
English words, idioms, phrases which learned during studies
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Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago

The actual implementation becomes a matter of comparing corresponding pieces from both queues.

actual — hozirgi
implementation — amalga oshirish(kontekstda yechim ma'nosida)
matter — masala
compare — taqqoslash
corresponding — mos
piece — qism
queue — navbat

Hozirgi yechim ikkala navbatdagi mos qismlarni solishtirish masalasiga aylandi.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
  1. divide — bo'lish, taqsimlash.
  2. unit — birlik, qism.
  3. consistency — mustahkamlik, doimiylik.
  4. performance — ishlash, bajarish, ijro.

In situations where the work can be divided into smaller units, which can be run in parallel, without negative effects on data consistency, multithreading can be used to improve application performance.

Ishni kichik qismlarga bo'lish mumkin bo'lgan, ma'lumot izchilligiga salbiy ta'sirlarsiz parallel ishlash mumkin bo'lgan vaziyatlarda ko'p oqimlilikni dasturning ishlashini yaxshilash uchun ishlatsa bo'ladi.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
  1. idle — bo'sh, bekor.
  2. partition — qism.
    The extra consumers will just sit idle, since all the partitions are taken.
    Hamma qismlar band qilinganida ortiqcha istemolchilar bo'sh o'tirishadi.
7 months, 4 weeks ago

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11 months, 1 week ago

Nipping to

To explain to go somewhere quickly for a short period of time:
I'm just nipping to + a place

For example:
I'm just nipping to the petrol station.


1 year, 1 month ago

More precisely — aniqroq qilib aytganda, aniqrog'i
Facilitate — osonlashtirish

More precisely, this node facilitates us to always get a hold on the resulting list, especially when we need to insert a new element to the head of the resulting list.
Aniqrog'i, bu tugun(element ma'nosida) bizga doimo natijaviy ro'yxatni ushlab turishimizni osonlashtiradi, ayniqsa natijaviy ro'yxatning boshiga element kiritishimiz kerak bo'lganida.


1 year, 1 month ago

Adjacent — qo'shni
Alternating — almashib turadigan

The string is called alternating if no two adjacent characters are equal.
Agar ikki qo'shni elementlar(harf yoki belgi ma'nosida) teng bo'lmasa, bunday matn almashib turadigan matn deyiladi.


1 year, 1 month ago

1. Entirely — butunlay
Example: How you order these items is entirely based on the method of comparison.
Tarjimasi: Bu elementlarni qanday tartiblashingiz to'laligicha taqqoslash metodigan asoslangan. (Ya'ni taqqoslash qanday tartiblashni hal qiladi)

2. Rearranging — qayta tartibga solish
Example: Sorting algorithms are all about rearranging elements in a collection based on a common characteristics of those elements.
Tarjimasi: Saralash algoritmlari to'plamdagi elementlarning umumiy xususiyatlariga asoslangan holda ularni qayta tartibga solishdir.


1 year, 4 months ago

What do you get a kick out of?
Try this idiom in the comments with your version.

My version:
You can find me in the gym named Savage every even days in the morning as I get a kick out of doing crossfit.@english_draft

1 year, 4 months ago

#happiness #idioms

There are many informal idioms which mean extremely happy.

I'm thrilled to bitsI am/fell on top of the worldI'm on cloud nineI'm over the moonI'm in seventh heavenOther happiness idioms

1. get a (real) kick out of something — very much enjoy doing something (informal)biror narsa qilishdan juda ham zavqlanish

I get a (real) kick out of going for a run first thing in the morning before anyone else is up.
Men ertalab hech kim uyg'onmasidan oldin birinchi bo'lib yugurishga chiqishdan zavq olaman.

2. do something for kicks — do something because it is exciting, usually something dangerous (informal)
biror narsani hayajonli, qiziqarli bo'lgani uchun bajarish, odatda, biror xavfli narsani.

Kate is keen to have a go at bungee-jumping — just for kicks.
Kate bungi-sakrashga borishga juda ishtiyoqmand — shunchaki zavqlanish uchun.

3. jump for joy — be very happy and excited about something that has happened
biror narsa sodir bo'lganidan xursand bo'lish, quvonish.

Rowena jumped for joy when she heard that she'd won first prize.
Rowena birinchi sovrinni qo'lga kiritganini eshitganida xursandligidan sakrab yubordi.

4. be floating/walking on air — be very happy about something good that has happened
biror narsa sodir bo'lganidan juda xursand bo'lish.

I've been walking on air ever since my code started working without any error.
Kodlarim xatosiz ishlashni boshlagandan beri o'zimni osmonda uchib yurganday his qilyapman :)

5. something makes your day — something makes you feel very happy
o'zingizni juda xushchaqchaq his qilishingizga undagan, sabab bo'lgan narsa

It's great to be succeed in learning new idioms with easy way! It's really made my day.
Yangi iboralarni oson yo'l bilan o'rganishni uddalay olish qanday ham yaxshi! Bugungi kunimga xursandchilik berdi.


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For all English learners around the world.

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago