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3 weeks, 4 days ago

Assalomu alaykum, xayrli kech!

Ertaga soat 16⁰⁰da Sesh/Pay/Shanba Beginner(0) guruhi uchun birinchi darslar boshlanadi.

Ro'yxatdan o'tkanlar va qatnashish istagida bo'lgan o'quvchilar 15⁵⁰da Turkiston Tibbiyot texnikumi(BuxDTI oldida, infeksion kasalliklar shifoxonasi róparasi) 3-qavatiga kelishlarini so'raymiz !

IP- stop stopping yourself!

3 weeks, 5 days ago

Markazimiz o'quvchilarni qabul qilish uchun ideal holatda?

Eslatib o'tamiz!

9-sentabr ertaga 16⁰⁰da PRE-IELTS guruhlari uchun

18⁰⁰da Foundation intensive guruhi uchun birinchi darslar boshlanadi!

IP- stop stopping yourself?

1 month ago

Assalomu alaykum! Guruhlar uchun link berishni boshladik. Kurslarga yozilish istagida bo'lganlar @RoomIELTS_pro profiliga yozib o'zlari uchun mos bo'lgan leveldagi telegram guruhlariga qo'shilishlari mumkin. Foundation va Pre-IELTS guruhlari uchun darslar…

1 month ago

Resulttt !

1 month, 1 week ago
5 months ago

I noticed these two sentences when doing a practice test with students. There is an extra information which was added between en dashes.

It can be a perfect structure in your task 2. I will explain it further later on.

5 months ago

More and more people are becoming seriously overweight. Some people say that the price increase of fattening foods will solve this problem.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

*In recent years, a trend of overweightness has been a serious concerning problem among people. In response to this issue, some people say that raising the cost of fattening foods, such as fast food, processed meals and sugary beverages, can make a difference. While, this potential solution has some benefits, I personally do not believe that the problem of obesity can be solely addressed by increasing the price of fattening foods.

Admittedly, there are some advantages to this solution. Making sugary and calorie-dense food products more expensive can drive down the demand for these unhealthy food items. In an effort to save costs, individuals may start seeking out more healthier alternatives like traditional foods and fresh local produce, leading to a shift towards more nutritious dietary habits. This, in turn, will help people to reduce a risk of excessive weight gain. Higher prices on fast food and other fattening food items can also bring about new incentives by the food manufacturers and restaurants to promote healthier options. This, eventually, may encourage food industry to offer healthier alternatives, leading to a wider range of healthier food choices for consumers.

I, however, think that fattening foods are not the main culprit of overweightness. Living a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of daily physical activities can be significant contributors to obesity among people. In the era of technology, most people have abandoned practises like commuting to work and walking outside thanks to modern work conditions and facilities. Having been indoors all day, individuals fail to burn the excessive calories which they consume, regardless of whether foods are unhealthy or healthy, ultimately causing to weight gain. Promoting physical activities and healthy lifestyles among employees by providing fitness facilities in the workplace and organizing contests among the staff can contribute to long-term success in combating obesity.

Inadequate knowledge about the importance of dietary habits in people’s life can be another reason why obesity has been prevalent these days. If government organizes publicity campaigns to educate people about the significance of their diets and harmful effects of fattening foods rather than just increasing the prices, it would be an effective way to help people who are seriously affected by overweightness. That is because, these campaigns would certainly improve people’s awareness of the negative and positive effects of food ingredients like chemicals, processed meat, and sugar.

In conclusion, people today tend to think that increased prices of sugary and other hypercaloric fattening foods can create positive outcomes on obesity problem. While this can be beneficial in some contexts, I believe that there are other factors that can cause overweightness and potential solutions, like being physically active and improving public knowledge about dietary habits, can be taken into account to tackle this common issue.
456 words | 55 min*


5 months, 1 week ago

Useful sentence structure!

Having been first action(V3)_, second action_.

"Having been" , like "if conditionals", is used to indicate an action that occurs before a second action. In this case, the first action creates condition to make the second action happen.

Zero Conditional- If people are informed about the harmful impact of fast food, they are more likely to choose their daily food products more reasonably.

Having been informed about the harmful impact of fast food, people are more likely to choose their daily food products more reasonably.

You can use nouns/ adjectives instead of the first action:

Having been a salesman for over 40 years, he knows every aspect of customer service.


5 months, 3 weeks ago


Demo darslarni ko'rish istagida bo'lganlar qo'shilishlari mumkin.
1-va 2-dars shu yopiq guruhda bo'lib o'tadi.

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