
Welcome to my public channel!

I am Sherbek, and this is where I share moments of my life, thoughts, and adventures with you all!
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2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
I am probably the last person …

I am probably the last person to write about the TopUni camp experience, but as they say better late than never. Also, I kind of felt obliged to share about the most memorable and enriching experience of the year with the audience here. Therefore, I decided that this post is not just going to focus on the camp but my broad reflection up until now.

My purpose in joining the mentorship team was to share my experience with the selective 200 high schoolers while getting to know and networking with the arguably the most talented students of the Uzbekistan. From the first day, the camp became the platform for reflection and knowledge. Each talk, curriculum development, guest speech, and seminars, which I conducted, taught me something new, not just about the world around but myself included. Those show me how far I have come in this journey and how much more I have to learn.

One of the most enlightening moments of the camp happened during the very short but reflective speech by Behzod Hoshimov. In his speech, Behzod aka focused on how privileged everyone of the people in the camp is and how much we took it for granted. This message prompted me to reflect on mu journey when I was a kid who was constantly grinding to get into any national university four years ago, and the person I am today—just a month away from leaving the country to one of the top universities in the world in a foreign country with a full-ride scholarship which even covered my travel expenses. Indeed, I am privileged to be where I am now!

I would ask anyone reading this post to inquire yourself how privileged you are honestly and ask how you can return it like I am trying to do that. With that being that, the next post is going to be the project I have long been working on; stay tuned for that!

There are a lot more I can write about my experiences within the camp, which I will share in time. For now, enjoy the pics that captured the most enjoyable moments during the camp, and as always feel free to hit me a message if you have any questions or suggestions!

2 months, 4 weeks ago

Hey people,

How have you been doing?

The last couple of days has been the busiest and bittersweetly stressful for me. I have been working in a part-time job, reviewing thousands of applications, started having consultations with charity marathon auction participants, and on top of that doing research which is going excitingly scary.

But I always consider doing something beneficial for the audience in this channel. So, stay tuned for that!

By the way, this channel is about to become private for several reasons which I will shed light on later. So, it might be the time to decide whether to stay or leave; no hard feelings, of course

Also, we can do a live chat where I answer your questions on spot for around an hour. Let me know if you will be interested in that

3 months ago
3 months, 1 week ago

As promised, I will be giving the presentation at 8 pm, today!

Here is the basic overview of the content:

- A quick introduction + agenda overview
- I will talk about fundamentals and importance of ECs + how to find program/opportunities & create them based on your past experiences
- I will show my activities list, and you will get to see practical testament of what I theoretically talked about
- Bonus auction: I will help the person who bids the highest throughout the summer to build their activities list through researching/finding program to apply, framing/scaling up the ones already there, help them cold mail to professors or organizations to ask research mentorship/assistantship or internship position!!!
- Q & A

So, do not miss once in a lifetime chance to learn and contribute for a great cause

See you all there!

5 months, 1 week ago

? Welcome to my journey!

Hey there,

I am extremely honored to welcome you to my telegram channel where I will be sharing my journey towards academic excellence through the world of college life and beyond.

I am Sherbek Abdurahmonov, from a small town named Khovos in Sirdaryo, Uzbekistan. Let me first share a little more about myself since it might interest the majority here: I am a graduate of Cambridge International College, Tashkent class of 2023, where I studied the last two years of my high school. After graduation, I decided to take a gap year to equip myself with strong academics and research/leadership roles necessary to succeed in the American application process and college life equally. The mission was accomplished: I scored IELTS 7.5 and SAT 1500 academics-wise while securing spots in prestigious virtual programs like Pioneer Academics, Veritas AI, Future Generation of Scientists with full scholarships.

The efforts did not go in vain, and I got accepted to Colby College and Georgetown University Qatar with full-ride scholarships. I decided to commit to Colby College for several reasons, one of which the flexibility course studies and generous scholarship. My scholarship covers tuition, housing, meals, health insurance, and provides extra $1,250 + $500 for accommodating indirect costs like technology needs, course materials, and other education related purchases, exceeding $370k in total (one of the most generous in the history of the college).

This blog is going to be a place where I will share my thoughts, experiences, and maybe reflections as I navigate through the highs and lows of pre-College and College life. To make things mutual, I try to return the value to my audiences as much as I can through sharing academic and extracurricular resources and free individual consultations.

Thank you for reading so far, and expect daily posts and updates.

Have a lovely day ahead!

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