Vinland Battlewear

Dark Age Tactics, Golden Age Ideals
Training and street clothes for the urban Ulfhednar.
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2 months ago
Vinland Battlewear
2 months ago
Vinland Battlewear
2 months, 4 weeks ago

Some people will post memes or continue to yammer on about the so-called "evils" of syncretic understanding or practice (allowing it to live rent-free in their mind, or maybe just to stoke division) and claim to be "folkish" all while posting excerpts and images regarding myths from various ethnic folk faiths or Indo-European groups.
The hypocrisy is hilarious.

They continue to ignore history where European and Eurasian faiths influenced each other heavily and were often a blend or seen as compatible within a similar cosmology. Also, they continue to strawman and make up arguments to claim things never said by most so they can continue to slander or cause a stir.

Yet again, Hammer and Vajra, as well as our members and associates, are a mixture of syncetic (of IE faiths) and folkish ethnic faiths.

A syncretic understanding or gap filling doesn't make one a traitor of one's own Ethnic group.
It just makes then a more well-rounded and educated practitioner.
Ultimately, faith / belief, praying to the Ancestors and Gods, and keeping myth, traditions, and morals alive is more important than any label you place on your faiths.

4 months, 1 week ago

Plz comment on accuracy of syncretism in this img next

4 months, 1 week ago

Our reply to the barbarian clerygman:

The person writing the critique sounds gay.

But not in a cool, homofascist Jack Donovan type way.

Like a dinner party with dress shirts and leather vests type gay, shivering in your bathtub with tears running down your gross beta Wizard beard type gay.

We may write more testaments about this topic in this future.

4 months, 1 week ago

Support those who support you! ⚡️

6 months, 1 week ago
Only 4 Vinland Defence pullovers left!

Only 4 Vinland Defence pullovers left!

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Vinland Battlewear
8 months, 1 week ago

Money and physique aren't impressive if you have no substance as a man.

You need to become a warrior that stands for something.

Have a life mission and a set of immutable principles you are willing to die for.

8 months, 1 week ago
Women have a role to play …

Women have a role to play in the coming times and a duty to seek readiness for it in the current times.

I am a gentle-hearted woman who just wants to create beauty. Yet I firmly I believe we must train to be capable in many ways including some that may seem against our nature at first. However, these ways are truly in line with our sense of justice, ferocity, familial protection and feminine prowess when push comes to shove.

Don’t wait until that moment comes to think about it.

Hat & shirt: VBW ⚡️

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