
🚀SAT score: up to 1570 (math: 800)
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Let's goooo🤩

2 months, 2 weeks ago

10 mins left‼️

2 months, 2 weeks ago

⁉️Most of the questions asked by YOU while filling out the google forms have been answered in the telegraph above, please take a look)

4 months, 2 weeks ago

📣ℹ️Famous celebrities 🪩 like Scarlet Johansson, Will Smith, Jesse Eisenberg, Ben Affleck, Kim Kardashian have gone through the same processes as you have 📈📉.

👀 Find out what their SAT scores are and see who has been intelligent from a very young age🎤

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Siz nega bakalavriatni Amerikada/Amerika🇺🇸 universitetlarida o`qishingiz kerak 😎🤨 ?

  1. :🚀Eng zamonaviy ilm🖥: Universitetlarning asosiy maqsadi ham shu asli. AQSH universitetlari esa oz oquv darslarida doimo dunyo boyich eng oxirgi ma’lumotlarni oqitishadi. Buning sababi esa Amerika universitetlari ushbu ma’lumotlarni yaratuvchisi ekanligidir. Nega bundayligi esa keyingi ma’lumotda:

2.🔭Ilmiy tadqiqot, 🩻 izlanishlar uchun imkoniyatlar🔬: Amerika universitetlari sahiy grantlaridan (va albatta qimmat kontrakt narxlaridan😂) ma’lum bolganidek juda ham boy hisoblanadi***💵***, va shuning uchun ham ozining talabalarini barcha kerakli uskuna va hom ashyolar bilan ta’minlab berish boyicha hech qanday muammolar yoq ularda.

3.👨‍🏫Top professorlar👩‍🏫: Amerika universitetlaridagi professorlarning oyligi boshqa davlatlarga va xatto AQShning ozidagi boshqa kasblarga solishtirganda ham juda yuqori. Shuning uchun ham ayniqsa kuchli universitetlarda kop professor ishi bilan xuddi “hobby” sifatida zavq bilan yondashadi. Va bu oqish atmosferasiga ota katta pozitivlik ulashib turadi🔼.

4.👨‍💻Karyera rivoji💪: Mahalliy universitetlarida oqib turib keyinchalik oz soxasidagi dunyo boyicha eng zor joyda ishlash qiyin masala, lekin Amerika universitetlari sizni nafaqat bilim taraflama, balki tajriba taraflama ham aynan shunga tayyorlaydi. Hali universitetni bitirymay turib studentlarning kop qismi oz sohasi boyicha top kompaniyalar bilan Internshiplarni va oz startuplarini boshlab yuboradi. Bunday atmosferada bola turib bekorchilik qilib universitetda faqat oqib vaqt otkazishni ozi qiyin masala.

(❗️❗️❗️Aslida Universitet birgina Amerikada bolib qolgani uchun zor bolib qolmaydi. Lekin biz, ozbeklar, International student sifatida Amerikaga borib oqiydigan universitetlar anchagina saralangan, top universitetlar hisoblanadi. Buning sababi faqatgina kuchli universitetlargina toliq grant bera oladi, bu esa viza olish jarayonida deyarli “must have,” ya’ni bizda bolishi kerak bolgan narsa. Bundan tashqari boshqa jamgarmalar ham faqatgina obroli universitetga kirgan oquvchilargagina grant ajratishi mumkin. Shu ikki holat biz uchun filter vazifasini otaydi, va shu sababdan ham Amerikaga oqish uchun ketgan koplab o`zbeklar nisbatan top universitetlarga ketishadi.❗️❗️❗️)

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11 months ago
***🏛*** College applicationni boshladingizmi? ***🤔*** Personal …

🏛 College applicationni boshladingizmi? 🤔 Personal statement, supplementary essay, activities sectionni to’ldirdingiz, ammo… 😞
🤯 Sizga professional yordam kerakmi?
‼️ Unda EliteAdmit xizmatlari aynan siz uchun!!!
🤩 Eng qulay kombinatsiyalar:

Activities section + Personal statement review
Personal statement review
Supplementary essays (Limit: 1000 words)
2 Recommendation letters review

📨 Siz bizga o’z esseylaringizni yuboring, bizning ekspertlar jamoamiz uni chuqur muhomaka qilib, hulosalarini siz bilan jonli ravishda bo’lishadilar! 💻

Vaqt chegaralangan! To’liqroq ma’lumot uchun hoziroq biz bilan bog’laning: @EliteAdmitSupportBot 💌

‼️ Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzatib boring ‼️
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11 months ago
***🔥***Muhammadsodiq is firing.

🔥Muhammadsodiq is firing.

🎉 Great result from our mentor. Congrats to him and hope success in his future career.

Mathematics: 800 🔥
Reading and Writing Score: 770 ⚡️

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11 months, 3 weeks ago
***🎉*** Results Are Out! ***💌***

🎉 Results Are Out! 💌

Hey There!

🔥 The moment you've been waiting for has arrived! We've got some exciting news, and it's time to check your inbox. 📨 Your personalized decision is now waiting for you. Just click on that email notification and reveal your future! ⭐️

Here's a quick checklist:

✔️ Stay Calm: Deep breaths, my friend. It's going to be okay.

😊 Seek Support: Share the moment with your besties, family, or that friendly barista who always gets your coffee just right. ☕️

📚 Learn and Grow: Success often involves a few plot twists. If this isn't the outcome you hoped for, use it as motivation for the next adventure!

🎉 Celebrate: If you got that golden ticket, pop some virtual confetti and enjoy your moment! 🎈🎊

Everyone will have an email about the decision whether you are accepted or not. If you haven't received any decision yet by now, please contact @EliteAdmitSupportBot.

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12 months ago
[***🚨*** Last Call for 2023-2024 Admission …

🚨 Last Call for 2023-2024 Admission Consulting Program Scholarship at EliteAdmit! 🚨⭐️ Today marks the final opportunity to submit your application for our coveted scholarship. If you're aspiring to access top-tier educational institutions and want professional guidance, don't miss out on this chance! ⭐️

🎓 Our Admission Consulting Program offers you the expertise needed to navigate the complex admission process successfully. Secure your spot for the upcoming academic year by applying for the scholarship today. 🎓

❗️Those who started, finish the final touches. And those who didn't, you still have time! Do NOT let the chance slip❗️

✔️ Let the word spread and inform those who didn't know ✔️

🖇Fill the google forum before to apply:

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12 months ago

Missed the Live Chat? 📣

😰No worries! Catch the highlights and insights from our recorded voice chat session.

Sit back, relax, and soak in the knowledge you might have missed. 👀📌

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