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Part 2 (See part 1 above.)
Mattice, Cody
Maurer, Christopher
Mazza, Mark
McAbee, Ronald Colton "Colt"
McCaughey, Patrick, 1512
McGrew, James - Marine
McHugh, Sean, 1512
McKellop, Jeffrey - Army
McNulty, Devin (In, week of 8/18/24)
Meggs, Kelly, 1512
Mehaffie, David
Mele, Ron, 1512 -Air Force
Mellis, Jonathan, 1512
Miles, Steven
Miller, Scott
Milstreed, Rodney - Veteran
Mink, Jordan Robert (Out, week of 9/1/24)
Minuta, Roberto, 1512
Mitchell, Landon, 1512
Mlynarek, Kyle (Out, week of 7/21/24)
Mock, Brian, 1512
Moerschel, Dave, 1512
Morss, Robert, 1512 - Army Ranger
Mullins, Clayton, 1512
Munafo, Jonathan
Munchel, Eric, 1512
Nichols, Ryan, 1512 - Marine
Nix, Gregory
Nordean, Ethan, 1512
Ochs, Nicholas, 1512
Oliveras, Michael, 1512
Owens, Grady Douglas
Owens, Jason
Padilla, Joseph, 1512 - Army
Palmer, Robert Scott
Pavlik, Joseph (Out?)
Pelham, Nathan
Perkins, Michael
Peterson, Kurt
Pezzola, Dominic, 1512 - Marine
Phipps, Daniel
Pollock, Johnathan
Pollock, Olivia
Ponder, Mark, 1512
Powell, Rachel, 1512
Pruitt, Joshua, 1512
Purdy, Gregory, 1512 (In, week of 6/9/2024)
Quaglin, Christopher, 1512
Ramey, Barry
Reffitt, Guy, 1512
Rehl, Zachary, 1512 - Marine
Reyher, Arthur
Reyher, Jessica (Out, week of 8/25/24)
Rheiner, Narayana "Ryan"
Rhodes, Stewart, 1512 - Army
Richmond, Edmund
Robertson, Thomas, 1512 - Army
Robinson, Benjamin
Rodriguez, Daniel, 1512
Rodriguez, Edward
Roe, Christopher
Rossman, Devin (Out, week of 8/25/24)
Rubenacker, Greg, 1512
Russell, Bobby Wayne
Sabol, Jeffrey, 1512
Samsel, Ryan, 1512
Sandlin, Ronald, 1512
Sandoval, Salvador, 1512
Sanford, Robert
Sargent, Anthony
Schubert, John Anthony (In, week of 9/1/24)
Schwartz, Peter, 1512
Scott, Daniel, 1512
Secor, Christian, 1512
Shalvey, Dale (In, week of 8/4/24)
Shuler, Benjamin
Sibick, Thomas
Sills, Geoffrey, 1512
Slye, Mikhail
Smith, Bryan (In, week of 5/31/24)
Smith, Thomas, 1512
Southard-Rumsey, Audrey, 1512
Speed, Hatchet - Naval Reserves
St Cyr, Yvonne
Stallings, Shelly
Stedman, Patrick, 1512
Stevens, Tristan
Sturgeon, Isaac, 1512
Swoope, Ryan
Taake, Andrew, 1512
Taranto, Taylor - Navy
Tarrio, Henry/Enrique, 1512
Tate, Curtis
Tenney, George Amos, 1512
Therres, Jacob
Thomas, Kenneth Joseph, 1512
Thompson, Devlyn
Thompson, Dustin
Todd, John George, 1512
Turner, Robert (In, week of 6/9/2024)
Vallejo, Edward, 1512
Vasallo, Salvatore
Warner, Erik, 1512
Watkins, Jessica, 1512 - Army
Waynick, Jerry
Waynick, Mark
Webler, Matthew
Webster, Thomas - Marine
Weston, Tucker
Whitton, Jack
Williams, Riley June, 1512
Wilson, Dan "LW" (In, week of 8/25/24)
Wilson, Duke, 1512
Woods, Shane, 1512
Worrell, Christopher, 1512 - Air Force
Wren, Donnie
Wright, John, 1512
Wyatt, Douglas
Yates, Ryan (In, week of 8/25/24)
Yetman, Gregory
Young, Kyle
Zerkle, Jacob
Sunday, September 8, 2024
240+ J6 families are torn away from their loved ones.
115 currently incarcerated hostages are charged with the 1512(c)2 felony that was reversed by SCOTUS.
Sadly, the government is holding so many of our J6ers as political hostages, we have had to split this into two posts. (See part 2 below.)
Please pray for our men and women and their families, and help support them if you can. The need is great!
? ? ?
Alam, Zachary, 1512
Alberts, Christopher -Army
Amsini, Daniel (Out, week of 9/1/24)
Atwood, Joshua
Avirett, Richard
Azari, Farbod
Azari, Farhad
Badalian, Edward, 1512
Ball, Daniel
Ballard, Thomas John
Bannon, Stephen K (In, week of July 4, 2024)
Banuelos, John
Barnett, Richard, 1512
Barnhart, Logan
Beckley, Damon, 1512
Beddingfield, Matthew
Biggs, Joseph Randall, 1512 -Army
Bilyard, Aiden -Air Force
Bingert, Craig, 1512
Bonawitz, Kenneth
Boughner, Tim Levon, 1512
Box, Dominic, 1512
Bournes, Patrick (In, week of 8/11/24)
Bozell, Leo (In, week of 7/21/24)
Brown, Jeffrey
Brown, Jeremy -Army
Bru, Marc, 1512
Burlew, Benjamen - Army, combat disabled
Buteau, Jamie (In, week of 8/25/24)
Caldwell, Daniel Ray -Marines
Cappuccio, Steven, 1512 - Veteran
Carpenter, Sara, 1512
Celentano, Ralph
Chambers II, Raymond (In, week of 9/1/24)
Chrestman, William, 1512 -Army
Christensen, Reed, 1512
Ciaparelli, Albert (Out, week of 8/25/24)
Clark, Jacob Travis, 1512
Clayton, Cale
Copeland, Jonathon
Cook, Ricardo (In, week of 6/9/2024)
Courson, Mason
Crowley, John Edward
DaSilva, Matthew, 1512
DeCarlo, Nicholas, 1512
DeGrave, Nathaniel, 1512 (Out, week of 9/1/24)
Dempsey, David, 1512
Denney, Lucas -Army
Dennis, Robert
Desjardins, Timothy
Dickinson, Michael
Dillard, Brandon (Out, week of 9/1/24)
Dillard, Kaleb
Dillon, Michael John (In, week of 7/28/24)
Doolin, Joshua (Out, week of 8/25/24)
Easterday, Israel
Egtvedt, Daniel, 1512
Elliott, James Robert
Farris, Jason
Fisher, Joseph Robert (In, week of 7/28/24)
Fisher, Samuel
Fitzsimons, Kyle, 1512
Fonticoba, Gilbert, 1512
Foy, Michael, 1512
Gardner, Mitchell, 1512
Galetto, Kevin, 1512
Gieswein, Robert
Gietzen, David
Gillespie, Vincent
Gossjankowski, Vitali, 1512
Grace, Jonathan
Grant, James, 1512
Gray, Daniel, 1512
Gray, Leslie
Grider, Christopher, 1512 -Army
Hackett, Joseph, 1512
Harkrider, Alex (In, week of 8/4/24)
Harris, Richard, 1512
Hazard, Donald
Head, Albuquerque, 1512
Healion, Brian (In, week of 9/1/24)
Hess, Cameron
Holdridge, Brent (In, week of 6/16/24)
Hostetter, Alan, 1512
Howe, Joseph, 1512
Hughes, Jerod, 1512
Hutchinson, Joseph
Isaacs, Traci
Jackson, Brian
Jenkins, Shane, 1512
Jersey, Justin
Johnatakis, Taylor, 1512
Johnson, Joshua, 1512
Johnson, Zachary
Judd, David, 1512
Kasper, Riley
Keen, Quinn (In, week of 8/18/24)
Kelly, Leo
Kinnison, Derek, 1512
Kenyon, Josiah
Khater, Julian Elie
Klein, Federico Guillerm, 1512
Knowles, Joshua (In, week of 9/1/24)
Kovacik, Paul (In, week of 6/23/24)
Krill, Peter
Krol, Matthew
Kuehne, Chris, 1512 (health delays, military vet blown up by an IED)
Kumer, Kyle (In, week of 8/25/24)
Lang, Edward Jacob, 1512
Lesperance, David
Leyden, Daniel
Liu, Jia
Lockwood, Michael
Lollar, Joshua, 1512 - Veteran
Lyons, Kevin, 1512 (Out, week of 8/25/24)
MacCracken, Avery (In, week of 7/28/24)
Mackrell, Clifford, 1512
Mackrell, Michael - Marines
Maly, Markus
Mangia, Jeanette (In, week of 7/28/24)
Manley, Christian -Marines
Markey, Richard (In, week of 8/18/24)
Martinez, Felipe, 1512
Mastanduno, Anthony -Army
Hostage update September 9, 2024
Amsini, Daniel
DeGrave, Nathaniel
Dillard, Brandon
Mink, Jorden Robert
Chambers II, Raymond
Healion, Brian
Knowles, Joshua
Schubert, John Anthony
Please continue to pray for the hostages and their families as they adjust to new struggles, also for their soon release. ?
? ????????? ????? ?
Jeff Walz, Brother Of Dem VP Candidate Tim Walz, Is ‘100% Opposed To All His Ideology’
Jeff Walz, the brother of Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, has been making waves on social media after previous Facebook posts have been resurfacing showcasing Jeff’s critical view of his brother’s extreme left-leaning ideologies.
??More Here ??
One America News Network
Jeff Walz, Brother Of Dem VP Candidate Tim Walz, Is ‘100% Opposed To All His Ideology’
Jeff Walz, the brother of Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, has been making waves on social media after previous Facebook posts have been resurfacing showcasing Jeff’s critical view of his brother's extreme left-leaning ideologies.
? ????????? ????? ?
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich Believes Regulators Should ‘Threaten’ Elon Musk With Arrest Over His Free Speech Stance
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich published a column in The Guardian on Friday, regarding tactics big businesses and governments could utilize to control billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.
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One America News Network
Fmr Labor Secretary Robert Reich Believes Regulators Should ‘Threaten’ Elon Musk With Arrest Over His Free Speech Stance
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich published a column in The Guardian on Friday, regarding tactics big businesses and governments could utilize to control billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.
? ????????? ????? ?
TikTokers Hit with MASSIVE Debt After Attempting to Exploit a Viral Chase Bank Glitch
Social media users were spotted lined up outside of Chase Bank, eager to take advantage of the glitch and cash in on what they believed was “free money.”
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???? ✝️
The Gateway Pundit
TikTokers Hit with MASSIVE Debt After Attempting to Exploit a Viral Chase Bank Glitch | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson
Guest Post by Miriam Judith A glitch at Chase Bank went viral on TikTok over the weekend, enabling customers to withdraw large sums of money from ATMs despite having insufficient funds in their accounts.
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Why did Jill Biden have more Secret Service than President Donald J Trump?
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Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
Why did Jill Biden have more Secret Service than President Donald J Trump?
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago