Alex Jones' Therapist

I'm the Therapist of the Tip of the Spear in the Infowar. G-d help us all.
Former #Killstream producer.
Live, visceral reacts to The Alex Jones Show, Infowars broadcasts, and wrestle-wrestle.
Has a bad clip channel on BitChute, Odysee, and Rumble.
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1 month, 4 weeks ago

“Mirror mirror on the wall who does the most projection of them all?”

1 month, 4 weeks ago
Ol' Rabbi Shmuley is at it …

Ol' Rabbi Shmuley is at it again lol

1 month, 4 weeks ago
“They (Russians) have their lobbies everywhere: …

“They (Russians) have their lobbies everywhere: in the United States, in the EU countries, in Britain, in Latin America, in Africa,” Zelenskyy said. “When we talk about the Congress — do you notice how they work with society in the United States?” he added.

Ah yes, a Jew lecturing us about an all-powerful international Russian lobby. Sounds about right.

2 months ago


2 months ago

This is 2 things:
1. Proving Adam Greenberg's cope about Jesus being a Jewish psyop.
2. Once again demonstrating the Jews think it's their world and we're just living in it. Funnily enough, that's how most autistic people think.

2 months, 1 week ago

Match ranking from best to worst:
1. Cody v. Roman. HE FINISHED THE STORY! With a hell of a lot of help at the end. Cena-Rock-Undertaker back to back to back was utter insanity. I like that it was a gimmick match that barely used the gimmicks. It was mostly an honest wrestling match.
2. Bayley v. Iyo. I liked it more because it was just wrestlers working. No big spots, just a battle of bodies and wits.
3. Drew v. Seth. Great match, everything made sense, but honestly went two minutes too long. Glad Drew got the W and his Wrestlemania moment. Punk attacking Drew and the Money In The Bank cash in by Priest was a nice touch. Sets up several feuds and angles.
4. Logan Paul v. Randy Orton v. KO. I'm not a Triple Threat guy, but they pulled it off. Logan, Randy, and KO all played their parts perfectly. Logan Paul continues to impress.
5. LA Knight v. AJ Styles. No complaints. It was a solid wrestling match by two veterans. Just wasn't as good as the other matches.
6. Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits v. The Final Testament. It was a bad gimmick match. Not even Bubba Ray Dudley as the special guest referee and Snoop Dog on commentary could save it. It would pass as an okay TV match, but was a bad Wrestlemania match.

2 months, 1 week ago

Owen Shoyer is taking phone calls on bad birth control stories. Content should be fire

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Vandalism is on the rise! Local jews are angry with authorities after law enforcement informs then that vandalizing their own property and reporting it as a hate crime, while illegal, will not count towards the hate crime statistics.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The whole Gaza and Iran-Israel thing serves as a reminder that there are a lot of hot spots on this planet that could erupt into large-scale warfare at any given time. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, so I'm gonna say a few unpleasant things about this. The war in Ukraine is contributing to the normalization of the kind of warfare that is the absolute worst - industrial mass warfare. The SMO was originally supposed to be a glorified police operation, an exercise in "hybrid warfare", similar to the Crimean operation - more political and social technology than violence, and only a little bit of carefully applied military force. This approach failed, and the Ukrainian state managed to inflict several military defeats on the small professional Russian force by turning on what people call the "meat grinder", which is nothing other than reverting from "5th generation warfare", "hybrid warfare" or whatever else you want to call it, to old-fashioned 20th century style mass warfare. I.e., by grabbing hundreds of thousands of civilians and giving them rifles and putting them in metal boxes and telling them to dig trenches.

In a blissful utopia, wars would be resolved diplomatically, or at least they'd only be fought by small numbers of professionals (or just robots/drones). Modern warfare shouldn't devastate civilians as much as it does, and the trauma of WW2 has generally created a taboo against all-out total war. Where these wars happened anyway, they either weren't between states (but civil wars or insurgencies instead), they were so lopsided in numerical or technological terms that they were over before they really began (e.g. Desert Storm) or they happened in Africa where it's easy not to notice them for the rest of the world. There were a few exceptions, e.g. Iran-Iraq, but they don't really change the general picture.

Levée en masse, originally introduced by the French revolutionaries to be able to fight off the First Coalition, has shown itself to be one of the most disastrous concepts ever introduced to statecraft. Ideologically, culturally, socially, politically and demographically, few revolutionary novelties have ever wrought as much havoc as the idea of grabbing every other guy off the street and handing him a gun, along with the necessary mind programming to do so.

The horrors of WW2 had seemed to serve as a vaccination against this kind of warfare in the civilized world, but Kiev has broken the taboo, and obviously Russia responded in kind. It is very easy to transform the modern state back into a machine that converts normies into slaughter.

Many people, some of them with genuinely good, ethical intentions, are calling on Kiev and the US to ask Russia for peace negotiations. I'm afraid that won't be enough. The genie is out of the bottle and to stop everyone else from giddily jumping back into industrialized mass warfare it's probably necessary to make an example out of the Ukraine, simply to uphold the trauma and stop the planet from plunging into decades of large-scale warfare with millions of deaths and immense damage to the infrastructure of the modern world.

The Ukrainians have broken many taboos already and then acted surprised when their enemy responded in kind - attacking military hospitals, targeting medevac, executing POWs and so on. It's gonna hurt really, really badly when they realize that breaking the taboo on mass warfare and forcing Russia to go from unideological hybrid policing operation to Great Patriotic War was a terrible mistake. But by then it'll be too late

2 months, 2 weeks ago

I'm stealing this when I post a video of Owen with the mask later tonight

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