Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher)

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? Kanalga Joylangan Xar Bir Akkauntga "SENATOR" Shaxsan O'zi Javob Beradi!

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Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Kun davomida eng sara va so'nggi yangiliklar tafsiloti bilan YO'L-YO'LAKAY tanishtirib boramiz.

Voqea va hodisaga guvoh bo‘ldingizmi, videolaringizni bizga yuboring: @yyuzbot

Reklama bo‘yicha: @zorzorads

Instagram sahifamiz:

Last updated 2 months ago


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? O'zbekistondagi eng ishonchli va eng arzon narxlarda UC sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizga bog'laning:? @SenatorsMarket

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

1 month, 1 week ago

Speaking Part 3 New Format darsimizga 1 soat qoldi

1 month, 1 week ago

Bu esdan chiqmasin-aaaaa. 20:00 da ko'rishamiz ?

1 month, 1 week ago

Bugun Dekabr imtihonlari yozma qismlari tugaydi ✍️

Uje endi Speaking boshlanadi. Ko'pchilik yangi formatga qanday gapirish, qanday yondashish va yuqori ball uchun nimalar qilish kerakligini afsuski bilmaydi. ?

?Bugun o'zim sizlarga zo'r qilib Speaking Part 3 - New Format darsi o'tamiz

Soat 20:00 da. Aynan Dekabrchi bo'lishiz shart emas. Barcha uchun juda foydali dars bo'ladi Hudo hohlasa.

Qatnashaman deganlar, dirs etib bitta reaksiya bosib, qolganlarga ham tarqatib qo'yinglar unda :) ❤️

✈️Join: @MultiLevelRecord

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Hammaga tavsiya qilaman 100 foiz oqledi pullaringni kurs

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Hammaga tavsiya qilaman 100 foiz oqledi pullaringni kurs

4 months, 2 weeks ago

?Marhamat va'da qilgan kitobimiz!

✅️15 Full Speaking Mocks (new format)

Yangi Speaking formatdagi 15 ta Full Mock
Savollarga C1 darajadagi javbolar

?Bunday manbani pulga ham topolmaysiz boshqa kanallardan. Biz esa sizlar uchun BEPUL berdik.

?Kitobni Multi-level o'qiydigan tanishlarga yuborib qo'yamiz!

?Join: @MultiLevelRecord

4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago

How to answer Part 3 Topic?

Start with a general sentence – Background on the topic

There are different opinions about the role of homework in the studies of school children. Some of them are even about the removal of homework from schools. This would be both a positive and a negative change.

Describe the positives

Starting off with the advantages of this, the first one would be more free time students. When students have homework, they could be busy after their schooling. However, without homework, they can spend more time on their hobbies and leisure activities. Another benefit is reduced stress. Homework is often a source of anxiety for school students, which increases their academic pressure. By eliminating it, the stress levels of them can be reduced, leading to a more fulfilling life. What is more, homework-free lessons can promote classroom engagement. Without homework, teachers can spend more time on interactive and engaging activities in the class, which can improve education quality.

Describe the negatives

However, abolishing homework from schools can lead to some issues. Firstly, this means students may have less practice. Undeniably, homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing what we have learned in the classroom, and eliminating it may deprive students of this opportunity. Moreover, homework-free system can limit parental involvement. It is common for many parents to support their children in the process of doing homework as much as they can. At least, they can monitor whether their children are engaging in studies or not. If we remove homework, this connection may disappear together. Finally, students may allocate their time to unnecessary activities. Without homework, these children or teenagers may be attracted by non-educational activities, such as playing computer games or surfing the Internet.

Sample we just wrote

? @MultiLevelRecord

7 months, 1 week ago

Advanced Grammar bo`yicha yengil jonli dars ketadimi, kechga?

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?? O'zbekistondagi N1 Akkaunt Savdo Kanali!

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!

? Kanalga Joylangan Xar Bir Akkauntga "SENATOR" Shaxsan O'zi Javob Beradi!

✍️Admin: @deSENATOR_AKKS ✅ Org ‼


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Kun davomida eng sara va so'nggi yangiliklar tafsiloti bilan YO'L-YO'LAKAY tanishtirib boramiz.

Voqea va hodisaga guvoh bo‘ldingizmi, videolaringizni bizga yuboring: @yyuzbot

Reklama bo‘yicha: @zorzorads

Instagram sahifamiz:

Last updated 2 months ago


- ?YouTube:

? O'zbekistondagi eng ishonchli va eng arzon narxlarda UC sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizga bog'laning:? @SenatorsMarket

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago