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hace 2 meses, 3 semanas

Diverse Communal Needs Related to Students of Knowledge

The needs of every Muslim community - as a whole, as well as in every city, even though it may not be Islamically governed - can be divided into three categories as far as [the need for] students of knowledge is concerned :

  1. They will need an ample number of distinguished students of knowledge who can be appointed to stand at the prayer niches [Miḥrāb] and on the pulpits. In other words : They will be in need of Imāms and Khaṭībs who can fulfill this Islāmic necessity and religious rite. Certainly from the signs of the final hour is that the Ummah will be in dire need of an Imām and will not find one when the prayer is being established in the Masjid. They will not find an Imām to lead them [in prayer] therefore they will begin to delegate the Imāmah onto each other, you [lead the prayer!], no you [lead the prayer!, this is what they will do.

  2. Each Muslim community will need a number of scholars who possess proficiency in terms of their knowledge and comprehension, who will issue them verdicts according to the law of Allāh in important matters in general. (ʾĀlim li 'l-balad)

  3. They will need a group of scholars of a higher rank than those mentioned before them in terms of proficiency and academic specialization, as well as comprehension and intellect in general, so that they can state the law of Allāh in difficult matters in general, so that they may respond to the doubts of those who are misguided surrounding all Islāmic sciences, whether these be doubts in belief, or surrounding the Book of Allāh Taʿālā, the Prophetic Sunnah, Islāmic jurisprudence, or the Arabic language, which is the language of the Book [of Allāh Taʿālā] and the Sunnah, and the likes of those in connection to Islām. (ʾĀlim lid-Dawlah)

This final category of scholars cannot be confined to just one city excluding other cities, rather they [their work] are for Muslims in all places. Therefore producing a group of scholars such as these, in both numbers and preparedness [or proficiency] is incumbent upon the Muslims collectively. It is also necessary that they constantly be growing and increasing, just as the need for them is on a constant growth and increase from the side of those who are opening the pits of doubts and deviation against the Muslims.

[Excerpt taken from Maʿālim al-Irshadiyyah, pg. 39 of Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAwwāmah]

hace 2 meses, 3 semanas

If one were to ask: What would be the appropriate intention for a student to keep with regard to [seeking] knowledge?

I say: It is appropriate that his intention be: Allāh and His pleasure.

The meaning of his intention being Allāh:

This should be in his learning, his studying, and in every means [that he uses to gain] knowledge, to such an extent, that even his going, his coming and buying books [is for Allāh].

Even in the shuyūkh that he chooses to accompany, he should accompany such a person whose actions and speech remind him of Allāh, more than that of others, even to the extent of his ʿilmī attire and garb. The student should correct his intention, and beautify his objectives.

aAs for him seeking Allāh’s pleasure: This is in his practice upon his knowledge, and living in conformity with all the good that he has learnt. He does not come across any Divine or Prophetic commandment except that he hastens to apply it, nor does he come across any prohibition from these except that he refrains from it.

Hardly a few days would have passed upon such a person except that the goodness would be noticed in his nature and conduct, hardly a few years will have passed except that he would become a practicing scholar.

[Excerpt taken from Maʿālim al-Irshadiyyah of Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAwwāmah]

hace 2 meses, 3 semanas

Hadith Reading: Duty of Loving the Ahl al-Bayt

Join us in this blessed session as we read forty Ahadith (Arabic Text & English Translation) focused on The Duty of Loving the Ahl al-Bayt, the noble family of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). This session aims to instill within our hearts the profound love for the Prophetic Household.

In this collection of Ahadith, al-Hafiz al-Kattani addresses a topic that has often been neglected in modern Islam yet remains central to the faith: the love of the noble family of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Al-Hafiz al-Kattani illustrates clearly that loving the Prophet’s family is an integral part of Sunni Islam and a foundational attitude for every believer.

Note: This will be a non-ijaza reading.

When: Sunday 21st July 2024 | 2PM-3:30PM (UK) | 1.5 hours

Instructor: Shaykh Umer Ansari

Course Details:
Join us in this blessed session as we read forty Ahadith (Arabic Text & English Translation) focused on the duty of loving the Ahl al-Bayt, the noble family of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). This session aims to instill within our hearts the profound love for the Prophetic Household.

In this collection of Ahadith, al-Hafiz al-Kattani addresses a topic that has often been neglected in modern Islam yet remains central to the faith: the love of the noble family of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Al-Hafiz al-Kattani illustrates clearly that loving the Prophet’s family is an integral part of Sunni Islam and a foundational attitude for every believer.

• This will be a non-ijaza reading.
• Attending live is necessary.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the central role of loving the noble family of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in Sunni Islam.
• Read and study the collection of forty Ahadith by al-Ḥāfiz al-Kattānī (Arabic Text & English Translation) focused on the duty of loving the Ahl al-Bayt

Link to register:

hace 5 meses

Interactive Q&A Session regarding Hajj & Umrah

Join us for an Interactive Q&A Session dedicated to answering your questions related to the intricacies of Hajj and Umrah according to the Ḥanafī madhhab.

When: Saturday 18th May 2024, After Asr (8PM-9PM UK time)

Instructor: Shaykh Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad

Course Details:
Join us as we unravel the intricacies of Hajj and Umrah. Shaykh will address common questions and concerns, providing valuable insights to ensure a fulfilling and spiritually enriching pilgrimage experience. From practical tips on preparation and logistics to profound reflections on the spiritual dimensions of Hajj and Umrah, this session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and guidance necessary to embark on this sacred journey with reverence and understanding.

Link to register:

hace 5 meses
Siblings Of Ilm
hace 5 meses
We start tomorrow — you can …

We start tomorrow — you can still register:

hace 5 meses, 1 semana

All the lessons are available. But when will you start studying?

Yes, I get it, you downloaded the lessons on this and that book and you bought this and that edition of this and that book, and now you're very excited.

But I already know lessons on everything are available and good editions of books can be bought. What I don't know is when you're going to actually start following one of those lessons or studying one of those books.

Everything is available, nothing special about that. If you want to be special, start studying.

hace 5 meses, 1 semana

Preparing for Hajj this year?

Many congratulations on embarking on a journey of a lifetime! It can feel overwhelming sometimes not knowing what to do, however, we are here to help you review the Fiqh (laws and rules) related to Ḥajj and ‘Umrah.

SiblingsOfIlm offers a five session Hajj seminar, wherein these were taught in much detail according to the Hanafi Madhab, with diagrams, demonstration etc.

You can review these here:

If you’d like to order a physical copy of the material, you may do so via Amazon:

A printable PDF copy is available here:

hace 5 meses, 1 semana
Siblings Of Ilm
hace 7 meses, 2 semanas

The great Imām, Muḥaddith and Faqīh, Isḥāq ibn Rāhwayh, passed away on the 15th night of Sha'ban.

إسحاق بن راهويه هو الإمام الكبير شيخ المشرق، سيد الحفاظ، أبو يعقوب مولده سنة 161 توفي ليلة نصف شعبان سنة 238 هـ

أنظر السير (11/358) ، ومختصر السير (1/427)

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