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7 months, 2 weeks ago
[@PatriotFrontSightings]( » Patriot Front’s Independence Day …

@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front’s Independence Day demonstration in Nashville, Tennessee was a resounding success. With one of the largest columns fielded by the organization, the nearly 2-mile procession was met with virtually zero opposition and a great deal of positive reception on the ground. The march was roughly triple the size of PF's last sizable visit to Nashville. Not a single incident of violence or interaction with law enforcement took place, proving once again that these matters are initiated by outside parties. Videos of the march have been seen by roughly 35 million users on X alone.

Left-wing activists and local politicians have once again denounced Patriot Front with the typical vague, cookie-cutter rhetoric, even going so far as to call for violence. This is increasingly becoming commonplace among weak-willed bureaucrats and apathetic activists, whose words consistently fail to manifest into any sort of real-world action.

Online, the demonstration was once again subject to yet another astroturfed fed jacketing campaign, highlighted by one user. The intensifying frequency of attempted discreditation of Patriot Front has been viewed as a sign of the organization’s progress in the promotion and awareness of nationalistic ideals across America.

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Arrogant, hateful Jewish lawyer Roberta Kaplan booted from her own firm!
Former employees accuse her of abuse, screaming, belittling

Roberta Kaplan is known for the infamous Charlottesville lawsuit "Sines v Kessler".

The lawsuit was a gigantic Jewish conspiracy-theory, whose main purpose was to obtain court-mandates to read defendants' personal communications.

Now Kaplan has been revealed to be a psychotic bitch who abused her own employees, according to the New York Times (see linked article).

Her partners, Sean Hecker and Julie Fink, decided to force her out of her own firm.

Kaplan has has a long career twisting the legal system for Jewish political goals and her own gain. She litigated gay marriage in the supreme court, represented fellow psychotic bitch Amber Herd in the infamous Johnny Depp trial, and lead the recent groping/defamation case against Trump,

You might think Kaplan cares about women's rights. BULLSHIT, SHE CARES ABOUT JEWISH PRIVELEGES. When Jewish mega-firm Goldman Sachs was accused of sex discrimination, Kaplan rushed to its defense.

(Last month, Kaplan was made a Vice President of that very same Jewish firm. Quid pro quo.)

We know that system-goons like Kaplan are evil, arrogant, and abusive. What is remarkable is seeing it confirmed by her own colleagues and employees.

Today's Jews aren't like the 1960s Jews. Roberta Kaplan is a self-loving bitch because she has lived her whole life ensconced in Jewish Privilege. She has never had to get along with a gentile she didn't like. She has never had to compete on fair terms against a competent opponent. Her argumentation at the Sines v. Kessler trial was amateurish compared to her own employees, let alone outstanding pro-se defendant Chris Cantwell.

Pride cometh before the fall.

8 months ago
In 2016, migrants in the US …

In 2016, migrants in the US sent 138 billion dollars back to their home countries.

10 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months, 1 week ago

Employers May Not "Take Adverse Employment Actions ... Based on [Employees'] Race or Gender to Implement" "Diversity and Inclusion"…

From Tuesday's Fourth Circuit decision in Duvall v. Novant Health, Inc., written by Judge Agee and joined by Judges Quattlebaum...

11 months, 1 week ago

JUST IN - SCOTUS unanimously rules (9-0): public officials can be sued for blocking users and political expression on social media.

Posts by public officials are considered part of their job, and blocking users and comments on official accounts violates the First Amendment.


SCOTUS unanimously rules (9-0): public officials can be sued for blocking social media users

Breaking news from around the world.

JUST IN - SCOTUS unanimously rules (9-0): public officials can be sued for blocking users and political expression on social …
12 months ago
[@PatriotFrontUpdates]( » Thomas Rousseau, leader of …

@PatriotFrontUpdates » Thomas Rousseau, leader of Patriot Front, was arrested by Texas law enforcement on February 23 on a felony warrant out of Charlottesville, Virginia. The arrest comes after a nearly 7-year witch hunt by politically motivated prosecutors, stemming from the events that transpired at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Rousseau faces a fabricated felony charge for "Burning Objects with Intent to Intimidate.”

This is the burden that American patriots must bear. Patriot Front will continue to organize and work in the nation's cause unimpeded.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington

1 year ago
***?*** **Some key takeaways from the …

? Some key takeaways from the 2022 FBI Crime Data

1. Violent Crime

• Blacks continue to commit the most violent crimes of any group - 43.2% of all violent crimes, despite being only 13.4% of the population.
• Whites were the victims of more violent crime than any other group - 56.8% of all violent crime victims. This number continues to rise, and is up almost two percentage points from 2021.

2. Homicide

• Blacks continue to commit the most homicides out of any group - 52% of all homicides, despite being only 13.4% of the population.

3. Rape

• Blacks committed 43.2% of all rapes, despite being only 13.4% of the population.
• Whites made up the majority of rape victims at 56.8% of all victims.

New Right News

1 year ago

Reminder, DHS enabled the Great Replacement:

"DHS and the Great Replacement"

The Department of Homeland Security holds migrants for an average of 55 days, which amounts to a cost of some $9,994 to the American taxpayer.

Most of these migrants will then be released into the United States with a full belly, a clean bill of health, and a plane ticket courtesy of FEMA

In 2024 the FEMA will have a budget of more than $800 million for its Shelter and Services Program (SSP).

The SSP grants money to non-profit entities in American communities so they can pay for the transportation and housing of immigrants who have arrived to the United States irregularly.

With a budget of more than $6.5 billion, an increase of $1 billion since 2022, the USCIS is explicitly speeding up its naturalization of immigrants in the United States.

Read the full article and learn far more about how the Department of Homeland Security is facilitating the Great Replacement:


DHS and the Great Replacement

A look into the spending that is facilitating demographic replacement

Reminder, DHS enabled the Great Replacement:
1 year, 2 months ago
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