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1 year, 6 months ago

In many countries, people increasingly talk about money such as how much they earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations.
Why is this?
Is it a positive or negative development?

Module essay by # Amonova** Daily conversations about financial matters, such as salaries or expenses are becoming pervasive on a global scale today. Despite leading to some positive outcomes in people’s financial knowledge, I would assume that this trend is an end result of currrently shifting social norms.
As far as reasons behind prevalence of money issues among present-day people, the one would be the changes in societal norms and standards. Although people used to be reluctant to share their financial matters in public in the past as it was deemed as poor taste, money issues in daily conversations have already become socially acceptable, even a way of showing off wealth and status of individuals in a community. At present, people are no longer embarrassed or as secretive as they used to be about their financial management, including how much they earn and how much is expended. Additionally, some advocate the conversations concerning people’s monetary matters, such as expenses or income due to the educational advantage to younger children who are a part of the communication. As a result of such interactions, children are highly likely to adopt a frugal way of life when they get older.
With regards to the effects of money as a subject of everyday communication, it could however induce some potential threats on a broader social scale in the long run. As a consequence of increased propensity to talk about wages and expenses daily, a community would be put in jeopardy, becoming so-called flex society where arrogance and financial segregation can never be tackled. Social comparison aside, regular conversations about money issues would be a motive behind unhealthy competition in a particular community where people have a wasteful behavior due to a culture of jealousy and anger. With this being said, all these issues are likely to perpetuate extravagance and consumerism in the remote future along with the problems of overspending caused by people’s intention to meet their discerning needs.
In conclusion, regardless of the acquisition of financial knowledge, daily talks about money matters would come with some destructive social consequences, I think.

(343 words)

1 year, 8 months ago

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

1.Idea generation

1)Extra responsibilities
Social responsibility and increased self-reliance – 1) greater maturity in time management and independence
Instills other needed traits: problem-solving skills at an early age; dealing with potential issues; organizational skills
Self-discipline and diligence
2)Free to enjoy
Immense pressure – academically successful; overburden; psychological issues later
Creative thinking – games; when exposed to freedom; uninhibited and not occupied by daily chores
Curtailed by current perceptions: overprotective parenting; risk of traffic and crime

Module Essay by #Amonova
To some, present-day children ought to be occupied by extracurricular activities and domestic chores regardless of their ages whilst others, myself included, are in favor of child freedom in the way children can enjoy the period of youth.

On the one hand, as critics of free choice of children in enjoyment sources reckon, extra responsibilities at home or at work given to kids would lead to numerous positive outcomes, such as higher social responsibility and increased self-reliance, which could be of great aid in adulthood. Children who are involved in extra domestic chores and tasks, importantly, develop needed human qualities, including self-discipline and diligence which are not a part of school curriculum. Independence aside, such kids tend to be more organized at both their academic and daily life and more mature in terms time management by comparison to other peers, who are free of different excessive tasks and responsibilities. Most notably, children with after-school responsibilities and tasks are highly likely to be resilient problem-solvers later on during their adulthood as they are given an opportunity to cope with domestic minor problems and chores from an early age.

On the other hand, however, unless kids are freed off extra added activities, children’s lives might be immensely pressurized, impeding teens to be academically and personally successful. Subsequently, this overburden could induce some possible psychological disorders during their transition period, including a feeling of isolation, being introvert and depression, which can be extremely tough to be tackled later on. Furthermore, freedom granted in the period of childhood, especially child play should be of great benefit to the uninhibited young in the development of creative thinking as psychologists suggest. However, this free way of child life has been curtailed by current overprotective parental perceptions associated with risks of traffic accidents and being victims of crime.

In conclusion, irrespective of how giving extra responsibilities benefits children’s adult life, I think they should be liberated enough to spend their childhood enjoyably so that they will be able to succeed later.

*?by Maryam_Guzal
Word limit:

2 years ago

#task one
The maps provided portray the changes that took place in the town planning of Willington in the years of 1780, 1860 and 2000.
From a general perspective, apparently, the city was converted into more residentialized and commercialized urban center with all modern sports, educational and infrastructure facilities constructed at the expense of forests and farmland. However, the river running southwards remained intact over the entire period.

In 1780, the layout of the city consisted of a residential area with a hundred houses in the north-west and a woodland at the opposite bottom corner of Willington along with several farms positioned to the eastern side of the unchanged river. During 1860, some parts of the woods and farms, however, were removed to build a road heading from the river towards residential houses in the north-eastern corner, which doubled in number. Additionally, there was erected a bridge over the river after almost a century coming to 1860.

Emphasizing the most recent changes made within 2000, the south-east corner of the city was hugely modified with newly-built schools and sports pitches in the place of demolished trees and this area was connected to 500 housing structures by means of a new road. The farms of 1860, moreover, were flattened coming to 2000 in order to open more space for new shops along the river which got a wetland zone for bird species in the southern end in the same year.
1. Residentialize
2. Commercialize
3. At the expense of
4. Intact
5. Layout
6. Double in number/size
7. Newly-built

2 years ago
2 years, 1 month ago


The maps portray the future changes which are about to be made to a present-day industrial zone called Norbiton.

From overall perspective, the industrial Norbiton is projected to be residentialized with more housing accommodation in the central and eastern part of the area.

With regards to current layout of Norbiton, an industrial part of the area is situated between a northern river running from east to west and a proportionally positioned road which is linked to a roundabout through a side path. The roundabout is surrounded by a number of industrial factories crawling eastwards along another side road. Western part of Norbiton, yet, is urbanized whilst the agricultural land occupies a northern part above the river.

As for future construction plans, the current roundabout is planned to have 4-sided traffic circles, one of which will be connected to smaller roundabout bisecting the existing road. Between these two roundabouts, a medical center on the right and stores on the other side are to be constructed. The farmland in the north, however, is predicted to be replaced by housing facilities which will be structured above the bridged river. Additionally, there are also some future plans for new houses which will line a west-eastern road with the extension of a playground and school at the end of the eastern one.

By Guzal_Maryam
Word limit:

#recent #taskone #sample #follow #viral

2 years, 1 month ago


  1. Ward- kasalxonadagi palata
  2. Scornfully- mensimay
  3. Newcomer- yangi kelgan kishi
  4. Worriedly- havotirlanib
  5. Revulsion=disgust- jirkanish
  6. Tinge=tint- colour something slightly- ozgina bo’yamoq
  7. Incredulity=disbelief- ishonchsizlik
  8. Defect= flaw=fault- nuqson; kamchilik
  9. Draft-board doctor -voyenkadagi goden ili negoden ekanligini aniqlovchi duxtir?
  10. Inductee - harbiy xizmatga chaqiriluvchi odam
  11. In advance=beforehand- oldindan
  12. Stall- nimadir sotib olayotganingizda to’xtaydigan rastalar orasidagi joy
  13. Funeral- janoza
  14. Urge-undamoq
  15. Escort - oxrana, qorovul
  16. Gallant=brave- jasur
  17. Bowing to reality- aslini olganda
  18. Anniversary- yubiley
  19. Posh=luxurious-hashamatli
  20. Resort- kurort
  21. Insist- fikrida turib olmoq
  22. Scribble- aji-buji qilib yozmoq
2 years, 1 month ago


  1. Ward- kasalxonadagi palata
  2. Scornfully- mensimay
  3. Newcomer- yangi kelgan kishi
  4. Worriedly- havotirlanib
  5. Revulsion=disgust- jirkanish
  6. Tinge=tint- colour something slightly- ozgina bo’yamoq
  7. Incredulity=disbelief- ishonchsizlik
  8. Defect= flaw=fault- nuqson; kamchilik
  9. Draft-board doctor -voyenkadagi goden ili negoden ekanligini aniqlovchi duxtir?
  10. Inductee - harbiy xizmatga chaqiriluvchi odam
  11. In advance=beforehand- oldindan
  12. Stall- nimadir sotib olayotganingizda to’xtaydigan rastalar orasidagi joy
  13. Funeral- janoza
  14. Urge-undamoq
  15. Escort - oxrana, qorovul
  16. Gallant=brave- jasur
  17. Bowing to reality- aslini olganda
  18. Anniversary- yubiley
  19. Posh=luxurious-hashamatli
  20. Resort- kurort
  21. Insist- fikrida turib olmoq
  22. Scribble- aji-buji qilib yozmoq

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***1️⃣***Miss Guzal’s Channel ***2️⃣***8.0 holder in IELTS ***3️⃣***Your life changes here ***4️⃣***IELTS tips and motivation ***5️⃣***Helps you to be ahead of others ***6️⃣***Writing tips***📕*** ***7️⃣***Vocabulary boosting methods***📚*** #ielts #Amonova #tips #beware

2 years, 1 month ago
#taskone The table provided compare how …

#taskone The table provided compare how many impoverished people live in 3 American states along with the counties’ population rates, age and income brackets. Evidently, in all regards California and Florida are quite similar while Utal depicts lower numbers…

2 years, 1 month ago


The table provided compare how many impoverished people live in 3 American states along with the counties’ population rates, age and income brackets.

Evidently, in all regards California and Florida are quite similar while Utal depicts lower numbers compared to them.

To start off, there is almost no discrepancy in the number of adolescents (17% and 16% correspondingly) and average earning per head (around $20000) throughout both California and Florida. The number of the elderly, yet, is significantly varied within the states, comprising of 13% in California and much higher 23% in the other state. Additionally, like 16% of Californians who are below poverty lines, the 12% live under destitute conditions in Florida.

As for Utal residents income rate on average, it amounts the least 17000, however, only 9% of its population are in urgent need of governmental aid. Notably, a striking demographic gap between the number of the young and over 60-aged populace can be seen in Utal with far more greater proportion of the former (28% and 8% respectively).

Word limit: 171
By Guzal Maryam

??? if you share your version of this task one in comments section below, I will check it out for you

2 years, 1 month ago
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