Hindu Vocab By ➜ Ak

“The Hindu Vocabulary ”, we have come up with a list of difficult words taken from the Hindu Editorials, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and the correct usage of the words. Read along to understand it better. 

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प्यारे बच्चो, अब तैयारी करे सभी गवर्नमेंट Exams जैसे SSC CGL,CPO,CHSL,MTS,GD,Delhi पुलिस,यूपी पुलिस,RRB NTPC,Group-D,Teaching Exams- KVS,CTET,DSSSB & बैंकिंग Exams की Careerwill App के साथ बहुत ही कम फ़ीस और इंडिया के सबसे बेहतरीन टीचर्स की टीम के साथ |

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

8 months, 2 weeks ago

*⛳️*The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |13-06-2024

1.CASTIGATE (VERB): (आलोचना करना): reprimand

Synonyms: rebuke, admonish

Antonyms: praise

Example Sentence:

She was castigated for not setting a good example.

2.THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish

Synonyms: prosper, burgeon

Antonyms: decline

Example Sentence:

Education groups thrive on organization.

3.MORIBUND (ADJECTIVE): (मरणासन्न): dying

Synonyms: expiring, at death's door

Antonyms: thriving

Example Sentence:

On examination she was moribund and dehydrated.

4.RECONCILE (VERB): (समाधान करना): reunite

Synonyms: pacify, appease

Antonyms: estrange

Example Sentence:

He sought my advice on how to reconcile the conflict.

5.FABLED (ADJECTIVE): (कल्पित): legendary

Synonyms: mythical, mythic

Antonyms: real

Example Sentence:

The movie mentioned the fabled Arendelle kingdom.

6.DENT (VERB): (घटाना): diminish

Synonyms: reduce, lessen

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

This neither deterred him nor dented his enthusiasm.

7.FOUL (ADJECTIVE): (विकर्षक): disgusting

Synonyms: revolting, repellent

Antonyms: fragrant

Example Sentence:

A foul odour troubled us all.

8.CONVALESCE (VERB) (निरामय होना) :recuperate

Synonyms: recover, improve

Antonyms: deteriorate

Example Sentence:

He spent eight months convalescing after the stroke.

9.IMPOVERISH (VERB): (शक्तिहीन करना): weaken

Synonyms: sap, exhaust

Antonyms: strengthen

Example Sentence:

The soil was impoverished by burning.

  1. REPUDIATE (VERB): (अस्वीकार करना): reject

Synonyms: renounce, abandon

Antonyms: embrace

Example Sentence:

She has repudiated policies associated with previous party leaders**

???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?
???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?

8 months, 3 weeks ago

*⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |04-06-2024
*1. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote

Synonyms: nurture, encourage

Antonyms: hinder

Example Sentence:

The theme of honor underpinning the two books.

2.FAIRLY (ADVERB): (युक्तिपूर्वक): reasonably

Synonyms: passably, satisfactorily

Antonyms: insufficiently

Example Sentence:

I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.

  1. MAGNITUDE (NOUN): (अहमियत): importance

Synonyms: import, significance

Antonyms: triviality

Example Sentence:

History has a lot of events of tragic magnitude.

4.EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy

Synonyms: swift, quick

Antonyms: slow

Example Sentence:

The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.

5.REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive

Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic

Antonyms: democratic

Example Sentence:

It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

6.PROSCRIBE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): forbid

Synonyms: prohibit, ban

Antonyms: ban

Example Sentence:

Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.

7.ACCEDE (VERB): (मान लेना): accept

Synonyms: endorse, go along with

Antonyms: refuse

Example Sentence:

He did not accede to his child’s demands.

8.MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten

Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil

Antonyms: friendly

Example Sentence:

Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.

9.IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): imminent

Synonyms: at hand, close

Antonyms: remote

Example Sentence:

They were in impending danger of being swept away.

10.EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with

Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness

Antonyms: distance

Example Sentence:

She'd been incapable of empathy**

???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?
???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?

9 months, 3 weeks ago

*⛳️*The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 06-05-2024

1.EXACERBATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): aggravate

Synonyms: worsen, inflame

Antonyms: calm

Example Sentence:

Excessive or hard exercise can exacerbate pain.

2.INEXPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अकथनीय): unaccountable

Synonyms: unexplainable, incomprehensible

Antonyms: understandable

Example Sentence:

For some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank.

3.DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कड़ा): harsh

Synonyms: strict, extreme

Antonyms: mild

Example Sentence:

Draconian measures have been taken to control population growth.

4.INCARCERATE (VERB): (बंदी बनाना): imprison

Synonyms: jail, lock up

Antonyms: free

Example Sentence:

Many are incarcerated for property offences.

  1. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience

Synonyms: buoyancy, cheerfulness

Antonyms: gloom

Example Sentence:

He has a sense of youthful exuberance.

  1. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): recession

Synonyms: depression, slowdown

Antonyms: boom

Example Sentence:

He had survived a world war and a slump.

7.VINDICATE (NOUN): (बरी करना): acquit

Synonyms: clear, absolve

Antonyms: convict

Example Sentence:

Hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict.

8.HAIL (NOUN): (अभिवादन): greeting

Synonyms: hello, hallo

Antonyms: farewell

Example Sentence:

My sleepy hail was met by a shout.

9.ANOMALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (असामान्य): abnormal

Synonyms: atypical, non-typical

Antonyms: normal

Example Sentence:

He went through an anomalous situation.

  1. DISCREPANCY (NOUN): (विसंगति): inconsistency

Synonyms: difference, disparity

Antonyms: similarity

Example Sentence:

There's a discrepancy between your account and his.**

???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?
???? ☆☞ @LucentsGk_Official ?

10 months, 1 week ago

IAS इंटरव्यू में पूछा गया सवाल
*Q:- आपको 5 अंडे बिना उबाले, बिना फोड़े, 6 लोगो मे बाटने है कैसे बाटेंगे..??

उत्तर जानने के लिए यहाँ जॉइन कीजिए*
█ ? ? ? ?  █

10 months, 2 weeks ago

*⛳️*The Hindu Editorial VOCAB: 9th April 2024

Envisage (verb)
Meaning: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event. (परिकल्पना करना)

Synonyms: foresee, predict, forecast

Sentence: The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers.

Waspish (adj.)
Meaning: readily expressing anger or irritation. (चिड़चिड़ा)

Synonyms: irritable, touchy, irascible

Antonyms: genial, friendly, affable

Sentence: She sounded waspish and impatient.

Mettle (noun)
Meaning: a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. (उत्साह)

Synonyms: spirit, fortitude, tenacity

Antonyms: cowardice, cravenness, dastardliness

Sentence: The team showed their true mettle in the second half.

Persiflage (noun)
Meaning: light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter. (ताना)

Synonyms: badinage, raillery, banter

Sentence: The persiflage is not appropriate when we are discussing such serious problems.

Acquit (verb)
Meaning: free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty. (बरी करना)

Synonyms: absolve, clear, exonerate

Antonyms: incriminate, indict, convict

Sentence: He has never failed to acquit a client charged with murder.

Confound (verb)
Meaning: cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations. (उलझाना)

Synonyms: amaze, astonish, daze

Antonyms: enlighten, assure

Sentence: The choice of Governor may confound us all.

Indemnity (noun)
Meaning: security or protection against a loss or other financial burden. (हानि से सुरक्षा)

Synonyms: insurance, protection, security

Sentence: They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.

Furbish (verb)
Meaning: give a fresh look to (something old or shabby) (चमक लाना)

Synonyms: renovate, furnish, glitter

Antonyms: roughen, ruffle, scuff

Sentence: I needed until August to fully furbish the two front rooms.

Deference (noun)
Meaning: humble submission and respect. (सम्मान)

Synonyms: respect, esteem, docility

Antonyms: defiance, disobedience, hostility

Sentence: He treats her with such deference.

Appropriacy (noun)
Meaning: the quality of being suitable or proper in the circumstances. (उपयुक्तता)

Synonyms: suitable, proper, acceptable

Antonyms: inappropriate, improper, unsuitable

Sentence: Teachers aim to assess the appropriacy of the language used by their students in particular contexts.**

─❀⊰ ???? 
@Geeta_Gyann  ?           

11 months, 1 week ago

*?* Daily use Sentences....

  1. आज कंपकंपाती ठंड है - It's.
    shivering cold today

  2. तेज बोलो - Speak aloud

  3. मेरा इंतजार करना - Wait for me

  4. इसके बारे में सोचो - Think about it

  5. आप किसे प्यार करते हो - Whom do you love ?

  6. कितने घमंडी हो आप - How arrogant you are !

  7. मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता - I don't think so

  8. आज कितनी तारीख है? - What is the today ?

  9. मुझे कल फोन करिएगा - Call me tomorrow

  10. ये किसका है ? - Whose is this ?

  11. समझ आया ? Got it? / Understand?

  12. समझ आ गया - I got it / I understand

  13. खुद से प्यार करो - Love yourself

  14. ये पाप है - It is a sin

  15. तुम मुझे उकसा रहे हो - You are instigating me

  16. अपने काम से काम रखो - Mind your own business

  17. उसे समझाने की कोई जरूरत नही है - No need to convince him━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    ?** @ALL_GK_QUESTION_ALL_PDF_in_hindi

11 months, 4 weeks ago

*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 01-03-2024

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant; a temporary break.

Synonyms: Break, pause, rest, relief.

Antonyms: Continuation, persistence, endurance.

Sentence: After days of intense work, he finally found a moment of respite in the quiet park, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To move back or away from a previous position; to diminish or become less intense.

Synonyms: Retreat, withdraw, recede, diminish.

Antonyms: Advance, approach, surge.

Sentence: The floodwaters began to recede, allowing residents to return to their homes.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To provide assistance, support, or relief.

Synonyms: Help, aid, assist, support.

Antonyms: Hinder, obstruct, impede.

Sentence: The community came together to succor those affected by the devastating fire, offering shelter and resources.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Assistance, support, or help in times of difficulty or distress.

Synonyms: Aid, assistance, relief, support.

Antonyms: Hindrance, obstruction, obstacle.

Sentence: The Red Cross provided succor to the victims of the natural disaster by supplying food, water, and medical assistance.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To undermine or overthrow, often in a secretive or destructive way; to overturn or destabilize.

Synonyms: Undermine, sabotage, overthrow, destabilize.

Antonyms: Support, uphold, strengthen.

Sentence: The group attempted to subvert the government by spreading propaganda and inciting dissent among the citizens.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Former; of times past; previous.

Synonyms: Former, previous, old, past.

Antonyms: Current, present, future.

Sentence: The erstwhile manager decided to pursue a different career path after many years of service.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning : A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.

Synonyms: Rebel, dissenter, protester, nonconformist.

Antonyms: Conformist, supporter, loyalist.

Sentence: The dissidents organized peaceful protests to voice their opposition to the oppressive government.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To sway or stagger as if about to fall; to walk or move unsteadily.

Synonyms: Stumble, wobble, stagger, teeter.

Antonyms: Stand firm, stabilize, balance.

Sentence: The tired hiker began to totter as he reached the end of the challenging trail, struggling to maintain his balance.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Countries or groups that cooperate with each other for a common purpose or against a common enemy; friends or associates.

Synonyms: Partners, associates, collaborators, companions.

Antonyms: Enemies, adversaries, opponents.

Sentence: During the war, the two nations became strong allies, working together to achieve their shared goals.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A feeling of disappointment or disillusionment; the state of being disenchanted.

Synonyms: Disillusionment, disappointment, letdown, dissatisfaction.

Antonyms: Enchantment, satisfaction, contentment.

Sentence: The initial excitement of the new job wore off quickly, leading to a sense of disenchantment as the challenges became apparent.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Bold and without shame; unrestrained by a sense of shame or propriety.

Synonyms: Bold, shameless, audacious, daring.

Antonyms: Timid, reserved, modest, shy.

Sentence: The thief showed a brazen disregard for security cameras, stealing items right in front of them.**

Join ?@Achhe_Vichaar

12 months ago

*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 29-02-2024Ꭻᴏɪɴ ➥ @GkQuizs
Ꭻᴏɪɴ ➥ @GkQuizs
━━━━━ ✧ ━━━━━━

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Serious and immediate dangers or risks.

Synonyms: Hazards, risks, dangers, threats.

Antonyms: Safety, security, protection.

Sentence: The brave explorers faced numerous perils as they ventured into the uncharted territory.


Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A person who leaves their own country to settle permanently in another; someone who emigrates.

Synonyms: Migrant, settler, expatriate, immigrant.

Antonyms: Immigrant (when used in the context of leaving the new country), native.

Sentence: The family packed their belongings and bid farewell to their homeland, becoming emigrants in search of a better life abroad.

  1. LURED

Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To attract, entice, or tempt someone with the promise of something appealing.

Synonyms: Entice, attract, tempt, seduce.

Antonyms: Repel, deter, discourage.

Sentence: The scent of fresh-baked cookies lured the children into the kitchen.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Producing a great deal of profit or wealth; profitable.

Synonyms: Profitable, money-making, lucrative, remunerative.

Antonyms: Unprofitable, nonremunerative, unrewarding.

Sentence: The entrepreneur invested in a lucrative business opportunity that quickly yielded significant returns.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: Deceiving or tricking someone, often by making them believe something that is not true.

Synonyms: Deceiving, tricking, fooling, misleading.

Antonyms: Enlightening, informing, revealing.

Sentence: The fraudster was arrested for duping unsuspecting individuals into investing in a fake business scheme.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning : Lacking moral principles; not honest or fair.

Synonyms: Unethical, dishonest, immoral, corrupt.

Antonyms: Ethical, principled, honest, scrupulous.

Sentence: The unscrupulous businessman exploited loopholes in the law to gain an unfair advantage over his competitors.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: Thoroughly examined, evaluated, or assessed for suitability or approval.

Synonyms: Examined, scrutinized, reviewed, assessed.

Antonyms: Overlooked, neglected, ignored.

Sentence: The job applicants were carefully vetted to ensure they met the company's standards before being hired.


Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To prevent someone from accomplishing a purpose or plan; to hinder or frustrate.

Synonyms: Hinder, obstruct, impede, frustrate.

Antonyms: Assist, facilitate, support.

Sentence: The detective worked tirelessly to thwart the criminal's elaborate scheme.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Involving or requiring a lot of effort and hard work; difficult and demanding.

Synonyms: Difficult, challenging, laborious, strenuous.

Antonyms: Easy, effortless, simple.

Sentence: Climbing the steep mountain proved to be an arduous task, but the breathtaking view from the top made it worthwhile.


Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Firmly established and difficult to change; deeply ingrained or firmly rooted.

Synonyms: Established, ingrained, rooted, fixed.

Antonyms: Flexible, temporary, changeable.

Sentence: The company's policies were so entrenched that even attempts at reform met with strong resistance from the employees.**

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12 months ago

*⛳️*The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 23-02-2024

  1. NOTION धारणा

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A general understanding or idea, often a vague or imperfect one.

Synonyms: Concept, idea, belief, perception, thought.

Antonym: Fact, reality, certainty, truth.

Example Sentence: His notion of success was not solely based on wealth but also on personal fulfillment and happiness.

  1. GEOPOLITICAL भू-राजनैतिक

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Relating to the combination of geography and politics, particularly in the context of international relations or global affairs.

Synonyms: Political, global, international, strategic.

Antonym: Local, regional, nonpolitical.

Example Sentence: The geopolitical tensions in the region were heightened by competing national interests and historical conflicts..

  1. ENDEAVOURS प्रयास

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: Efforts or attempts to achieve a goal.

Synonyms: Efforts, attempts, undertakings, initiatives.

Antonym: Inactivity, apathy, non-effort.

Example Sentence: The team's endeavors to create a more sustainable work environment were commendable.

She endeavors to learn a new skill every year to keep her mind active.

  1. AUGMENT बढ़ावा देना

Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To make something larger, greater, or more substantial.

Synonyms: Increase, expand, enhance, amplify, boost.

Antonym: Decrease, diminish, reduce, shrink, contract.

Example Sentence: The chef decided to augment the flavor of the soup by adding a variety of herbs and spices.

  1. GEOSPATIAL भू-स्थलीय

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning : Relating to or denoting the location of something on the Earth's surface, often in terms of latitude and longitude coordinates, and involving the use of geographic information systems (GIS) or spatial data.

Synonyms: geographic, positional, cartographic.

Antonym: non-geographic.

Example Sentence: The geospatial analysis of satellite imagery helped researchers map and monitor changes in land use over time..

  1. VITIATED दूषित

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Spoiled, impaired, or weakened in quality, effectiveness, or value.

Synonyms: Corrupted, tainted, degraded, debased, undermined.

Antonym: Enhanced, purified, improved, strengthened.

Example Sentence: The presence of counterfeit components vitiated the overall quality of the product, leading to numerous customer complaints.

  1. HAMSTRUNG प्रतिबंधित करना

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Hindered or disabled, often in a figurative sense, implying a significant limitation or obstacle.

Synonyms: handicapped, impeded, constrained, restricted.

Antonym: Unrestricted, liberated, enabled, facilitated.

Example Sentence: The company's expansion plans were hamstrung by unexpected financial challenges, forcing them to reconsider their strategy.

  1. BELLIGERENT युद्धरत

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Hostile, aggressive, or ready to fight.

Synonyms: combative, bellicose, pugnacious.

Antonym: Peaceful, friendly, conciliatory, pacifistic, non-aggressive.

Example Sentence: The belligerent tone of the argument escalated quickly, turning a simple disagreement into a full-blown confrontation.

  1. SKEW "विकृत

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A deviation or asymmetry from a straight or normal course.

Synonyms: Bias, distortion, slant, asymmetry.

Antonym: Symmetry, alignment, balance.

Example Sentence: The data distribution displayed a noticeable skew to the right, indicating a higher concentration of values on the lower end.

  1. SPURRING प्रेरित करना

Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: Urging or encouraging someone or something forward.

Synonyms: Encouraging, motivating, stimulating, prompting.

Antonym: Discouraging, dissuading, deterring.

Example Sentence: The coach was spurring the team to give their best performance in the upcoming match.**


1 year ago

*⛳️*The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 09-02-2024

  1. UNIFORMITY एकरूपता

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The state or quality of being uniform or consistent; the absence of variations, differences, or diversity.

Synonym: Consistency, sameness, regularity, conformity

Antonym: Diversity, variability, inconsistency, disparity

Example Sentence: The company aimed for uniformity in its products to ensure a consistent and recognizable brand image.

  1. PARAMOUNT शीर्ष

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Of the utmost importance or significance; supreme or highest in authority.

Synonym: Supreme, dominant, primary, preeminent

Antonym: Insignificant, secondary, subordinate, unimportant

Example Sentence: The safety of the passengers is paramount in the airline industry.

  1. SECULAR धर्मनिरपेक्ष

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Not religious or spiritual; relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, sacred, or spiritual.

Synonym: Non-religious, worldly, temporal, non-spiritual

Antonym: Religious, spiritual, sacred, divine

Example Sentence: The country's constitution ensures a secular state where religious beliefs do not influence government decisions.

  1. CONSOLIDATE समेकित करना

Parts of Speech: VERB

Meaning: To combine or merge different elements into a single, unified whole; to strengthen or make something more stable.

Synonym: Unify, merge, integrate, combine

Antonym: Divide, separate, scatter, disperse

Example Sentence: The company decided to consolidate its various departments into a single, efficient unit.

  1. BIZZARE विचित्र

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning : Unusual, strange, or eccentric in a striking or unsettling way; markedly unconventional.

Synonym: Weird, peculiar, eccentric, outlandish

Antonyms : Ordinary, conventional, normal, commonplace

Example Sentence: The art exhibition featured bizarre sculptures that challenged traditional notions of form and function.

  1. INCURSION आक्रमण

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A sudden and aggressive entrance or invasion into a place, often with the intention of causing damage or disruption.

Synonym: Invasion, raid, foray, attack

Antonym: Withdrawal, retreat, departure

Example Sentence: The military conducted a swift incursion into the enemy territory to gather intelligence.

  1. INSTRUSIVE अत्याचारी

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Tending to intrude or thrust oneself into the affairs or privacy of others; characterized by unwarranted or unwanted interference.

Synonym: Meddlesome, nosy, invasive, obtrusive

Antonym: Respectful, unobtrusive, considerate, discreet

Example Sentence: The intrusive questions from the reporter made the celebrity uncomfortable during the interview.

  1. DESERTION छोड़ देना

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: The act of abandoning or forsaking a duty, obligation, post, or person, often without permission or justification.

Synonym: Abandonment, betrayal, defection, forsaking

Antonym: Loyalty, fidelity, commitment, adherence

Example Sentence: The soldier was court-martialed for desertion after leaving his post without authorization.

  1. REPUGNANT घृणित

Parts of Speech: ADJ.

Meaning: Extremely distasteful, offensive, or causing intense aversion; arousing strong dislike or disgust.

Synonym: Offensive, disgusting, abhorrent, revolting

Antonyms: Appealing, pleasing, attractive, agreeable

Example Sentence: The smell emanating from the garbage bin was so repugnant that it made everyone in the room cringe.

  1. AVENUE मार्ग

Parts of Speech: NOUN

Meaning: A wide street or thoroughfare, often lined with trees or buildings, providing a passage from one location to another.

Synonym: Street, boulevard, road, lane

Antonym: Dead-end, cul-de-sac, alley

Example Sentence: The city's main shopping avenue was bustling with people on a sunny weekend**

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