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8 months, 3 weeks ago

?LNG global report 2024 is here.#PRO_LNG | #lngreport#igu

8 months, 3 weeks ago

In this Video:

- LNG Master path from the cadet to top LNG postion;
- The way he transit and climed the career ladder;
- What are the odds to join LNG fleet for today?
- First important steps you have to make!
- Where to look for the LNG spot?
- Biggest recommendations from the Master;
- SETO transition and LNG career story;
- Proper tools to get your LNG desired position;

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10 months, 3 weeks ago
*****⁉️*** What do you know about …

*⁉️ What do you know about Tank pressure control philosophy? LNG questions for Deck Officers and Cargo Engineers.*

There are several ranges of Tank Pressure control:

*? Normal Range*

When LD compressors are used to supply the Main DF Engines with required amount of gas. If the BoG rate is less than required fuel gas flow, the forcing vaporizer may be started to create additional Forced BoG. [FBoG]

*? High Pressure Protection*

Over pressure protection from natural boil off gas, the boil of gas has to be:

- consumed by Main DF Engines, DF Generators, boilers;
- burned by the GCU;
- reliquefied/subcooled by reliq plant;
- vented to atmosphere through vent mast.

? Low Pressure Protection

Under pressure of cargo tanks pressure controller is involved to shutdown the DF Engines gas consumption.

The Gas Management System would initiate a Gas Trip of DF engines and they would be switched to MGO mode instantly.

The Low Duty compressor Variable diffuser Vanes [VDV] control is equipped with a tank protection controller which will limit the gas capacity.

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PRO_LNG | #tankprotection #lngcarriers #cargoknowledge #engineering

10 months, 3 weeks ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago
11 months ago
*****?***** **Tanks and Barriers Pressures [GTT …

*? *Tanks and Barriers Pressures [GTT Mark III tanks]:

TPS - Tank Protection System;
PSV - Pressure Safety Valve;
SMR - Single Mixed Refrigerant [Reliq Plant];

Three types of pressures: Absolute, gauge, and differential:

- Absolute pressure is measured against a perfect vacuum using an absolute scale.

- Gauge pressure is measured against ambient air pressure.

- Differential pressure is measured between two points.

What is Barg?
Barg is the unit used to measure gauge pressure.

Gauge pressure is measured against the ambient pressure. Therefore, it is equal to absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure.

Barg is the unit for the measurement of the pressure given by absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure.

Difference Between Bars and Barg:
The key difference between bar and barg is that bar indicates absolute pressure, whereas barg indicates gauge pressure.

Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure

Gauge pressure = absolute pressure – atmospheric pressure

For example, the unit "bar" is beneficial for taking measurements in a vacuum, but the unit "barg" is necessary when taking measurements at atmospheric pressure.

PRO_LNG | #tps #lngtanks #gttmark3 #pressures

11 months ago
***?***What is kVA? The difference from …

?What is kVA? The difference from kW? Questions for ETO ⁉️

There is a concept of active and real power.

The Real AC power is a the product of the effective value of current in the circuit and the voltage at its terminals.

Real power is not always used completely! [kW]

In a 100% efficient system [kW = kVA] But it has to be perfect, without losses - which is never a case.

So some of it - turnes into Active[Apparent] power, which accomplishes work. [kVA]

While the rest - transmitted to the circuit's electromagnetic fields, heating, conduction losses - generating the Reactive power [kVAR].

In electrical generators, the power is expressed in kVA (kilovolt-amperes).

Power factor (cos ϕ) is the ratio of Active power to Real circuit power. It indicates linear and non-linear distortion in the network when the load is connected.

Power factor values:
- 1.00 - perfect;
- 0.95 - good;
- 0.90 - satisfactory;
- 0.80 - average;
- 0.70 - low;
- 0.60 - poor.

To convert kVA to kW, multiply the Real power by the Power Factor. For example, 5 kVA x 0.9 cos ϕ = 4.5 kW.

To convert kW to kVA, divide the Active power by the Power Factor. For example, 4.5 kW / 0.9 cos ϕ = 5 kVA.

How do you calculate real power and reactive power?

Apparent power: S = V x I (kVA)
Real power: P = V x Ia (kW)
Reactive power: Q = V x Ir (kvar)

When one generator has significantly lower cos ϕ than others, what should you investigate first?

Share your thoughts in comments

Here you may find more ETO interview questions and answers: ⬅️

PRO_LNG | #eto #seto #questions #interview

11 months ago
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