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Tabraze Azam

Hanafism, Books, Reminders & Musings

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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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1 month, 3 weeks ago


Most excited to get hold of Ibn al-Minqar’s (d. 1304) commentary on Imam Shurunbulali’s Maraqi al-Falah. Given he is later, he incorporates many comments from Tahtawi’s seminal gloss, and also from Ibn ‘Abidin’s Hashiya, and he proceeds to comment on the whole text. #Hanafi

1 month, 4 weeks ago

وفقني الله للسفر والترحال منذ سنواتٍ طوال، واجتمعتُ بمختلف العاملينَ في ميادين الدعوة والتعليم، على اختلاف مناهجهم ومدارسهم:

- أكثرَ الناسِ انتقادًا أقلَّهم عملًا
- وأكثرَهم عملًا أقلَّهم انتقادًا

وقد قالوا: يا رسولَ الله، أيُّ الإسلامِ أفضل؟!
فقال: مَن سلم المسلمون مِن لسانه ويده !

والله الموفق ...

2 months ago

وكثيرًا ما يعترض المخطئ على المصيبين!

ابن نجيم (970هـ)

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Tabraze Azam
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Given today is [#worldbookday](?q=%23worldbookday), here are …

Given today is #worldbookday, here are two messy piles of books—and there are multiple!—on my desk right now!

3 months, 3 weeks ago

يبقى الفهم لما في الكتب قاصرًا حتى يردفه فهم الواقع وتبدل الأحوال، وما لم يدرك المتفقه مناط الحكم فإنه يتمسك بالظواهر ويفوته حقيقة الفقه.


3 months, 4 weeks ago


The Rasa'il Readings are periodic, brief readings of short treatises on law, legal theory, and the like, from across the Hanafi scholarly tradition. Such epistles often contain many fawa'id and tahqiqat on various issues which are important for students of knowledge.

In the second session, we covered Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari's risala: Upholding Adab in Rajab (الأدب في رجب). You can find the recording of the session below.



[Rasa'il Readings: Episode 02] Upholding Adab in Rajab (الأدب في رجب)

[Rasa'il Readings: Episode 02] Upholding Adab in Rajab (الأدب في رجب) The Rasa'il Readings are periodic, brief readings of short treatises on law, legal theory, and the like, from across the Hanafi scholarly tradition. Such epistles often contain many fawa'id…

3 months, 4 weeks ago

قال بشر بن الحارث الحافي رحمه الله: صحبة الأشرار أورثت سوء الظن بالأخيار!



الرواق المنهجي والحنبلي( بإشراف الشيخ محمد عبد الواحد الأزهري الحنبلي).

قناة خاصة بالمنشورات والدروس المنهجية، المتعلقة بمنهج التفقه وطلب العلم على الطريقة المعروفة عند أهل العلم، والجادة المسلوكة عبر القرون.

قال بشر بن الحارث الحافي رحمه الله: صحبة الأشرار أورثت سوء الظن بالأخيار!
4 months ago

A RAMADAN SPECIAL: THE MEANS OF SEEKINGIn this special Ramadan intensive, we will cover the short, yet comprehensive, Hanafi compendium of essential knowledge, Wasilat al-Talab (“The Means of Seeking”), by the sage of Ahsa’, Abu Bakr al-Mulla (d. 1270 AH). This beautiful primer is one of the numerous texts authored by the noble imam for transmitting key laws of the shari‘a, and as the scholars note, sometimes you may find in a river what you don’t find in the sea. This blessed text is comprised of a section on beliefs, a section on the major sins, apostasy, and repentance, and a detailed exposition of the laws of worship.

Register: https://courses.irshad.org.uk/product/wasilat-al-talab/

4 months ago

A RAMADAN SPECIAL: AN EXPOSITION OF THE PROHIBITIONSIn this special Ramadan intensive, we will cover the #Hanafi work by the Ottoman scholar, Shaykh al-Haram Sinan al-Din Yusuf b. ‘Abdullah al-Amasi (d. 1000 AH), titled Tabyin al-Maharim (“An Exposition of the Prohibitions”). The author meticulously discusses the prohibitions of the Qur’an, in chronological order, and also fills the various sections with beautiful, additional points from the books of fiqh, usul, tafsir, and elsewhere. This seminal text covering the major sins and prohibitions according to the Hanafi school is rare, and it is necessary reading for those serious about understanding the dictates of servanthood and upholding the sanctity of the noble shari‘a.

Register: https://courses.irshad.org.uk/product/tabyin-al-maharim/

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Last updated 1 month ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

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