Ryan DeLarme (Vigilant News, Post-Liberal)

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. His writing has been featured in American Thinker, Rise.tv, Dauntless Dialogue, the Post-Liberal, and Stillness in the Storm.
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Last updated 5 days, 22 hours ago

Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago

4 days, 21 hours ago

Broken Foundations, our latest film, is officially live @ Dauntless Dialogue.

We explore the network of NGOs, private foundations, 501c3's and special interest groups that act as the appendages of the deep state's think tank class. From the Peabody Fund (America's first formal foundation) to George Soros' Open Society Network, we track how these tax-exempt entities have operated since the mid 1800s and continue to exercise tremendous control and influence today.

1 week, 2 days ago

Sorry for the absence folks, I am currently acting as a one man hospice attendant for my mother who needs constant assistance. I’ll try to find time to work on articles, scripts and content whenever I can. In the meantime pray for our family during these difficult times. 🙏

2 weeks, 4 days ago

This RFK Jr speech contains more actual policy talk than both the RNC and DNC combined. If he's serious about Trump letting him end the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies, that's HUGE.

2 months, 4 weeks ago

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Donald J. Trump’s Birthday Celebration & Tribute | DJT Party 2024

45 is turning 78! Come celebrate and pay tribute to the GREATEST PATRIOT IN LIVING MEMORY. Join WE THE MEDIA and VIGILANT NEWS for this epic 5 hour event on June 14th, 2024, Trump’s 78th birthday! • P

Join us!
2 months, 4 weeks ago

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3 months ago

We’re (Vigilant News, Ascent Nutrition) at the final Reawaken America Tour stop in Detroit Michigan, in over 3 years it hasn’t lost its momentum.

5 months ago


5 months, 1 week ago

Most people, despite their outward projection, have a darkness or poison that fills their days and weeks, stifling creativity and nudging the individual into antisocial behaviors, both subtle and overt. Sometimes it lays dormant, but creeps in during vulnerable moments throughout the day and especially at night.

It can manifest differently in everyone, but typically is a highly personal form of doubt, shame, grief, fear, or maybe an illusion or a lie we cling to, maybe all of the above.

Short of being some enlightened being, if such a thing is even attainable, this is true for everyone in varying degrees. It is something we should remember before casting judgement, even on the worst of us.

The cure, I suspect, is a willingness to confront this poison in yourself and whatever it was in your past that created it, especially if it was the result your own shortcoming. Accept whatever it is that haunts you as a necessary catalyst for your spiritual growth, and, if possible, talk about it with the people you are closest to. There is great benefit in confiding in others, this is why group therapy is so effective for those who submit to the process and bare themselves.

Become acquainted with darkness, but not ruled by it.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Baltimore Harbor disaster?

This is a BLACK SWAN event.

Black swans normally come out of the world of finance (not military). The standard operating procedures for all U.S. ports, harbors, and bays that transit commerce and military activities are supposed to maintain an incredible level of discipline, rigor and awareness for these very type events to not occur (ever!), yet here we are.

There are harbor masters for every single one of these transit points in America that are in charge of assuring the safety of navigation…start there.

7 months, 1 week ago
Alexander Vindman, the "heroic" leaker responsible …

Alexander Vindman, the "heroic" leaker responsible for the first failed impeachment attempt against Donald Trump, is joining the chorus of voices calling Tucker a traitor for having the gall to visit a beautiful and storied foreign country.

Vindman has made a successful career for himself riding the prestige of being a "brave whistleblower."

This is the perfect case study to highlight the difference between a "leaker"—who leaks things that the political establishment want in the public domain for narrative crafting— and a true whistleblower.

Real whistleblowers, those who expose establishment and security state corruption, end up withering away in confinement like Julian Assange, exiled to a foreign country like Edward Snowden, or buried six feet deep like Seth Rich.

They don't get book deals and invites to appear on legacy media networks.

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Last updated 4 days, 3 hours ago

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Last updated 5 days, 22 hours ago

Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago