The Essence of Love, English Poetry & Writing

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1 month, 4 weeks ago

*There were moments once,
when the pain was unbearable.
But now,
I’ve grown so used to these wounds
that if by chance a moment of joy arrives,
it feels strangely out of place.

As if happiness is a mistake,
or a gift from a stranger.
Something that doesn’t belong.
In the shadow of these wounds,
the only comfort left
is that even pain feels like my own.*

2 months ago

*I don’t know
what will flow from this pen today.
The words that have remained unspoken,
or the feelings
that stopped short, lingering before the mirror.

There’s an ocean of words within me,
but the heart refuses
to let the waves touch the shore.
Each word rises to my lips,
only to stop,
hesitant, somewhere in between.

this silence itself is a Poetry .
One that writes itself,
without a pen,
without a single word.*

2 months ago

*When the color of love settles on you,
life turns into nothing but a tale.
No sense of self, no care for the world,
just those eyes... and the path they show.

Even the sting of thorns feels like
the embrace of soft petals.
Burning embers become
a warm solace on a cold night.

They call him "mad" as they pass by,
but he smiles quietly.
Perhaps, in every noise,
he hears just one name.

That love, which sets you free from yourself,
only to hold you captive in one heart.
Life then beats
only in the rhythm of that heart.*

2 months ago

*In the cacophony of sounds,
my own voice is lost.
A sea of noise surrounds me,
and I'm sinking deeper.
Somewhere in a corner,
there’s a desire to meet myself,
but every corner seems to carry
some echo of a wandering noise.

Life is like dry soil,
waiting for the touch of two drops of rain.
But here, there are clouds of noise,
that thunder rather than shower.

Have you ever wondered,
where will those moments of peace be found?
Perhaps in the pages of an old book,
or in the presence of someone,
whose arrival has yet to shape my world.

All I need is a single moment,
where I can be with myself,
far from the voices of the world,
Resting my head on the lap of silence,
and flowing in the river of peace.

2 months ago

*I am tired now,
oh my friend,
please don’t trouble me anymore.
How long can someone walk beside you,
if you keep running away from everyone?

I considered you my own,
followed you at every turn.
But think, if I stop one day,
you’ll find yourself all alone.

Learn to walk together, this is your chance,
not everyone will be like me.
Someone who stays by your side,
without complaints, without a plea.

Relationships aren’t easy,
walking together is an art.
Your anger, your pride,
has silently torn many apart.

Those who try to stop you,
are not your enemies, they care for you.
Before leaving every path behind,
listen to those who’ve stayed true.

I’ve understood your pain,
but don’t lose yourself on this road.
This time will pass,
recognize the truth before you explode.

I am tired now,
but I still stand here for you.
The choice is yours,
will you walk with me, or lose yourself too?*

2 months ago

*I’ve written a few words; 
someday if we meet, I’ll read them to you. 
If I speak them without seeing you, 
their meaning might lose its essence. 

But if I speak them in your presence, 
each word will bloom into a flower, 
for you are the garden they were meant to adorn. 

I have no grievance with waiting; 
it’s my companion, my solace. 
All I wish for is a meeting; 
that’s the only longing my heart holds. 

There’s nothing in this world
that could erase your thoughts from my mind. 
Even if I wish to commit this sin, 
my heart itself would hold me back.*

2 months, 1 week ago

Those lies
became the chasm between us.
And now you softly confess....
It was the fear of losing you
that buried my truth in shadows.

If love was what you feared to lose,
why did you not trust its strength?
How little you thought of what we shared,
how carelessly you let our moments turn to ash.

But none of it matters anymore, or does it?
Is that what you’ve come to ask?
Is that why you’ve wandered back this far?
Yet time has pulled us like tides apart,
and the distance between us now
is not of miles, but scars carved in my heart.*

2 months, 2 weeks ago

*Years may change,
calendars may endlessly roll on,
but the moment I saw you, that instant...
The flame of love that ignited in that moment,
will forever burn quietly in the corners of my heart.

Seasons will shift, distances will dissolve,
people will don new masks every day.
But my loyalty to you is like that of a moth,
that smiles even as it burns in the embrace of the flame.

I care not for the changing colors of this world,
or for the shifting traditions people hold onto.
Even your right to change is yours to claim,
but my love will remain the same;
Unshaken, unyielding, and infinite.

I will remain as
whatever your heart desires me to be.*

2 months, 2 weeks ago

*How many pages
must I tear,
to craft a word
so pure.

One that holds
your reflection,
where you might see yourself
as I do?

For you to understand
your place in my world,
I lean on these
fragile words.

Yet every attempt
falls short.
No verse strong enough
to capture your essence.

And if these words
cannot hold your image,
Why should I let the pen
endure any longer?

For you,
the ink in this pen
has poured its soul,
hoping to hold you,
to make you real
in the fragile form of these letters.*

2 months, 2 weeks ago

When you let your worth
be measured by others' hands,
You forfeit the joy
that your soul truly demands.

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