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Sky Bri ? Realskybri ??18+?

Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago

🇷🇺🇸🇰Aktuálne udalosti na fóne geopolitických zmien, ktoré sa dejú vo svete, správy spojené s Ruskom, situáciou na Ukrajine v slovenskom jazyku

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

3 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
From Asheville, Kelly Haas:

From Asheville, Kelly Haas:

Beloved Asheville is regularly filling up their trucks with food, water and gas and distributing it in Asheville. Donations go directly to funding the food, water and supplies they are bringing.

Mountain Mule Packer Ranch are taking strings of pack mules with supplies to hard hit areas that are not accessible by any other way.

Operation Airdrop is providing direct disaster relief to communities most impacted by this storm. They are based in North Carolina.

The Cajun Navy 2016 is bringing supplies directly to the people.

Grassroots Aid Partnership - Another local, grassroots org that is cooking meals locally sourced and distributing in Asheville.
Hearts with Hands disaster relief in Asheville -

Asheville Dream center is setting up a large distribution center of supplies at the Asheville Mall.
Donate at -

Manna Food Bank of Asheville -

World Central Kitchen (not local, but doing direct relief work on the ground) is cooking warm meals daily and distributing in many of the effected areas, not just Ashville. Here is a link to their website, and it looks like you can specify in the comments where you want the funds to go -

Don’t forget Sumaritans Purse. When Beryl demolished Carriacou they had a desalination plant and hospital up and running within about 48 hours. We know because we’re in Grenada. They have an excellent rating/review at where you can vet lots of charities.

Biltmore Baptist Church needs help sorting donations. 

Facebook group: WNC Rescue & Relief Resources suggested by Zen. 

Mother Earth Food has a Gofundme for food relief. AJT is partnering with them to help pass out food:
Please share our Go Fund Me link far and wide. We are going to use the money to pay our farms for their food, and our chefs for their time as we nourish the community. We need to keep our dollars LOCAL as much as possible during
this time. We will also be paying our staff and need money for other resources such as propane, containers, etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH

Elderflower Community shares land with Erin's school. They are a non-profit adult day center set to open this week. They are completely destroyed.

Katharine Sullivan's house destroyed. Gofundme to help:

Kelly Haas
Asheville Junior Theater

8 months, 1 week ago
We can hardly wait for the …

We can hardly wait for the CDC, NIH, FDA and IRS to disappear into the annals of history

We recommend to visit

Sky Bri ? Realskybri ??18+?

Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago

🇷🇺🇸🇰Aktuálne udalosti na fóne geopolitických zmien, ktoré sa dejú vo svete, správy spojené s Ruskom, situáciou na Ukrajine v slovenskom jazyku

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago