Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.
Last updated 1 month ago
Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf
Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:
Last updated 2 months ago
join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot
Last updated 1 month ago
Piciiiiiii besok hirminnnnnnn!!! ❤️❤️ Besok kita ketemu lagi di grup calminn yeyyy
Teman-teman, aku sebenarnya merasa risih banget kalau ada yang mention pixy di menfess yang: “store P jaminannya ada ktp dan lain-lain”
Store inisial P di dunia BA itu bukan cuma Pixytle yaaaa guysss 😭😭 Jaminan kita ngga sebegitunya kok, ngga usah mention Pixytle di komen kalau emang kalian taunya Pixytle ajaa yaaa piciii, soalnya itu menimbulkan fitnah, terima kasihhh ❤️❤️
Dear Rouders, We would like to inform you that from now on we have a new policy regarding bookings with "inrush" notes or bookings that have a certain deadline and have paid the inrush fee. Under this policy, our admin is required to complete the order on…
Dear Rouders,
We would like to inform you that from now on we have a new policy regarding bookings with "inrush" notes or bookings that have a certain deadline and have paid the inrush fee. Under this policy, our admin is required to complete the order on time, according to the deadline specified by the buyer. If there is a delay in completing the order that exceeds the agreed time, our admin is required to return 15% of the item price along with the total inrush fee to the buyer as a form of responsibility.
This policy is made with the aim of improving the performance of our admin team in serving orders while ensuring customer trust is maintained. We are committed to always providing the best service and strive to meet customer expectations wholeheartedly. We appreciate your support and trust in Alcazzer to provide this service.
Thank you for your attention and confidence. We will always strive to be a reliable store.
Alcazzer Management.
( @Pixytle@Dcastlez@Resspixy )
Hello Rouders! Kami mendapatkan informasi bahwa bot livegram sedang tidak bisa menerima pesan sehingga @pixytlebot, @dcastlezbot, @dcastbot, @alcazzerbot dan seluruh bot lain yang terhubung ke livegram sedang tidak dapat beroperasi. Untuk sementara waktu, kami hanya menerima orderan melalui akun as seller yaitu @Alastheir saja, ya. Terimakasih! kita close teleprem nw yo, method nya gak bisa digunakan, gak tau sampai kapan, ini juga sebagai peringatan buat hati-hati kalau ditawarin, karna gak bakal ada yang bisa proses untuk saat ini
Kalau ada laporan mengenai admin bisa ke @Jisoolovvbot yaaaa pix ??????
Kalau ada laporan mengenai admin bisa ke @Jisoolovvbot yaaaa pix ??????
Hello Rouders! There are many people scamming and claiming to be one of the @Alcazzer admins or just adding @Alcazzer in their bio. This is a warning that we do not mention admin names and usernames directly through channels. So we hope you are always wary of any transactions outside of @Alcazzerbot, @Pixytlebot, @Dcastlezbot and @Resspixy. We have a "Rekber" service for those of you who want to make transactions safely and openly.
Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.
Last updated 1 month ago
Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf
Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:
Last updated 2 months ago
join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot
Last updated 1 month ago