⭒The victor is so precious in the embrace of @ktemplate that is widely flattered, thunders on the strains of sound @requestjbot with each layered decree. Fluttering samod bêga hreðerðyrel decrees forsceta mid a panoramic ârinnan râd cystines ðæt resides.
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
NCT, NCT Dream, NCT 127, WayV bubble and LYSN update (ENG/IND)
for questions, concerns and suggestions: @nctwayvbblupdates_bot
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Last updated 1 month ago
Daily Update Harga Emas disini, Clicks subscibe untuk dapatkan News, Promosi, Update harga emas terkini dari kami. Jual beli wa.me/60122864232 . Web: www.hrg.ms
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
📜 Keutamaan Guru dan Cara Memuliakannya
Kategori: #Adab_Akhlak #Mutiara_Hikmah
1️⃣ Keutamaan Seorang Guru dalam Islam
2️⃣ Cara Memuliakan Guru
3️⃣ Contoh dari Para Salaf dalam Memuliakan Guru
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▪️Kajian Tematik Rabu Malam
▪️Mengenal Asmaul Husna
▪️*Al-Ustadz Abu Abdillah Ridho hafizhahulllah
Link Streaming:**https://t.me/SalafyBandung/15631
✍🏻 Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah ta'ala berkata:
" السعادة والهدى في متابعة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، والضلال والشقاء في مخالفته ".
"Kebahagiaan dan jalan hidayah itu hanya ada pada ittiba' terhadap Nabi shalallahu alaihi wa sallam, adapun kesesatan dan kesengsaraan ada pada sikap menyelisihi beliau shalallahu alaihi wa sallam".
📚 Majmu'ul Fatawa jilid 19 hal 93
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⭒The victor is so precious in the embrace of @ktemplate that is widely flattered, thunders on the strains of sound @requestjbot with each layered decree. Fluttering samod bêga hreðerðyrel decrees forsceta mid a panoramic ârinnan râd cystines ðæt resides.
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
NCT, NCT Dream, NCT 127, WayV bubble and LYSN update (ENG/IND)
for questions, concerns and suggestions: @nctwayvbblupdates_bot
🔗 https://t.me/+QpLy9q6zxM0zNWE1
‼️please read our pinned‼️
Last updated 1 month ago
Daily Update Harga Emas disini, Clicks subscibe untuk dapatkan News, Promosi, Update harga emas terkini dari kami. Jual beli wa.me/60122864232 . Web: www.hrg.ms
Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago