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Strength and conditioning, self defense, and weapons training. Primitive survival skills and bushcraft101 instruction. NYSDEC Licensed Guide. Specializing in scenario based training.
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2 years, 3 months ago

Hip Pocket Brief: Everyday Carry (EDC)

BLUF: Carrying essentials on your person can aid in daily tasks or survival. Your carry varies day-to-day but a baseline set of EDC should be worn/carried and adjusted to increase preparedness when expecting a LAE.

Baseline Carry: Basic supplies for daily tasks.
》Basics - Wallet/Purse, Cash/Credit/ID, Keys, Phone
》Supplies - Pen/Pencil/Marker, Paper/Notepad
》Wear - Sunglasses, Hat, Watch, Handkerchief
》Tools - Multitool, Lighter, Knife, Flashlight

Prepared Carry: Circumstantial equipment for heightened threats.
》Defense - Handgun (concealed), Spare Mag/s
》Medical - Tourniquet, IFAK, N95
》Survival - Handcuff Key, Whistle, Compass, Map, PSK (Personal Survival Kit)

Note: While this is a lengthy list, if carefully selected and positioned in an appropriate carry location, most items can go unnoticed and will not be cumbersome. A more detailed explanation and walkthrough is available in the ?EDC/PSK Guide.

》From HPB Vol 2 at www.graymanbriefing.com

2 years, 3 months ago
This contains an old timey military …

This contains an old timey military produced documentary on arctic warfare. I thought this would be fun for your winter training. I don't care much for the Canadian's commentary before and after the video but the documentary is great. One of the great aspects of the older publications is the focus so heavily on rifleman and unit basics, and very little on tech (which is more relevant to modern civilians).


2 years, 3 months ago
Coming to a Law Enforcement agency …

Coming to a Law Enforcement agency near you and through your open window....

For thought crimes and to make sure your bookshelves have the appropriately Government & ADL approved books of course...if not ?


The drone can scout and map buildings, flying around small corridors and through doorways. This means it can help a user find “points of interest for possible threats, detecting, classifying and syncing to Elbit Systems’ Legion-X solutions. Lanius can carry lethal or non-lethal payloads, capable of performing a broad spectrum of mission profiles for special forces, military, law enforcement, and HLS.”


2 years, 3 months ago

My wife mentioned to me that some of her friends told her their husbands are dealing with insecurities of being too skinny. I know for a fact that these men do not eat healthy, do not exercise, and play way too many video games.

Just some thoughts on this. I have no patience for whiny men so I apologize in advance if this is overly critical and aggressive.

1) Your wife should not think you're insecure about yourself. It is your job in the relationship to provide security, not insecurity. If you have an insecurity, then freaking fix it.

2) There is no conceivable reason for you not to be doing strength training and eating well in this day and age. You can produce a year's worth of hard 30 min workouts that will progress you to be stronger than 90% of the male population with just two 30lb dumbbells, a resistance band, a doorframe pull up bar, and your body weight. You should not get yourself into a marriage or any dependent relationship where you are physically responsible for people if you are unwilling to strength train. Strength training takes care of appetite as your hunger will naturally increase when you do it. The solution to the problem of skinniness is insanely simple to fix.

3) My default reaction to learning that a man plays too much video games is disgust. Especially when it conflicts with other tasks that are necessary that you may otherwise consider hobbies. Like exercise, gardening, prepping, reading literature, gun training (especially dry fire), etc.
My personal opinion will always be that games are for children and inevitably a man must grow out of this. I also hold this opinion for watching too much sportsball. It is a game. It is tolerable if you occasionally enjoy yourself with them, but you honestly should be trying to replace video games and sports watching with something more meaningful and learning to love something more wholesome. You should be trying to make yourself love books more than you love video games. This is called attention to priorities, they exist even in recreation, and this concept is what differs between men and boys. There should be a major difference between what you enjoyed for hobby as a boy and what you do as a man.

Ironically this last point will likely get the most pushback because there are lots of men in the chat that still play probably too much video games.

2 years, 3 months ago

He was nicer about it than I'd be..

2 years, 3 months ago

Watch "Custom 8.5” ᛋweeper (marbled coyote/black/grey G10 scales)" on YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/hK-IkQ6yluU?feature=share

2 years, 3 months ago
Watch "Custom 8.5” ᛋweeper (marbled coyote/black/grey …

Watch "Custom 8.5” ᛋweeper (marbled coyote/black/grey G10 scales)" on YouTube

2 years, 3 months ago


I know this is random. But stop being nice to beggars, homeless, druggies, tweakers etc that approach you around your vehicle, on foot, etc.

If someone starts walking toward you at night, especially in a parking lot. Yell at them to fuck off. Your kindness and empathy will be your demise. Everyone is a potential threat and should be treated as such.

2 years, 3 months ago
Throwback to when my Aunt T …

Throwback to when my Aunt T loved me and said I was her favorite ? :-/?‍??

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