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Last updated 5 days, 17 hours ago

🔹 ID 830125650 ✓



Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin

✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing

👉 @Sotuvchi_A 👈

Last updated 1 year ago

1 week, 5 days ago

Dear Partners,

Please be informed that, effective from September 9th, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test Fee: 2,370,000 UZS
Transfer: 590,000 UZS
EOR (Enquiry on Results): 1,470,000 UZS
OSR (One Skill Retake): 1,600,000 UZS

Best regards,
Edu-Action Exams Centre

1 week, 5 days ago

Very relatable:

Some of feel empty. We've defined happiness solely in terms of professional or financial achievement, and we find that our "success" did not bring us the satisfaction we thought it would. We've painstakingly climbed the "ladder of success" rung by rung - the diploma, the late nights, the promotions - only to discover as we reached the top rung that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.

1 week, 5 days ago
2 weeks, 2 days ago

One day left...

2 weeks, 2 days ago
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Here’s a list of 30 essential grammar themes that IELTS candidates should master:

  1. Tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect, and Continuous forms.
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensuring subjects and verbs agree in number and person.
  3. Passive Voice: Using passive structures appropriately.
  4. Modal Verbs: Ability, permission, advice, obligation (can, could, may, might, should, must, etc.).
  5. Conditionals: Zero, First, Second, Third, and Mixed Conditionals.
  6. Reported Speech: Indirect speech rules for statements, questions, and requests.
  7. Relative Clauses: Defining and non-defining clauses (who, which, that, whose).
  8. Articles: The use of "a," "an," and "the."
  9. Prepositions: Time, place, and movement (in, on, at, to, from, etc.).
  10. Comparatives and Superlatives: Forms and use of adjectives.
  11. Gerunds and Infinitives: Understanding verb patterns.
  12. Quantifiers: Much, many, few, little, several, etc.
  13. Linking Words and Phrases: Coherence and cohesion (however, therefore, although, etc.).
  14. Collocations: Common word pairings in English.
  15. Phrasal Verbs: Frequently used verb-preposition combinations.
  16. Word Formation: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
  17. Inversion: Advanced structures (e.g., Never have I seen such beauty).
  18. Pronouns: Personal, possessive, reflexive, and relative pronouns.
  19. Conjunctions: Coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions.
  20. Countable and Uncountable Nouns: Differentiating and using correctly.
  21. Nominalization: Using nouns instead of verbs to create formality.
  22. Adverbs: Placement and types (manner, time, frequency).
  23. Complex Sentences: Combining independent and dependent clauses.
  24. Ellipsis and Substitution: Omitting words for efficiency.
  25. Parallelism: Maintaining grammatical consistency in lists or pairs.
  26. Sentence Structures: Simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  27. Politeness Strategies: Using modals and structures to show politeness in requests.
  28. Contractions: Using and understanding them in spoken and informal writing.
  29. Word Order: SVO (subject-verb-object) structure and inversion.
  30. Too/Enough: Correct use in sentences (He is too tall, She is not tall enough).

Mastering these grammar points is crucial for achieving higher bands in the IELTS exam.

3 weeks, 3 days ago
3 weeks, 4 days ago

If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within 50 years, all life would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years, all forms of life would flourish.

3 weeks, 4 days ago

#Task1 The town’s infrastructure was minimal, with only a single road running through the center, accompanied by a few residential houses and a shop.

Grammar Structure Explanation:

  1. "The town’s infrastructure was minimal,":
    - "The town’s infrastructure" is the subject of the sentence. "Infrastructure" refers to the basic physical structures (like roads and buildings) needed for the operation of the town.
    - "Was minimal" is the predicate, where "was" is the past tense of the verb "to be," and "minimal" is an adjective describing the infrastructure as being very limited or basic.

  2. "with only a single road running through the center,":
    - "With" is a preposition introducing additional information about what the town’s minimal infrastructure consisted of.
    - "Only a single road" is a noun phrase where "single" emphasizes that there was just one road.
    - "Running through the center" is a participial phrase, where "running" (present participle) describes the action of the road, indicating that it extended across the center of the town.

  3. "accompanied by a few residential houses and a shop.":
    - "Accompanied by" is another participial phrase, where "accompanied" (past participle) means "existing or happening together with."
    - "A few residential houses and a shop" is a noun phrase that specifies what else was present along with the road.

Simplified Explanation:

- The sentence describes the basic infrastructure of the town by listing what little it had: just one road and a few buildings. The main clause "The town’s infrastructure was minimal" sets the scene, and the additional details are introduced by prepositional and participial phrases that describe what exactly made up this minimal infrastructure.

Example Sentences:

- "The park was small, with only a few benches scattered around, surrounded by tall trees."
- This means the park was limited in size and had just a few benches, with trees around it.

- "The building was old, with cracks in the walls, accompanied by peeling paint."
- This means the building was in poor condition, with cracks and peeling paint together.

- "The village was remote, with no public transportation available, served only by a few dirt roads."
- This means the village was far from other places and had very limited access, with just a few dirt roads for travel.

Key Takeaway:

- This type of sentence uses participial phrases like "running through" and "accompanied by" to add descriptive details about the subject, in this case, the town's infrastructure. These phrases help paint a clearer picture of what the minimal infrastructure looked like.

By Sheroz Akhmadov


1 month ago

If all the prefixes had to compete for the title of the most popular one, "over-" would definitely take the trophy home.

For the simplest reason: we love it.

We overthink, with our minds turning into a minefield of past regrets, present work, and future fears.

We overwork, trying to balance a full-time job, some side hustles, and endless responsibilities at home and for our flock.

We overconsume, letting greed overpower (yet another "over") every other feeling—whether through binge-shopping, binge-eating, or binge-watching things dictated by our whims.

We overshare, with our social media feeds becoming mirrors of our most intimate selves.

We overtry, choosing the most intellectually seductive words, crafting polished personas, and curating perfect images of who we want to be.

Simply put, we overcomplicate. We push, pull, stretch, and squeeze every aspect of life until we've lost sight of balance. We’ve allowed "over-" to define us.

Maybe, just maybe, if we restored that balance, we would rediscover our peace and contentment. For Allah, in the grand design of the universe, chose order, structure, and balance as defining terms.

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🇺🇿 Bilim va malakalarni baholash agentligi yangiliklari

🌐 Manba:

Last updated 5 days, 17 hours ago

🔹 ID 830125650 ✓



Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin

✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing

👉 @Sotuvchi_A 👈

Last updated 1 year ago