Imperial College

One of the world's leading universities, Imperial has a reputation for excellence in education, research and innovation.
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11 months, 3 weeks ago

These new smart socks could help people with dementia live at home for longer 🧦

The socks, being developed in partnership with @UKDRI, can track heart rate, motion and sweat levels to help monitor stress levels.

They are even machine washable!

Imperial College London

New research using ‘smart’ socks could transform dementia care

SMART SOCKS FOR DEMENTIA - A sock which combines sensors with artificial intelligence could help care staff detect agitation and prevent falls in people with dementia.

These new smart socks could help people with dementia live at home for longer ***🧦***
11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @Grantham_IC: #SundayRead: Our weekly digest of all things #climate #environment at @imperialcollege
This week:
🌱Palm plantations blog by @Ben_J_Roberts
🛢️ Energy announcements
💨Air pollution podcast with @DrGaryFuller

11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @ImperialMed: Can "magic mushrooms" help treat gambling addiction? 🍄

Why are people living with #HIV more at risk of #HeartDisease? 🫀

How can schools scale-up physical activity interventions? 🏃

Catch up on the latest news across @imperialcollege 👇

Imperial College London

Psychedelic treatments and exercise for children: News from the College

NEWS IN BRIEF - Here’s a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

***🔁*** RT [@ImperialMed]( Can "magic mushrooms" help treat gambling addiction? ***🍄***
11 months, 3 weeks ago

Stunning 😍💙

11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @ImperialMed: Great to see Shadow Health Secretary, @wesstreeting, visit @CumbriaUni yesterday to learn about our exciting plans to launch a new #MedicalSchool in Carlisle!

The partnership will help level up opportunity and train a new generation of doctors in the North West 🌟

11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @PresHughBrady: These results confirm @ImperialCollege is one of the best universities in the world to be a student.

Congratulations to #OurImperial community - we wouldn't have these impressive results without your hard work and dedication to supporting our students.

Imperial College London

Imperial celebrates London top spot, as NSS results are revealed

NATIONAL STUDENT SURVEY - Student satisfaction at Imperial has increased overall, according to the most recent National Student Survey (NSS)

***🔁*** RT [@PresHughBrady]( These results confirm [@ImperialCollege]( is one of the best universities in the world to be a student.
11 months, 3 weeks ago

#OurImperial Professor Ara Darzi says the next global health threat is antibiotic resistance.

The pioneering surgeon is working to launch our new Fleming Centre, which, with the backing of @KensingtonRoyal Prince William, aims to combat the crisis.

Ara Darzi: antibiotic resistance is more frightening than Covid

Ara Darzi says the next global health threat is antibiotic resistance. Now, with the backing of Prince William, the British surgeon is launching a new institute to combat a looming crisis

[#OurImperial](?q=%23OurImperial) Professor Ara Darzi says the next global health threat is antibiotic resistance.
11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @ImperialBrains: 🧦New research from our @HaarShlomi @UKDRI will look at how 'smart' socks could help in #dementia care.

The socks give insights into the wearer’s wellbeing allowing researchers to understand a person’s cognitive state and distress levels.👇

Imperial College London

New research using ‘smart’ socks could transform dementia care

SMART SOCKS FOR DEMENTIA - A sock which combines sensors with artificial intelligence could help care staff detect agitation and prevent falls in people with dementia.

***🔁*** RT [@ImperialBrains]( ***🧦***New research from our [@HaarShlomi]( [@UKDRI]( will look at how 'smart' socks could help in [#dementia](?q=%23dementia) care.
11 months, 3 weeks ago

"The UK has all the ingredients to become a science superpower, but decisive action is needed to reach that potential."

Vice-Provost Professor Mary Ryan (@mpr_nano) on the need for targeted policy that boosts key industries, in today’s @FinancialTimes:


Letter: UK universities need to be part of an active industrial policy | Financial Times

From Professor Mary Ryan, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), Imperial College, London SW7, UK

11 months, 3 weeks ago

🔁 RT @icunion: 👋 Meet Camille - your Union President for 2023/24!

London born and raised, Camille studied Aero Engineering at @imperialcollege and was very active in many sports clubs during her time as a student!

Find out more about Camille's plans for the ahead 👉

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