Catholic Authority

Historical archive for everything related to catholicism & radical ideologies under the faith.
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2 months, 1 week ago
Catholic Authority
2 months, 1 week ago
**Bishop Alois Hudal cites Catholic historian …

Bishop Alois Hudal cites Catholic historian Joseph Lortz to prove the fundamental connection between Catholicism and National Socialism

National Socialism is the outcome of events in which the Catholic Church has played a decisive role for centuries. National Socialism is the "fulfillment of destiny."

"It was originally born out of the most profound tendencies of the epoch, of which it is the crowning act. Undoubtedly, we now have the right to speak of an essential transformation, of the birth of a veritable new era, the accomplishments of which will remain. A new epoch has opened which will serve religion and the Church, and which will be extraordinarily well-armed to carry on the fight against atheism."Leo H. Lehmann, Behind the Dictators, p. 36

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Flemish Waffen-SS
consisting mainly of men from Flanders, Belgium, held regular ceremonies to honor their loyalty, service, and beliefs. These events aimed not only to recognize individual contributions but also to strengthen the collective bond with the SS, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and commitment.

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Catholic Authority
2 months, 2 weeks ago
*Ukrainian Catholic Priest celebrates Christmas Divine …

Ukrainian Catholic Priest celebrates Christmas Divine Liturgy with Ukrainian SS Men.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Catholic Authority
5 months ago
Today is the 81st anniversary of …

Today is the 81st anniversary of formation of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, more known as SS "Galychyna"/"Galicia". Brave warriors and exemplary soldiers, they participated in many military operations, the best known of them are the Battle of Brody 1944, suppressing the Polish uprising in Warsaw, fighting Yugoslav partisans in Slovenia and defending Vienna. Fierce Ukrainian patriots, they aren't forgotten.

"I have never regretted my decision to join the Division. I never even had such thoughts. Only... at times I regret that it did not happen as expected." — Waffen-Unterstaffelnachtsleutnant of the SS Galicia Anti-Aircraft Division Ivan Fialka. He was one of the first to volunteer for the division. At the Battle of Brody, Ivan shot down two enemy aircraft with a Flak anti-aircraft gun and destroyed one tank with a Panzerfaust.

In the picture is Heinrich Himmler inspecting the Division and later giving a speech, May 1943.


5 months ago
„If, as Catholics, we become Anti-Semitic, …

„If, as Catholics, we become Anti-Semitic, we owe it to the teachings given to us by the Church over twenty centuries. We cannot, in a few weeks, renounce the Anti-Semitic conscience that the Church has formed in us over the millennia.“??????? ?????????

5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 1 week ago

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On 10 December 1941, his Legion was incorporated into the 101. Jäger-Division and deployed in the Samara region to eliminate Soviet units that had been left behind.
On 9 May 1942, Marshall Timosjenko launched an attack, threatening to break through the front line of 6. Armee. At the same time, Marshall Koniev and his tank army broke through to the railway junction at Merefa south of Charkow. The German positions were in danger and a counter-attack was launched. The Wallonian Legion advanced out of Alexandrowka in order to relieve 101. Jäger-Division near Nowo-Jablenskaja. After heavy fighting, the Soviets were driven from their positions; a Panzergrenadier group occupied the village of Jablenskaja and the Legion secured the village of Nikolajevka. After these engagements, Degrelle was awarded the Iron Cross First Class on 21 May 1942, while a further 12 Wallonians were awarded the Iron Cross Second Class.

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