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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
"When we recognize the dreamlike nature of reality, all things call for a hermeneutics; everything demands to be carried back from its outer surface appearance to its real, essential but hidden form. Continually unfolding our ta’wil ensures that we don’t fall prey to a dogmatic certainty, become absorbed in righteous delusions of absolute knowledge and fixed meanings, and hence, become rigidly entrenched in a viewpoint, all of which are signs of wetiko at work. The world is never explained once and for all, but must be continually deciphered, just as a musical score is never deciphered once and for all, but calls to be played again and again in ever more nuanced, refined, expressive, and novel forms. In the act of ta’wil, we are bearing down into the spiritual truth of things, thereby dissolving the authoritarian influence of the mind-virus that imputes a fixed meaning on things. In the art of ta’wil we connect with our own intrinsic authority as we step into becoming the author, instead of the victim, of the story of our life."
-- Paul Levy
Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus
Note to the wanderer: "Don't take energy personal, no matter which frequency. You are empty."
"Some people on the other hand have managed (through illumination and hard work, or through natural talent) to learn how to increase and control the focus of their awareness. These people can sometimes exert a great deal of energetic movement in and around themselves. Such people are often referred to as great leaders, mystics, psychics, or miracle workers."
-- Kreiter, John
Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy
“War is no longer, perhaps, a biological necessity, but it is still a psychological necessity; what is within us, must manifest itself outside.”
⁃ Sri Aurobindo
“The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics.”
⁃ Carl Jung
“To bring about peace in the world, to stop all wars, there must be a revolution in the individual, in you and me. Economic revolution without this inward revolution is meaningless.
To put and end to this sorrow, to hunger, to war, there must be psychological revolution and few of us are willing to face that. We will discuss peace, plan legislation, create new leagues, the United Nations and so on.
To rely on others is utterly futile; others cannot bring us peace. No leader is going to give us peace, no government, no army, no country. What will bring peace is inward transformation, which will lead to outward action.
Inward transformation is not isolation, is not withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary, there can be right action only when there is right thinking and there is no right thinking when there is no self-knowledge.
Without knowing yourself, there is no peace.
An Ideal is merely an escape, an avoidance of what is, a contradiction of what is. An ideal prevents direct action upon what is. To have peace, we will have to love, we will have to begin not to live an ideal life but to see things as they are and act upon them, transform them.
Some of you will nod your heads and say, “I agree”, and go outside and do exactly the same as you have been doing for the last ten or twenty years.
Your agreement is merely verbal and has no significance, for the world’s miseries and wars are not going to be stopped by your casual assent.
They will be only stopped when you realize the danger, when you realize your responsibility, when you do not leave it to somebody else.
If you realize the suffering, if you see the urgency of immediate action and do not postpone, then you will transform yourself.”
- Krishnamurti
"I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the Self. There is no linear development; there is only a circumambulatio of the Self. At most there is an even development at the beginning, later everything points to the center. This insight gave me stability, and gradually my inner peace returned."
"But for this transformation to take place, circumambulantio, i.e. exclusive concentration on the center, on the place of creative transformation, is essential."
"As soon as consciousness and the unconscious touch, they flee into their opposites. [...] the conflict between the conscious and the unconscious is immediately resolved, and consciousness is urged to circumambulatio and thus to endure the tension. However, the circle of banishment thus created also prevents the unconscious from breaking through to the outside, for this breakthrough would be equivalent to psychosis."
CARL GUSTAV JUNG Psychology and alchemy
Circumambulatio is used ritually in many religions.
With the circle of banishment, Jung refers to his work with the mandala, which has practical applications in Buddhism. The Self is always at the center.
In my work, I like to use the term alignment for .
"If you are not yet spreading the truth, while thinking it's enough, that you understood and are so enlighted, you are still part of the problem."
Mark Passio
Disconnecting from the matrix is tantamount to overcoming suffering. The matrix, with its loosh preys, thrives on low vibrational energy that it sucks from unconscious people. People who do not understand that everything is energy and that they themselves are only points of consciousness condensation points in this endlessly swirling quantum dynamic field.
As long as you resonate well with the mainstream and always remain milkable when the farmer comes with the milking machine, you remain the victim and breadwinner of the false matrix, which the Gnostics also called General Law (as opposed to Natural Law). The suction hoses in the Matrix film symbolize this analogy. In the movie we also see how the brain is engaged via a mindcontrol psyop by being presented with an artificial world, a matrix, a movie. The violent emotional reactions that the movie provokes in the dreamer, on the other hand, are real and can be harvested by hyperdimensional beings or wetiko. Crises, wars and conflicts are welcome opportunities for this in the movie.
The Buddha managed to overcome suffering. So did Christ. Both became founders of great world religions, which in turn were more or less manipulated and assimilated by the matrix to form a matrix equivalent of the enlightenment archetype, an illusion that conceals or distorts the essential self-empowerment and true liberation from suffering, but entertains the sheeple in the movie so well that they produce Hopium (Hope+Opium) and dutifully surrender their power every Sunday to a capricious Christian, Jewish or even Muslim god that exists independently of themselves.
Those who live in fear are manipulable and not themselves. One is then controlled by a program that overlays the true deeper self and prevents true consciousness. The matrix not only controls this program, it also controls the thinking of its sheep via this and many other control programs. And whoever controls the thinking also controls the feelings and the resulting actions and thus the whole person. Identification with this program and a separate self directly linked to it is the norm today among so-called civilized, standardized, i.e. wetikoized people.
The true self is founded in truth and love. The normal space of consciousness is wide and thinking does not allow itself the impertinence in this wide and quiet space to forge and force a false identity as a separate matrix self.
"If you know, you don'f fear. You fear, when you are ignorant, when you don't have knowledge."
Mark Passio
When your knowledge about your true self deepens, and this is best confirmed on an experiential level, you come to the position within yourself that begins to observe the programs, that begins to perceive the energetic movements, demands and laws of the construct and that begins to stop the unconscious reactions to the stimuli of the programs. The attention and energy stays with you!
You can start right now by closing your eyes and stepping back inwardly. Step back so far that you have peeled yourself free of everything that is not naturally there: all passengers, secondary thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and complexes, all stories and memories. I.e. stop straining to be a better self and start relaxing to fall into your true self. You have to let something go more than do something else for it. More being, less doing. Less tension, more relaxation. Less stress, more naturalness. Less appearance, more being.
Everything passes by and is subject to change, only you are not, you remain the eternally unchanging only true one outside of duality!
You need knowledge about yourself and knowledge about the adversary"
Mark Passio and David Icke on X in a fine nearly 2-hour conversation in english
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Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago