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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
FxTwitter / FixupX
Kat A 🌸 (@SaiKate108)
Kudos to Dr John Campbell for exposing the fact that Australia is gearing up to be a manufacturing hub preparing to churn out and insane 4 MRNA doses per person per year. Forrest of the Fallen’s Alison Bevege held a vigil on the very site in Sydney where…
They did this because of pressure from the big banks who also saw the money that could be made by clipping the ticket on superannuation. CBA bought Colonial Mutual, NAB bought National Mutual, Westpac bought Bankers Trust and ANZ did a joint venture with ING.
In short both parties sold out to the big end of town - big unions and big banks.
Today 40% of people retire with a mortgage (up from 10% in 1992) yet the same percentage of retirees (50%) are still on a full pension. A trillion dollars of your superannuation is invested offshore.
The only winners out of this are the paper shufflers in the big city ivory palaces who skim $30 billion a year out of superannuation in fees and use the $3 trillion of your capital to promote ideology not productivity.
The losers are the people.
An interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert indicates that 20% of the Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent. Here we go again! Where is the U.S. Attorney General and FBI to INVESTIGATE? Where is the Pennsylvania Republican Party? We will WIN Pennsylvania by a lot, unless the Dems are allowed to CHEAT. THE RNC MUST ACTIVATE, NOW!!!
“Senator Gerard Rennick, who just quit the LNP to start his own political party after failing to get preselection, thinks the Bureau of Meteorology is engaged in a conspiracy to rewrite climate records to fit a "global warming agenda" and that childcare "brainwash[es] children early with the woke mind virus".”
This is a quote from Ebony Bennett in the Canberra Times this weekend.
I’ve never been contacted by Ebony to clarify the reason for my statements regarding homogenisation.
This is pretty typical of journalism today. Rather than seek out facts and present a balanced view journalists engage in one sided name calling.
The fact is the Bureau does rewrite weather records. I will attach the source in comments but the key table is posted.
It shows three datasets. AWAP is the original dataset made up of actual observations. The two ACORN datasets are modified numbers based on a complicated computer program involving hundreds of millions of iterations that cannot be audited/verified because it is complex.
If you look at the “mean” for 1910 to 2016 you will see ACORN version 2 shows an increase in temperatures of 0.123 per decade or just over 1.23 degrees for the century while the original observations show 0.8 degrees per decade or 0.80 for the decade.
This means that the modified record shows a faster warming of 0.43 degrees.
I will touch on this in another post, but it’s worth noting that the Bureau never adjusted for the implementation of smaller Stevenson screens either. This increases the recorded temperature by around 0.5 degrees on average.
This means the 0.80 degree increase had been impacted by equipment changes, not changes in CO2.
So to the lazy journalists who want to name call instead of research, I suggest you learn how to do your job.
Table is on bottom of page 29:
Did all those people reported to have died of COVID actually die of COVID, were they murdered...
Or did they even exist at all?
Some difficult questions explored in this thread from Mark Reeder exploring the idea that government agencies - like those implicated in the deaths of JFK, RFK and MLK - may have also been involved in creating COVID deaths... Real or otherwise.
Thread by @franklin_reeder on Thread Reader App
@franklin\_reeder: 29 Sep 2021, Biloxi MS Sun Herald: 16-year-old Landon Woodson “dies of Covid” “His mother is pleading for everyone to ‘please, please get vaccinated’. Tracie Young said her son (was healthy prior t...…
What is a TIN surface?—ArcMap | Documentation
A triangular irregular networks (TIN) is a vector-based surface used to represent surface morphology.
vxTwitter / fixvx - See original tweet for full quality
Jikkyleaks 🐭 (@Jikkyleaks)
@WHOEMRO That awkward moment when the @WHO accidentally reveals that smallpox was never really eradicated, by declaring a #Mpox "PHEIC". 97% identical genome. That's why your "MPOX" vaccine is a smallpox vaccine. Changes things a bit doesn't it? ht…
The dramatic spike in dengue cases has prompted Brazil to purchase millions of doses of the dengue vaccine.
Dengue fever has spiked fourfold in Brazil in 2024 following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitos by the United Nations’ World Mosquito Program.
In the first five weeks of 2024, over 364,000 cases of dengue infection have been reported, according to the country’s health ministry, which is 4x greater than previous cases in the same period of 2023.
Swarm Intelligence in Cellular Robotic Systems
Cellular Robotic Systems are capable of ’intelligent* behavior. The meaning of this intelligence is analyzed in the paper. We define robot intelligence and robot system intelligence in terms of unpredictability of improbable behavior. The concept of...
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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
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Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago