Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.
Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:
sowie bei Odysee unter https://odysee.com/@EvaHermanOffiziell:1
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Ich habe soeben Strafanzeige gegen die stellvertretende Leiterin der Rechtsabteilung des RKI erstattet.
Laut Recherchen von Stefan Homburg und Paul Schreyer hat diese ein Ergebnisprotokoll der Krisenstabssitzung vom 25. März 2020 an 639 Stellen inhaltlich verändert, als es bereits Gegenstand der Informationsfreiheitsklage des Herrn Schreyer war.
Sollte das zutreffen, hätte sich Frau Bettina Hanke m.E. gem. § 274 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 StGB u.A. strafbar gemacht. (X?) @RA_Friede
Understanding this broader context provides a glimmer of hope in this dark tale. Carnicom’s research papers and notebooks contain a treasure trove of information about how the CDB gestate in the body, under what circumstances, and in what chemical reactions. The knowledge of what makes the CDB thrive is the key to making it stop. According to Carnicom, this should be possible with dietary changes and supplements accessible to all. As a researcher, Carnicom is not in a position to give health advice, but there is reason to expect that nutritionists, doctors, and other health practitioners will be able to translate his laboratory findings into practical solutions. As Catherine is fond of saying (quoting a former pastor), “If we can face it, God can fix it.”"
Hier ein Resümee des Interviews: "By Elze van Hamelen
Increasingly, global spraying or “geoengineering” is becoming a topic of open discussion, with pictures of sprayed skies trending on social media, and states like Tennessee, Minnesota, and New Hampshire passing or introducing bills to ban the spraying operations in their states. However, while many people and politicians are only now asking questions about what is in our skies, this week’s guest, independent researcher Clifford Carnicom, began asking those questions over 25 years ago.
When Carnicom began investigating the global spraying program in the late 1990s—examining samples derived from tissue, blood, air filters, plants, and rainwater that he received from all over the U.S. (and later, from all over the world)—he found that they featured well-known metallic salts containing aluminum, barium, and strontium, but also a mysterious biological agent. Within strange filaments present in the samples resided very small bacteria that, when cultured, would start to produce materials such as fibers, proteins, polymers, and—even more strangely—synthetic red blood cells. He concluded that the bacterium and its byproducts affect our entire system, and, notably, our blood.
Because of the bacterium’s very strange properties, which do not seem to belong strictly to a single domain of life, Carnicom, after careful consideration, termed it “cross-domain bacteria” (CDB). Carnicom makes the important point that we have been led astray by descriptions of the global spraying operations as “geoengineering” or “chemtrails,” allowing the bioengineering component—which has been a key feature of the operation from the outset—to escape scrutiny.
Two decades ago, the bacterial culture discovered by Carnicom may have seemed to belong to the realm of science fiction. But currently—as I discussed in my Pharma Food report for Solari—GMO bacteria that will produce all kinds of materials are a huge growth market, supported by the likes of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and its Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as well as investors like Bill Gates. McKinsey has predicted a “direct economic impact of up to $4 trillion a year over the next 10 to 20 years.”
After the rollout of the Covid shots, when blood clots began receiving worldwide attention, embalmers shared rubbery samples with Carnicom. He found that the CDB and its byproducts—in this case, polymers—are strongly present in the clots. However, pointing to his well-documented and publicly accessible 20-year track record before the start of the “Covid era,” Carnicom emphasizes that this is not a new phenomenon. Concerningly, everyone’s blood is affected by the CDB, with his lab results showing that the CDB cause clotting and also respond strongly to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Although there are differences between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed” blood, both have a propensity for clotting; this biological agent seems to be playing a major role in the health issues that we are seeing in both the injected and uninjected. Health practitioners alarmed by the rise in sudden and excess mortality, turbo cancers, and heart, blood, and fertility issues—and who consider the global injection campaign as the main culprit—need to understand that the injections only sped up a process set into motion decades ago.
OEBH Analyse im Blindflug-Fakten-Blitzlicht {176}
Die mangelhafte Ukraine-Analyse von Colonel Markus Reisner vom Bundesheer („Experte“) erzeugt ein falsches Bild. Dieses falsche Bild ist die Grundlage
"Balfourt Deklaration", schon mal davon gehört?
Und Das mit Dem, was uns in der Schule beigebracht wird, und was zu hinterfragen ein mit Gefängnis bestraftes Vergehen ist, abge- und verglichen?
Es scheint keinen Boden beim Erkunden des Kaninchenbaus zu geben...
Jeder der selbst denken kann (und es auch drauf anlegt, das tun zu wollen!), wird erkennen, dass wir beim Ukraine Krieg allerhöchstwahrscheinlich eine Inszenierung eingespielt bekommen. Würde ein Land wie Russland einen ernstgemeinten, grossen Krieg gegen…
☝️ Am 15. April 2024 wird eine Studie in der Fachzeitschrift "Ökotoxikologie und Umweltsicherheit" veröffentlicht werden.
? Der Titel:
"Das Tragen von Gesichtsmasken als potenzielle Quelle für die Inhalation und orale Aufnahme unbelebter Toxine – Ein Überblick über den Umfang"
❗️Bei der Auswertung von 1003 Studien stellten die Autoren fest, dass die Bevölkerung durch das erzwungene Tragen von Masken mehr als einem Dutzend organischer und anorganischer Giftstoffe ausgesetzt war.
So waren fleißige Maskenträger im Durchschnitt 43-mal mehr krebserregenden Phthalaten, 227-mal mehr krebserregenden flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen und 1220-mal mehr Titandioxid ausgesetzt, als es der jeweiligen Grenzwert empfiehlt.
Darüber hinaus führten die Masken zur Aufnahme von Mikroplastik und Mikrofasern in Lunge und Verdauungstrakt.
Das ist eine Zeitbombe! *? Quelle**? Fundstelle* -
Look at all the "cellphone" towers, "smart" and other wireless devices, that make us bath in a (toxic) soup of microwave radition. But it's also much lower frequencies from various sources we get bombarded with 24/7.
See what frequencies can do to water, and think, that your body consists of seventy percents water, and imagine what power (very harmful or beneficial) frequencies and sounds have while penetrating and running through your body and energy field!
Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.
Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:
sowie bei Odysee unter https://odysee.com/@EvaHermanOffiziell:1
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago