Kate Mason

Staying human in a technocratic world
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2 months, 1 week ago
The Technocracy Study Course was published …

The Technocracy Study Course was published in 1934. Today we know it as Net Zero, Ecosystem trading, "farm to fork", The Nature Repair Market., Natural Capital, ESG. Smart- Cognitive Cities, the Wellbeing Economy.

2 months, 1 week ago

Why big oil conquered the world by James Corbett weaves a number of threads together:

- Eugenics which was based on the idea that the poor were to blame for their situation, they were feeble minded and degenerate, they needed to be eliminated (sterilised and segregated). Eugenics was popular in Australia, England and the USA as examples. Eugenics fell out of public favour due to Hitler.. Eugenics didn’t go away, it of course has links to the Biotech revolution upon us today, but also to the environmental movement and Net Zero, and more I wont cover here.

- The narrative changed from it being undesirable for the poor and “feeble minded” to breed, to population in general was the issue (it’s the same premise as eugenics- the vast majority of the world would have been seen as not deserving of reproducing under the eugenics lens). Population needed to be curtailed. This led to the oil titans funding, implementing and controlling the global environmental movement.

- This led to the Technocratic system we see close to being established today, where scientists and engineers- the “experts”- are used to set up systems to control every aspect of life. This is funded by the bankers and oligarchs. To control every aspect of life, our consumption and movements must be surveilled and monitored down to the minute detail.

This is Net Zero. This is Ecosystem trading. This is "farm to fork". This is the Nature Repair Market. This is Natural Capital. This is ESG. This is Smart- Cognitive Cities. This is the Wellbeing Economy. It is a long term plan orchestrated by the oiligarchs and bankers.

Why big oil conquered the world will give you a really good overview of the motivation behind the control system being unfurled on us. https://corbettreport.com/episode-321-why-big-oil-conquered-the-world/?

2 months, 1 week ago

I was geared in to action to cover the wider arena of Social Impact Bonds, Social Inclusion- Social Equity- Social Cohesion- Social Emotional Learning- Data Harvesting- Ed Tech- Wellbeing and the government creating the infrastructure, upon reading the recently released Australian government Strengthening Australian Democracy paper.
The Strengthening Australian Democracy paper puts Social Impact Investors front and centre as the antidote to fractures in social cohesion.

Though Social Impact investing has many focus areas; the Australian government is building the infrastructure to allow for full scale surveillance and data mining on children (from birth- to be pre birth) and their parents. This surveillance is to allow for market INTERVENTIONS on children and families. It’s part of the Wellbeing economy- where “Values are placed before Value”. And we must “Measure What Matters.” Australian Treasurer Chalmers is leading the way for Australia.
In my attempt at Strengthening Australian Democracy (actually letting the people know what’s going on is a good first step- free tip to the Australian government), I have put together a video explaining what I understand about the Social Impact market and its implications.


Democracy 2.0 Capitalism 2.0: People as a market- Children as the most precious mineral

I was geared in to action to cover the wider arena of Social Impact Bonds, Social Inclusion- Social Equity- Social Cohesion- Social Emotional Learning- Data Harvesting- Ed Tech- Wellbeing and the gove

I was geared in to action to cover the wider arena of Social Impact Bonds, Social Inclusion- Social Equity- Social …
2 months, 1 week ago
The Strengthening Australian Democracy paper has …

The Strengthening Australian Democracy paper has been recently released. Larry Diamond is one of the experts on the Strengthening Democracy Taskforce. Larry is coeditor of the Journal of Democracy and co-chair of the International forum for democratic studies of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The Grayzone has provided the evidence that the NED is known for 'toppling designated enemies and working with violent and anti democratic actors.." This video details the evidence- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khv7dYG15Fs&t=36s You can read more here: https://thegrayzone.com/2024/07/30/grayzone-pr-fiasco-us-govt-regime-change-leaked-emails/?

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Jeff Bezos is funding "free" Montessori preschool for poor children. Why? Data harvesting and impact markets- shoes with sensors in them, vests to capture language, online activities for parents and children, smart play tables. This is the game.. this is the market. It comes for the poor first. But it's coming for all the kids. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/09/15/montessori-inc-pre-k-predictive-profiling-for-power-and-profit/

Wrench in the Gears

Jeff Bezos’s “Montessori, Inc.” Sets Up the Ed-Tech Takeover of Pre-K

This week Jeff Bezos of Amazon announced plans to direct $2 billion, in part, to the creation of a “Day 1 Academies Fund,” which would underwrite the costs of full-scholarship “tier one” Montessori…

Jeff Bezos is funding "free" Montessori preschool for poor children. Why? Data harvesting and impact markets- shoes with sensors in …
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Monoculture crops of trees, planted over prime agricultural land, sprayed extensively with poisons. Land brought by large companies to offset their carbon scores. This is Net Zero! https://www.tiktok.com/@saveaustraliasfood/video/7396480927620222229?

2 months, 2 weeks ago

In closing, recent Covid management across all three tiers of government has done little for social cohesion and even less for trust in our authorities. We are laughing at their transparently heavy handed efforts at seeking to control or avoid debate on so many issues.

Jimmy Dore says it best in “We got ourselves a reader”.

Any time you would like to discuss what I have raised here, I would be happy to do so.

Yours Faithfully

Warren Ross


Jimmy Dore We Got Ourselves A Reader!

In Jimmy's latest Comedy Special, he challenges the extraordinary advice members of the public were given

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Warren Ross from Katoomba Review (search substack) response to the "Australian councils face extremism threat" ABC hit piece: LETTER TO MELBOURNE ACADEMIC WHO CALLED US EXTREMISTS
That ABC World Today program featured our Mayor, the Sydney City Mayor and a Melbourne academic. I have rung the ABC this morning to complain about the characterisation of local residents as mad right wing extremists. Here is my letter to the Melbourne academic, Rachel Busbridge and Australian Catholic University:

"Dear Rachel

I listened to an ABC recording of “The World Today” program featuring you, Linda Scott from Sydney City Council and Mark Greenhill of Blue Mountains City Council.

You commented: “We are definitely seeing more people who are ??? the far right running for local government.... As a stirred ??? issue over the past few years, we are seeing that a number of local governments in Australia are starting to tackle, kind of, bigger, more controversial divisive issues. It makes sense that they also start to attract more controversy”

I live in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains and I am certainly one of the key people that Mayor Greenhill is trying to characterise as right wing extremist. This characterisation might sell well to a distant ABC audience, including listeners and academics from other states but it will not sell in my local community.

I was director for many years of one of Australia's largest community festivals that took place in my town. Was President of the Blue Mountains Arts Council. Coached boys and girls basketball teams for many years. Ran a Midnight Basketball program for disadvantaged youth. Broke the state government's curfew in late 2021 to host John Shipton and his “Free Julian Assange” national tour. Was one of the key founders of a local community garden based on Permaculture principles and have had an active interest and participation in local planning issues. This is hardly the profile of a right wing anything.

I am not easily framed in the way the Mayor would like me to be.

Further you stated: “And it is very important that these types of initiatives really do need to include all community and this might include more extremist types of actors. Sidelining these types of groups, particularly if they are community groups can often, kind of, escalate their graphs”.
Maybe even me? You can listen to Council meetings here and learn that what the Mayor has described as right wing groups invading Council is beyond nonsense. It is an insult to the truth.
What is probably upsetting our Mayor is that we are laughing at his pomposity. In this article you will see links where he is actually threatening to send people home from Council meetings. His arrogance is the most notable part of these meetings.

I might add, he has run to the ABC before to cry extremism but it is simply not true.
Finally, you made the point:

“local governments in Australia are starting to tackle, kind of, bigger, more controversial divisive issues”.

We local residents have noticed exactly this and we are asking questions. The fact that such questioning is not appreciated is no reason for us not to ask them. We are wondering about our local council's links are to organisation's like ICLEI (see page 64). Also to Planetary Health which is clearly a Rockefeller project. This is not conspiracy. It is research. If you want more information, I can provide it. What are its plans for Managed Retreat, Smart Cities, a Net Zero economy, housing and why is it ignoring the economy of our towns and community? We have many more questions.

Your point about the need for Council to engage with all groups is well made. When Council fails to, when it is secretive and its public officials are abusive, discriminatory and deceitful, public broadcasters should not be surprised and should not celebrate their behaviour.

Katoomba Review

The Battle for the Blue Mountains

Against all odds, Captain Fear wins the day

Warren Ross from Katoomba Review (search substack) response to the "Australian councils face extremism threat" ABC hit piece: LETTER TO …
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Here is the narrative being formed. Community coming along to Council public forums are now so dangerous that politicians must be protected (this narrative has been in motion for a number of years now).

"Far right", "Extremist groups" are running for Council. Communities must be strengthened to protect them from these "conspiracy theorists." Note that what is a conspiracy theory is not defined. Note that "conspiracy theories about the pandemic" is not defined- Which theories?

Note that "Far Right" is not defined, "Extremist groups" are not defined. Note the concern that these groups are working within their local areas. The only "grassroots" infiltration allowed is that which fits within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

This all links in to the recently released "Strengthening Australian Democracy" pager. As the government implements nastier and nastier policies (under the guise of rolling crises), more people are going to become increasingly vocal. The government is actively creating policy that creates a greater divide between the haves and the have nots. They are actively working for large global corporate interests, and massive asset transfer is in progress.

What is the government going to do with those who don't agree with their policies and no longer believe the government is working for the people? The government is gearing up to knock those people down with a heavy fist. As the "Strengthening Australian Democracy" paper states- those who don't trust the government, or only trust them a bit are a threat to social cohesion. They don't trust others, don't believe in the Australian way of life, and are racist. Trusting the government is imperative to create social cohesion.

What a dangerous and divisive narrative- all on purpose to justify a new type of democracy-endless rolling crises democracy. Where the stakes are high and the actions are swift and brutal.

As the government increases their inflammatory comments, I hope that people do not take the bait. It would serve the crisis democracy narrative well if people did lash out. What genuinely is an issue for this narrative is well researched, sensible questions and concerns being raised in a measured manner.


ABC listen

Australian councils face extremism threat - ABC listen

Extreme groups and individuals are targeting Australian politicians, including at the most grassroots level of government.

Here is the narrative being formed. Community coming along to Council public forums are now so dangerous that politicians must …
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