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1 month, 3 weeks ago

When you see a rule, look for exceptions to the rule.

If there are no exceptions to a rule, look at the consequences of breaking it.

There’s no ascension without rule breaking.

To apply with discretion.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Approach the table with the intent

to closely observe and identify peoples pain points.

Even if you’re socialising.

Finish the night off with potential leverage.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

In corporate,

every single favourable action will have an opposite equal unfavourable reaction.

It may not be apparent immediately.

But it will arise. At one point in time.

There is no escaping consequences.

Someone will always feel hurt/betrayed/mistreated.

2 months ago

I instinctively don’t like men who ask for permission.

I favour interns and associates who act, then apologise. I can see courage in them.

I can see where it will take them in the future.

There’s absolutely nothing worse than a man lacking the courage to face wrongdoing.

2 months ago

Reasons why you’re not moving up the dominance hierarchy,

In no particular order;

You lack competence.

You’re not good at anything significant enough for society (the people within your sphere of influence) to benefit from.

A good metric to use is “how many people are reliant on you?”

If you died now, how many people would suffer as a result?

No one respects you.

Either because you’re behind on character development,

or, relating back to above,

You’re incompetent.

You’re too agreeable.

You simply fail at negotiating for what’s in your best interest.

You can be competent, and still be agreeable,

And Still fail to move up.

You’re eyeing a position that’s occupied by someone who’s either;

- very competent
- has leverage on others
- is very cunning
- or has strong connections

Unless you’re superior in at least 3 out of 4 of those points, you will fail at challenging them.

Pick another position.

You have no leverage.

You have no degree, no legitimate side startup, no contacts or connections.

You have nothing of value that can be leveraged for positional ascension.

You say what you think.

As much as I resent not speaking the truth,

saying what you think, will almost always cause more damage than good to you.

You either get this or you don’t.

You compromise with compassion.

Being compassionate during negotiations will always put you in a worse off position.

  1. Leave compassion at the door.
  2. Take as much as you can.
  3. Win.
  4. Then you have an obligation to give back compassion.

You allow people to undermine your power.

Key fundamentals of power;

- Money/Wealth
- Connections
- Influence

Everyone has a degree of power.

Very few continue to build it.

Many let it erode.

You lack reciprocity

If you’re not honourable to bargain with,

you will be identified as ‘bad for business.’

You don’t spend your time wisely.

Do one of two things if you want to dramatically improve;

Come home after work and either;

work on a side project.

Or find ways to become exceptional in your current job.

Do it everyday. You won’t recognise yourself in a years time.

You are driven by incentives.

You only perform when there’s a reward. You’re the type that will always suffer against those who;

perform just out of joy to destroy everyone.


Children work for reward.

Men work to outcompete other men.

You probably live a good life handed to you by parents.

If this is you, you’ve been given a curse that’s extremely hard to break out of.

But clearly you acknowledge this curse if you’re reading this thread.

My advice; Generate self-reliance.

Dominance hierarchy has nothing to do with how you behave with women.

And everything to do with how much power you hold within your potential immediate sphere of influence.

The bigger the radius of that sphere, the higher you go up the hierarchy.

You love get rich quick strategies.

A good recent marker;

whoever got significantly burnt by the crypto crash,

is not your archetypal dominance hierarchy climber.

Your CV is a collection of

-how many countries you’ve travelled to
-how many hobbies you have
-how “out going”, “social” and friendly your demeanour is

there’s more, but i need to get to work.

"You have low Energy levels;

incapable of doing rigorous work for long hours."

This is a snippet from the Power Ascension Bible by Unmodern Man.

In The Book

Hidden in the pages

There lies a practical method of Shadow Integration that can help you overcome all the traits mentioned above.

We give you everything you need to be successful as a man in today's world - increasing your value as a man, understanding women and how to pick a long term partner, and improving your social skills and ability to tackle the situations the world throws at you.
We aim to make you a better man, not just pretend like you're a better man. This audiobook is all you need.

2 months ago

People think countries like Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Dubai are a reflection of Islam achieving prosperity- that Islam is the answer.

This is wrong.

Those countries are stupid rich.

That’s why there’s prosperity for its citizens. Rich is the answer. Not religion or ideologies.

2 months, 1 week ago

Good men can be dishonest and disloyal. But not by default.

They always have a just reason when turning that switch on.

Not all successful men have these traits.

But all good men do.

And most narcissists lack it.

2 months, 1 week ago

Areas that have nothing to do with success BUT separates good men from narcissists;

- Looks after family
- Does not announce good deeds
- Helps the helpless
- Does not ridicule others in public
- Upholds high integrity by default
- Honest/Loyal by default

2 months, 1 week ago

The overlap between narcissists and self-determined men is very high.

Women have markers that immediately identify “high potential for success” in men.

The problem is that those markers exist in both narcissists with no potential, and self-determined men

2 months, 2 weeks ago

If you’re on upward ascension, most games you play will be zero sum

If you’re just a chilled guy who watches netflix, goes out with friends to bars and clubs, then you prefer win win.

You can tell a lot about where a guy is headed simply based on the games he plays with people.

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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 6 days, 5 hours ago