Bob Usmonov

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10 months, 2 weeks ago

I think massive health degradation is coming to us in the future and healthcare is gonna be important as never before. Just consider how over the last few years the list of following has been getting worse:
- air, noise and light pollution
- processed and synthetic food
- sedentary lifestyle
- electromagnetic fields from devices all around
- reduced social engagement
- brain numbness due to overstimulation
- skyrocketing healthcare prices making it less available for majority
- different viruses and infections
- depression and having a hard time to handle stress and psychological pressure
- corrupted pharmaceutical industry

If you want to stay healthy and live longer you already have to start caring for yourself


10 months, 3 weeks ago

Eid Mubarak my dears ?
Let a month of resilience and goodness stick for the rest of the year. Amen

11 months, 2 weeks ago

If there are enough willing people to join, I'm thinking to organize series of different short (paid) lessons online on web development during the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in some specific topics you can mention and vote in the comments. In case there are enough people for some specific topics (could be individual lessons for higher price) we can start. If you know anyone who is looking for programming lessons I'll appreciate it if you share this post with them.

Lessons can be in a language of choice among: uzbek, russian, english


1 year ago
Bob Usmonov
1 year ago
Bob Usmonov
1 year ago
Bob Usmonov
1 year, 1 month ago

The result of this poll turned out to be very interesting, with the votes being distributed more or less evenly. So I guess it is time to share my own thoughts on this matter. I wrote an article, which in my (not very humble ?) opinion is the best piece of content I've ever written so far:

I also wanted to write a few things about wisdom in this post, but seemed slightly irrelevant, so maybe some other post will come at some point

#reflection #psychology #onmedium


Knowledge and intelligence

The other day I was watching a video on YouTube about some inventions of ancient people that are still used today and I asked myself —…

The result of this poll turned out to be very interesting, with the votes being distributed more or less evenly. …
1 year, 1 month ago
The workplace of a very humble …

The workplace of a very humble software engineer with a whopping 10 years of experience vs the workplace of a developer with 7 years of experience ?

Can you spot differences worth of 3 years experience?


1 year, 1 month ago

Kindness sometimes backfires

I want to tell you guys my story that happened a couple of years ago. I was flying from Berlin to Tashkent and I had a stop in Istanbul. When I was leaving Istanbul and was in boarding area a lady approached me (let's call her lady A for simplicity) and asked me if I could take one of her bags with me since I didn't have any hand baggage and she had a bunch, obviously wanted to avoid a fine for over limit baggage weight. I hesitated for a second but then agreed to take her bag. She thanked me and proceeded further. A few minutes later another lady came by (referring as lady B below) and started asking -
Lady B: excuse me sir, you seem to have a light hand baggage, could you take my small suitcase, please?
Me: I'm sorry I can't help, I may get over limit
Lady B: for the love of God, please. It shouldn't exceed the limit
Me: what if it's the case?
Lady B: I'm gonna stand next to you and tell them it's my suitcase and take it back
Me: okay, fine

Everyone starts lining up preparing for boarding. The airline staff starts weighing everyone's cabin baggage. My turn comes and the airline employee approaches me, asks if both the bag and the suitcase are mine. I nodded confirmingly. He weighs them and then asks my ticket. I hand out the ticket, he checks it out and says my baggage is too heavy and I have to pay around 60$ fine. Writes it down on my ticket while I look around panickingly searching for lady B, but can't spot her anywhere. Then he says I can get back my ticket from the airline stand desk when I pay the money. Meanwhile lady A who was standing a couple of meters away, rushes to our side shocked and says the employee that the suitcase isn't mine and he confused something. The man tells us he's already written down the fine, that I have to talk to service desk about it and leaves.
Lady A with a shocked face: whose suitcase is it?
Me: another lady asked me to take her suitcase as well
Lady A: oh my goodness, go find her and ask her to give the money otherwise you are screwed. You can return me my bag
I return her the bag, take the suitcase and nervously start looking for lady B. I find her little later and angryly -
Me: where were you? I got fined for your suitcase! They took my ticket and are now asking for 60$
Lady B: oh, I'm sorry, give back my suitcase then
Me: what do I do with my fine?
Lady B: tell them it wasn't your baggage
I hand back her suitcase and she walks away I assume to look for someone else to beg for help.

I go to the service desk and tell them there was a misunderstanding. The man who was weighing hand baggages mistook a random baggage for mine. A person standing there responds they don't care and I have to pay. I'm mad at this point and tell them I don't have any money to pay for baggage that I don't own. They tell me to wait until they call me. I patiently stand aside until everyone has boarded. Then I get back to them and show them I don't have anything with me, that I had a direct flight from Berlin to Tashkent and ask to return me my ticket. The person scratches the fine, returns my ticket and tells me - next time be careful when helping out anyone, young man.

My gosh, they knew what's the matter all the time, just wanted me to learn a lesson. So the moral of the story - if you are not wise when helping out anybody it's gonna hurt yourself twice


1 year, 2 months ago

Everyone: 2024 is your year. It's gonna be great. You will succeed, you won't miss a gym day, you will read 100 books, etc, etc
Me: 2024 is going to be the same shit if not worse. Get ready either to suffer or to show patience and persistence to make your way around

P.S. Happy New Year guys!


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