In The Name Of God
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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
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پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 2 months ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago
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I can't describe what i feel. I never know what i feel, i just know that it is this feeling of uncertainty and a force that's keeping me away from being motivated, by any means. that's making everything tiring and exhausting. excruciating is a word i could use for it at times. it's this feeling that you are not living your life you're just watching your body move and your voice say stuff that you never really processed. and it's boring, so boring that if it were a movie you would move on to the next one. you slowly start to move and fade away from everything and everyone around you, good or bad, because you never really know what's best. staying inside and in your comfort always sounds like a safe choice but it's painful. you do nothing and as your days go by your life goes by too. you leave everything behind, with no apparent reason why, with so many questions in your head about yourself that you still need to find answers for.
- It's so horrible to see your own confusion and understand it.
i love her???
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In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
? تبليغات بنرى
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پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 2 months ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago