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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Реклама: @kingygmads / Платформа: ton.org.in
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EN: @investkingyru_en
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Gentle reminder 🫖
Go get it today, you totally got this
Speaking Club Meeting 🌗
✨О чем поговорим? Astrology, ваш покорный слуга, например, хоть иногда и почитывает Ретроградный меркурий, едва ли верит, что «зачать сегодня можно человека ленивого» 😅 обсудим мифы, наши знаки зодиака, популярные прогнозы и т.д.
🌒 С каким уровнем мне будет комфортно? А2 и выше. No pressure, just fun, если хотите придти и чтобы Вас разговорили, напишите мне заранее. Если хотите придти и помолчать, послушать и выпить вкусного кофе - welcome
🔮 Когда? вт, 5 ноября, 19:30
✨ Где? м. Третьяковская
уютная кофейня, подробнее в закрытом чате коммьюнити после регистрации
🐈🐈 Сколько стоит? 800₽
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See you all soon!
Количество мест ограничено для общего комфорта
😉 I might consider myself a spiritual person but one thing I don’t believe is my thing is astrology.
Однако, именно астрология станет темой встречи разговорного клуба в следующий вторник. Анонс будет в 19:30 сегодня ❤️ Stay tuned, sweethearts
Happy New Year 👒
Technically, in Wiccan practice, Samhein (which was this night) is considered to be the beginning of the new year. I (fersure) spent yesterday in the dark forest 🌿 walking, breathing and for the first time purely enjoying it instead of being terrified (= scared a lot).
What I like about the Wheel of the Year is the acknowledgment of basic concepts in connection with nature. In Western culture and in Russian culture (to my surprise) most people don’t feel comfortable with the idea of darkness and death.
So, let’s get back to the question “How come is the beginning of the darkest part of the year is the new year?”
Samhain is the ever-important period before the return of the light. It is the part that's so often overlooked in the linear-driven society we currently live in. The natural world retreats into decay (=распад, упадок) and death during this time. We are also given the same opportunity to withdraw, allow parts to fall away.
How do you feel in your body when you hear the words death and decay? Do you embrace (= принимать) these words, do they roll off of you with ease, or does something within you want to disassociate with these words?
Samhain is an opportunity to cultivate more acceptance and reverence (=почтение) for death. Here are some different ways to connect with the archetype of death in this way.
Even our modern interpretations of Samhain with Halloween have held onto cozying up to the dark. However, it wasn't until our early departure from and cyclical practices that we started to attach negative associations to darkness and death. The dark and death have not always been feared and associated with evil.
The Wheel of the Year itself is broken into a dark and light half. Even though the Wheel itself is a relatively modern interpretation of how our ancestors celebrated, we can see in the Coligny calendar of the Celts that there was deep and equal reverence for both the light and the dark.
I do believe that the nature itself is the greatest teacher and I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out my ways to embrace dark season, I still feel uncomfortable with November, January and February being the darkest, coldest months. However, I think it’s our often dysfunctional relationship with the dark that cuts us off from the wisdom of death. They are closely intertwined and natural decay that has just started brings up the space for birth of the new life in the next season. One cannot exist without another.
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💬 Комьюнити: t.me/okx_russian
👨💻 Поддержка: [email protected]
Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends
Last updated 1 day, 7 hours ago
Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.
Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Реклама: @kingygmads / Платформа: ton.org.in
Чат: t.me/+QzoGJS7ktps1NOzh
Приватный канал: t.me/investkingyru/417
Помощь: @tonorgin_bot
EN: @investkingyru_en
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago