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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
My chinese phone has arrived. It was $50 dollar from Chengding. I am back on Ig and will be announcing my acc name tmrw after everything is set up
Ordered a phone, should be back on ig within 2 weeks
We are not those individuals. We can not be satiated by these humble compromises, though the masses may well be. And because of our aversion to these material comforts, we will soon find ourselves to be in many ways in conflict with that same population who’s life we seek to safeguard, that same bull to whom we seek to direct. Over the next 4 years this will become increasingly apparent as the masses, who see their icon in power, begin to say; “you radical rabble-rousers need to quiet down and shut up. We are happy, we have no care for your agitation”. We will need to ignore them.
The popular, by definition, cannot direct itself, it will always BE directed. The popular, by nature, does not really know what it truly wants, the aggregate is only the sum of its parts, and were its parts intelligent they would not consist of the popular.
I am writing this both as a prediction, but also as a call to strength. Many will become deradicalized, as many were prior to 1929, when the quality of life had improved enough to allow the people to hoist back their blinders and ignore the rot they saw in their periphery, if you are the kind of person to whom I am now writing, I urge you; do not lose hope, do not allow yourself to sink back into the gooey darkness of the unfeeling uncaring masses. Allow yourself to feel that aristocratic instinct contained within you as captive beast, let it wriggle, and move, feed it and it shall grow. You cannot be satisfied by the pleasantness this next half decade will likely wring. You must feel acutely within yourself the spiritual malaise that will set in, and allow it to incense you; “This is NOT enough!”
On Menshivism and revolutionary politicking:
As institutional dissatisfaction grows, so to will along with it grow demands for reform and reaction. The problems causing this dissatisfaction are not arbitrary. They are direct results of the ideology and long-term plans of the state-apparatus and its beneficiaries. This means that reformism from within the state will be and ought to be considered untenable, and because of this popular position, reaction to the state, which is “left wing” as far as the proles may understand will invariably lead to “right-wing” attitudes and positions gaining traction within the popular consciousness. Already this has lead to the proverbial “death of wokeism” and the whiplash of the Trump revolution.
When such social positions grow in sway, and in the decentralized nature their medium has instigated, such social movements become subject to the typical growing pains as can be typically expected of any mass-movement.
When people, ordinary people, become inducted through cultural forces not into the guiding arms of a leader, nor the rigidity of established doctrine, but into the autonomous and uncontrolled mess of a a new framework, they produce amongst themselves a disorganized cauldron out of which all manner of contradictory and oppositional forces may be brought out at a given moment, defined solely by the “mood” and inductive predilection of all their varied parts.
The Right Wing in America today, as evidenced by the cultural demographics which brought Trump his recent victory, is a prolish reaction, a raging bull capable only of seeing red, and not the Torero behind the sheet. This social force is fundamentally the product of a widespread denial of a certain Maslovian needs; The impulse to reproduce, the denial of a certain quality of life, the decay of the family unit. This is a peasant revolt. And as all peasant revolts, it lacks a genuinely ‘revolutionary’ character. The peasant does not deeply wish to lead. He cares not for statecraft, nor administration and the accompanying woes. The peasant wants his daily bread, he wants his children fed, and if he can be afforded those alongside a roof over the head of his family, he is satiated. But as mentioned below, these things will not be afforded him, and they cannot be, he will become stirred, resentful, and eventually install a reformed who promises him to fulfill him his wants, but though his basic situation may improve somewhat, the long curve points to his eventual death, because this is the goal of who hold the true levers of power.
However, as with all such periods of domestic unrest, there is contained a germ of “nouvelle règle”, those with a wants and needs which can never be assuaged by mere material concerns, who set their eyes instead on those levers of power which operate beyond their grasp. These are those individuals who sublimate their grievance into ideology, these are the individuals who hold the unique ability to whisper into the raging bulls ears, direct his sight, and ultimately guide him to their own ends.
These are the “professional revolutionaries”, the ideologues, the agitators, the racial supremacists, and the heart of all true hierarchy, and today they find themselves in conflict with the bull, who refuses to see beyond his own horns.
Over the past few years a number of mimetic ideas have taken hold over certain demographic groups as a reaction to the ruling ideology; The “tradwife”; the “homesteader”; the “white identitarian”, these are the organic fantasies of a dying race. In the same way a starving man would kill for bread, or a thirsty man for water, so too does the dying race produce individuals who are motivated and desperate to fulfill these urges.
my thoughts regarding wifejak and the growth of certain "low-class" sensibilities
Roaming London streets, the memes abt browns are real, and somehow these are worse than regular american nons
Undergoing herculean tribulations to return to the gram, was making good process but Apple keeps cucking me
Simulacrum of simulacrum, all behavior externally and internally is the result of socialization and perception, the Aryan man in his promethean quest upwards must realize this, transcend the circumstances of his birth, and engage with the sing an dach purely through his own raw mediation, rather than that which is accumulated
The account is up and not banned yet (good sign), but instagram refuses to let me log in off my phone, any ideas for a fix?
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago