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Address : 305, Shalin Galleria Complex, G-1 Circle, Near RTO, Gandhinagar

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

જ્ઞાન એકેડમી - ગાંધીનગર મો. નં. 8758277555

We provide videos regarding different subjects free of cost in you tube channel - Gyan Academy Gandhinagar

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Manage by - @pradiprajput7575

Gpsc Class 1/2,તલાટી,જૂ.ક્લાર્ક, બિન સચિવાલય તથા ટેટ,ટાટ , police , psi ,asi વગેરે માટે ઉપયોગી Quiz
Quiz : NCERT + GCERT અને માહિતી ખાતાની પુસ્તકો આધારિત હશે.

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

2 months, 1 week ago
**Follow the Maths by Kartik Vyas …

Follow the Maths by Kartik Vyas channel on WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va5G3jPIHphFys8Urk0s

2 months, 1 week ago
***?*** **પાઠ્યપુસ્તક આધારિત શબ્દાર્થ** ***?***

? પાઠ્યપુસ્તક આધારિત શબ્દાર્થ ?

✍️ હિમસુતા - હિમાલયમાંથી નીકળતી નદી

✍️ સ્નિગ્ધ - સુંવાળું, કોમળ

✍️ કંચુકી - કાંચળી, કમખો

✍️ વંત્યાક - વેંગણ, રીંગણાં

✍️ ગિધદૃષ્ટી - સૂક્ષ્મ-ઝીણી, નજર

✍️ કબજો - નિયંત્રણ, કાબૂ

✍️ શોષિત - શોષાયેલું

✍️ ધૃષ્ટ - નકામું

✍️ પરિગ્રહી - ભેગું કરનાર

✍️ ઉલાળધરાળ ન હોવું - આગળ-પાછળની ચિંતા ન હોવી

Follow the Maths by Kartik Vyas channel on WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va5G3jPIHphFys8Urk0s

???? ?????? ????
+?? ??? ??? ????

2 months, 1 week ago

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 22.12.2024

  1. INTRANSIGENT (ADJECTIVE):(हठी): uncompromising
    Synonyms: inflexible, unbending
    Antonyms: compliant
    Example Sentence:Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent.

  2. CUTTING-EDGE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक उन्नत): highly advanced
    Synonyms: innovative, pioneering
    Antonyms: outdated
    Example Sentence:The firm introduced some cutting-edge technology.

  3. ANGST (NOUN): (उत्कंठा): anxiety
    Synonyms: fear, dread
    Antonyms: calmness
    Example Sentence:The middle classes go through existential angst.

  4. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्य करना): recognize
    Synonyms: license, authorize
    Antonyms: ban
    Example Sentence:Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.

  5. INDIGENOUS (NOUN): (स्वदेशी): native
    Synonyms: aboriginal, local
    Antonyms: expatriate
    Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians. 

  6. SCANDALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानपूर्ण): discreditable
    Synonyms: disreputable, dishonourable
    Antonyms: seemly
    Example Sentence:The magazine published scandalous pictures of the movie star.

  7. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve
    Synonyms: clear, exonerate
    Antonyms: convict
    Example Sentence:One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted.

  8. RETROGADE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिगामी): regressive
    Synonyms: negative, downhill
    Antonyms: positive
    Example Sentence:To go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step.

  9. PERSEVERANCE (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence
    Synonyms: tenacity, determination
    Antonyms: irresolution
    Example Sentence:His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness.

  10. BANKRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (दिवालिया): insolvent
    Synonyms: bankrupted, failed
    Antonyms: solvent
    Example Sentence:His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home.

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+?? ??? ??? ????

5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
We recommend to visit

For Application inquiry : 7777991357 / 6358289897 / 7777991352 / 7777991367 / 6356239165

Technical helpline no.- 70 964 964 85

Address : 305, Shalin Galleria Complex, G-1 Circle, Near RTO, Gandhinagar

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

જ્ઞાન એકેડમી - ગાંધીનગર મો. નં. 8758277555

We provide videos regarding different subjects free of cost in you tube channel - Gyan Academy Gandhinagar

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Manage by - @pradiprajput7575

Gpsc Class 1/2,તલાટી,જૂ.ક્લાર્ક, બિન સચિવાલય તથા ટેટ,ટાટ , police , psi ,asi વગેરે માટે ઉપયોગી Quiz
Quiz : NCERT + GCERT અને માહિતી ખાતાની પુસ્તકો આધારિત હશે.

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago