Scott Ritter

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hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

Israel is a tool in the hands of American Jews who use it and the myths built around it to influence and control American policies at home and abroad. Like any tool, when it becomes ineffective, it is discarded. I’m sorry, Pinocchio, but you were a wooden puppet all along!


hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

If your argument in favor of passing the Ukraine aid package is that it is good for the American economy, then a) you don’t give a damn about Ukraine, and b) you are the living manifestation of the evils of the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned America about.


hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

Scott Ritter: Putin’s message is warmongers will ‘get more than they asked for’ in fight with Russia

The main takeaway from President Putin’s conversation with Rossiya Segodnya chief Dmitry Kiselev is that those “looking for a contrite Russia, a weak Russia, a compliant Russia” won’t find it in “the Russia that Vladimir Putin was presenting to the world in his interview,” Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and international affairs observer, told Sputnik.

“Instead, what he's saying is that Russia's not looking for a fight, but if somebody wants to bring the fight to Russia, they'll get more than what they asked for. And if the world is looking for peace with Russia, it'll be done on terms that are acceptable to Russia,” Ritter stressed.


hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Just a reminder to all who don’t remember that John Podhoretz once decried the fact that the U.S. failed to kill enough Sunni men of military age in Iraq during the invasion of 2003 and subsequent occupation.

The mind of a genocide cheerleader is a terrible thing to peer into.

Podhoretz now cheerleads the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.

So fuck you, John Podhoretz, you fat piece of shit. There’s a special seat in hell waiting for you and your ilk.

And thank you Jonathan Glazer for having the courage to call a spade a spade.


hace 1 mes, 4 semanas

Again…how do France and Poland deploy meaningful forces in a sustainable manner into Ukraine?

You can’t answer this question.

Ukraine is not a permissive environment.

France and Poland would need to execute a D-Day like forceful projection of power, not some slow Desert Shield build up.

They cannot do it.


hace 1 mes, 4 semanas

Almost as dumb as turning down the most reasonable peace terms imaginable in exchange for two more years of conflict, a half-million dead, and a depopulated, de-industrialized, and dismembered remnants of a nation.


hace 3 meses, 4 semanas
Pyotr Tchaikovsky’ The Nutcracker, a classic …

Pyotr Tchaikovsky’ The Nutcracker, a classic story set during Christmas, was first performed in Saint Petersburg in 1892.
Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, a city in Russia where I worked as a weapons inspector from 1988-90.
Last night, I was given the privilege of watching Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece performed on stage at the Mikhailovsky Theater in Saint Petersburg on Christmas.
I was joined by my daughter, Patricia, and my host, Alexander Zyrianov.
Thank you, Alexander, for this once in a lifetime experience!


hace 3 meses, 4 semanas

A letter from my publisher. I think she might be on the something. What say you?

Dear TCN Network:

Clarity Press, Inc is publisher of military expert Scott Ritter, who is author of 9 books, most recently DISARMAMENT IN THE TIME OF PERESTROIKA, and the most sought after and ubiquitous analyst on the internet with regard to the conflicts in both Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. A pdf of same is attached.

This book, endorsed inter alia by Seymour Hersh, former Soviet ambassador Jack Matlock, Jr., Daniel Ellsberg and Ray McGovern, was acquired by a primary Russian publisher, and rose to number 3 on the Moscow best seller list.  A image reflecting that standing is attached.   

Mr. Ritter viewed this book as a possible catalyst for an American peace movement, and indeed, for the renewal of nuclear reduction negotiations.

We feel he would be an ideal person for Tucker Carlson to interview, and would be happy to facilitate such an event.

Needless to say, we congratulate TC on his great and deserved success in launching an alternative media.

With kind regards,

Diana G. Collier


hace 3 meses, 4 semanas

Ex-US intelligence officer came to Russia in search of a Russian soul
Former intelligence officer of the US Armed Forces Scott Ritter took part in the Christmas service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.
"I am not an Orthodox Christian, I am a Protestant, but my wife is from Georgia, she raised my daughter, who is an Orthodox Christian, so it is important for me to be here and understand that my daughter has the opportunity to be here. Besides, today is Christmas, being here is a wonderful opportunity," he said.
Ritter noted that Russian people treat him warmly.


hace 4 meses

Hamas is the only Palestinian organization that has not sold out to the U.S. and Israelis, and which is actively fighting for a Palestinian state by resisting Israeli occupation.

How much does resistance cost?

What good is infrastructure in a concentration camp?

Perhaps you should pick up a weapon and defend your people, instead of denigrating those who have the courage to do what you avoid.


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