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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

6 months ago

Must I remind you that the ostrich is NOT a kosher bird?*
Stop emulating it.
Get your heads out of the sand, for crying out loud. That's not kosher behavior.

Your government is waging war against Jewish children and against humanity.

When will you stand up for the children? Do you stand for anything?

  • Lev. 11:16, Deut. 14:15
6 months ago

Hey what's up with all you anti-Semitic folks?

What did Hebrew and Aramaic ever do to you?

NOTE: this post was an attempt at deriding the ridiculous and meaningless term "antisemitism, which ought to be erased from our vocabularies and replaced with an accurate term like "Jew hatred," but I guess some readers missed my sarcasm. Hence this clarification.

6 months ago

Breaking news:

The State of Israel is committing war crimes against 640,000 hapless Palestinian children!* It just launched a campaign to inject them with lethal pharmaceutical toxins disguised as immunizations for "polio," without the informed consent of their parents.

Why aren't anti-Israel folks protesting this war crime?

The answer is sobering. Anti-Israel folks don't care about war crimes. They are sociopaths themselves, or at best useful idiots of the sociopathic ruling class.

The two "warring factions" put aside all their differences and joined forces with the United Nations to poison Palestinian children.

Just goes to show you that it's all a facade. Israel's government, Hamas, PA, UN... they're all tools of the same eugenicist cabal.

War crimes committed daily against children worldwide. And no one gives a hoot.

It's an ongoing war on children. A war of extermination against the world's human population.

All conflicts, scandals, other news items, are all distractions.

It's open-season on children.

*NOTE: Israel is committing even worse war crimes against Jewish children with all the poison shots it forces on its own population, but no one seems to care about Jewish children so at least I'll point out its latest war crime against Arab children. Actually, the US is far guiltier of war crimes against children than Israel or any other state on earth. More Americans subjected to pharmaceutical poisons per capita than anywhere else.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

What is the appropriate Father's Day greeting to all the fathers who've been cruelly bereft of their children by a patrophobic court system that systematically kidnaps children from their fathers?

"Wishful Father's Day?" "Mournful Father's Day?" "Cancelled Fathers' Day?"

And what is today's correct felicitation for all those fatherless children living in state foster care (read: captivity) or with a state-sanctioned alienator?

"Stalin-Is-Your-Father's Day?"

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Hamas kidnapped children from their parents, parents from their children, and everyone is rightfully outraged.

CPS & Family Court kidnap children from their parents EVERY DAY and nary a word of protest from the sleeping masses.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

What do today's vaccinators, mandate enforcers, ventilator operators, FDA employees, chemtrail pilots, CPS & family court employees, medical personnel who impose covid protocol, etc., have in common with gas chamber operators of the 1940s?

They're all 'just following orders'...

10 months, 3 weeks ago

Google Play just notified me that my device has "biometric capability" and recommended that I turn on "biometrics verification" for every online purchase.

Two thoughts come to mind:

1) Now it's just "recommended." Soon it will be mandatory.

2) It's likely that Google is already recording our biometrics without our knowledge.

Are we living in a 24/7 surveillance state?

If we aren't already, we will undoubtedly be soon.

Unless we do something about it, dystopian days lie ahead.

10 months, 3 weeks ago

It's time for rabbis like him to call out ALL the lies, especially the most insidious ones of all, and to boldly and unambiguously state the truth.

10 months, 3 weeks ago

I just viewed part of Rabbi Manis Friedman's "The TRUTH about Iran's Attack on Israel."

He bemoans Israel's tepid response  and "crazy policy of 'well, they haven't shot us yet so we warned them.'" He calls it "reckless, foolish, childish, not moral." "Ridiculous, absurd, absolutely senseless."

Sadly, Rabbi Friedman's commentary missed the point entirely. His approach is based on a naive assumption that Bibi is in office to protect his nation against enemies (like Iran) and that Israel's government is consequently at war with Iran's. Neither is true.

Israel's government IS the enemy. Their interest is NOT to protect their citizens, but quite the contrary. Israel's regime has demonstrated its objective to harm, sterilize, euthanize its population. להשמיד להרוג ולאבד.

We learned this startling truth from the regime's treatment of its Jewish population during the covid psyop and its aftermath.

Bibi's ridiculous reaction to the missile attack isn't "crazy" or "childish" at all. It's exactly what one should expect from a democidal NWO shill.

Iran's regime is likewise a globalist puppet. And so is Hamas. It's all a facade. Bibi and the Ayatollah are on the same team.

[Parenthetically, where is the evidence that Iran launched these missiles? How do we know they weren't fired from a US vessel, UN camp, by CIA or Mossad agents? Can we believe their narrative? Either way, they're all controlled by the same predator class.]

"Don't undermine the government when it's at war," cries Rabbi Friedman.

How woefully clueless. The government IS it war... with its own citizens. Israel's illegitimate government has partnered with Iran's illegitimate government (and with the thugs of Hamas and Hezbollah) in a bloody ongoing war against humans of both countries, but against Jews first.

Bibi is neither "reckless," "foolish," nor "crazy." He's doing exactly what his puppet masters are bidding him to do, with great cunning and flawless acting skill. So is the Ayatollah. It's a performance, a deadly one at that. Deadly for the Jews of Israel's and deadly for humanity.

We cannot know whether those allegedly Iranian missiles and drones were meant to hit human targets and miraculously missed or were deflected, or whether the interceptions were pre-planned and were all part of the show.

We must trust and believe that Almighty G-d is performing miracles for us every second, and its undoubtedly doing so now a well, but we cannot afford to trust their propaganda. We cannot believe ANYTHING they tell us, since they are confirmed pathological liars whose agenda is to "depopulate" (read: mass murder) us.

We should not support this democidal regime, not Butcher Bibi nor any of his criminal cronies. They are in cahoots with the enemy. They ARE the enemy.

We must ignore them, undermine them, pray for their removal. Our very survival depends on it.

Sadly, Rabbi Friedman came half-way calling out lies but fell short at exposing the truth. I invite him to join me for a candid conversation on this topic.

In his signature style, Rabbi Friedman articulated the Rebbe's position in previous "Israeli-Arab" crises and applied it to current times.

This is a grave error. There is new information, new circumstances that either didn't exist or weren't revealed back in the 1960s. It's misleading and unfair to cite the Rebbe and suggest he'd be saying the same thing today. This is a misrepresentation. The same is true with regards to vaccines. There's a different reality nowadays. We now know that they're all deadly bioweapons without exception. I firmly believe that if the Rebbe were able to communicate with us today, he'd caution us emphatically not to take ANY vaccine.

Likewise, the Rebbe would most definitely protest Bibi's grave betrayal of his people and insist that we unseat him and his co-conspirators worldwide at once. There's too much at stake.

If you're close with Rabbi Friedman, please urge him to reconsider his bizarre support for a degenerate regime that seeks the destruction of its people and of humanity.

10 months, 4 weeks ago

The Orthodox Union ("O-U") used to set the standard for kashruth in the US and abroad.

Now that they've capitulated to Bill'am Gates et al, we now have "kosher-certified" frankenfood.

The O-U has veered from traditional Orthodoxy and instead has embraced a NWO-enhanced definition.

From now on, for the sake of accuracy, they should be known as the "Genetically-Modified Orthodox Union," or GMO-U.

Moreover, the O-U refuses to divulge "proprietary ingredients" of the dubious products it certifies.

Here's an example:

90% of all cheeses made in the US use a bio-engineered enzyme called FPC, "Fermented-Produced Chymosin".FPC is made by Pfizer using CRISPR gene editing technology. 

Is it safe for human consumption? The safety of FPC was evaluated in a 90-day trial on rats. Good enough?

Pfizer's FPC was granted a "Generally Regarded as Safe" (GRAS) status by the FDA. Products with FPC do not require special labeling or indication of its source or method of production. (GRAS is a giant loophole for food companies.)

My friend contacted the OU and asked if the OU approves the use of FPC in their kosher products.

Their response: "At times, consumers inquire about the source or other details of milk or dairy ingredients. Unfortunately,the OU is unable to divulge this information, as a manufacturers source of supply is proprietary information. We are bound, both legally and morally, to maintain this confidentiality. Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further questions. Sincerely,The Webbe Rebbe, Orthodox Union Kashruth Division"
In other words, "we're not telling"

This is particularly alarming. How can this secretive rabbinic body be trusted for ANY of the products it certifies if there's no transparency? If they're "not telling" about a barely-tested Pfizer product that's used in 90% of all cheeses, what else are they not telling us?

And since the GMO-U is still the industry standard for kashruth -- i.e. all kosher agencies rely on its oversight for staple ingredients to varying degrees -- this creates a new challenge in modern times for kosher consumers.

Can you continue to rely on ANY kosher certifiers?

How can you be certain that they aren't relying on the GMO-U for some ingredients?

Yes, this includes ALL of them, until they completely disavow the GMO-U and assure the public that absolutely no "O-U" ingredients are regarded as kosher by their agency ever again.

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago