajama(gosa biroo) hin caalu, Ajamnis Araba hin caalu. Diimaanis gurraacha hin caalu, gurraachinis diimaa hin caalu."
Nabi Muhammadﷺ
[Sahiihul-Masnad 1536]
- Sodaa Rabbii qabaatuun namni tokko nama kaan caala. Sadarkaan sadarkaa caaltu sodaa Rabbii qabaatuudha.
يا أيُّها النَّاسُ ألا إنَّ ربَّكم واحدٌ وإنَّ أباكم واحدٌ ألا لا فضلَ لِعَربيٍّ على أعجميٍّ ولا لعَجميٍّ على عربِيٍّ ولا لِأحمرَ على أسودَ ولا لِأسودَ على أحمرَ إلاَّ بالتَّقوى.
الراوي : من سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Baga geessan!
Kan baranaa kan bara hedduu nuu haa taasisu!
Dalagaa gaggaarii nuti dalagne Rabbi nurraa haa fuudhu!
All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH
Partnerships: [email protected]
Last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Buy ads:
Contact us @Burqasupport
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀
0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo
Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago