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#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 8 hours ago

10 months, 2 weeks ago


505.Barley - ячмень

506.Juniper - можжевельник

507.Concoction - смесь, варево, отвар

508.Remedy - лекарство (часто природного происхождения)

509.Precise - точный


10 months, 2 weeks ago

Analyses of residue from inside seven open vessels and of one lump of unidentified organic material detected oil or fat, beeswax or both, the scientists report in the May Journal of Archaeological Science. One open vessel yielded possible chemical markers of dried fish and of a possible aromatic resin that could not be specified.

The remaining containers were sealed and had to stay that way due to museum policy. Measurements taken in the necks of those vessels also picked up signs of oils or fats and beeswax in some cases. Evidence of a ячмень flour appeared in one vessel’s neck.

Museum-based studies such as La Nasa’s have great potential to unlock ancient scents. But that’s true only if researchers can open sealed vessels and, with a bit of luck, find enough surviving chemical components of whatever was inside to identify the substance, Goldsmith says.

Luck did not favor La Nasa’s group, she says. “Their analyses did not detect any [specific] scents.”

Oils, fats and beeswax in the seven open vessels could only have constituted neutral-smelling base ingredients for ancient Egyptian perfumes and ointments, Goldsmith says.

Starting with mixtures of those substances, Egyptian perfume makers added a host of fragrant ingredients that included myrrh, resin and bark from styrax and pine trees, можжевельник berries, frankincense and nut grass. The heating of these смесь, отвар produced strongly scented ointments.

Re-creating Cleopatra’s perfume

A tradition of fragrant лекарство and perfumes began as the first Egyptian royal dynasties assumed power around 5,100 years ago, Goldsmith’s research suggests. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic and cursive documents describe recipes for several perfumes. But точные ingredients and preparation methods remain unknown.


10 months, 2 weeks ago

?Уважаемые подписчики! Многие, судя по личным сообщениям, испытывают проблемы с оплатой доступа к нашему платному каналу IELTS Synonyms

? Поэтому, честь Black Friday мы решили предоставить уникальное предложение. Неограниченный доступ к материалам канала навсегда за 600 р или 3000 тенге. Для оплаты доступа достаточно написать нам в личные сообщения @DmitryKotlyarov и мы согласуем способы оплаты.

1 year, 1 month ago


500.Outpost - аванпост, застава

501.Goblet - кубок

502.To permeate - пронизывать, проникать, просачиваться

503.To outline - обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах

504.Tomb - [tuːm] - гробница


1 year, 1 month ago

But Tayma was more than just a refueling oasis for trade caravans. The desert застава residents purchased aromatic plants for their own uses during much of the settlement’s history, a team led by Huber found.

Chemical and molecular analyses of charred resins identified frankincense in cube-shaped incense burners previously unearthed in Tayma’s residential quarter, myrrh in cone-shaped incense burners that had been placed in graves outside the town wall, and an aromatic substance from Mediterranean mastic trees in small кубки used as incense burners in a large public building.

Fragrances of various kinds that must have had special meanings просачивались a range of daily activities at ancient Tayma, Huber’s group reported in 2018 in Munich at the 11th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East.

In a more recent study, published March 28 in Nature Human Behavior, Huber and her colleagues обрисовали ways to detect chemical and genetic traces of ancient scents.

Other researchers have gone searching for molecular scent clues in previously excavated pottery. Analytical chemist Jacopo La Nasa of the University of Pisa in Italy and his colleagues used a portable version of a mass spectrometer to study 46 vessels, jars, cups and lumps of organic material.

These artifacts were found more than a century ago in the underground гробница of Kha and his wife Merit, prominent nonroyals who lived during Egypt’s 18th dynasty from about 1450 B.C. to 1400 B.C. The spectrometer can detect the signature chemical makeup of invisible gases emitted during the decay of different fragrant plants and other substances that had been placed inside vessels.


1 year, 4 months ago


494.Debris - мусор (часто строительный)

495.Tartar - зубной камень

496.To cake - покрывать, облеплять, заляпать (преимущественно в Passive)

497.To unravel - раскрывать, распутывать

498.Myrra - мирра (благоволение)

499.Shrub - кустарник


1 year, 4 months ago

Molecular odors

A growing array of biomolecular techniques is enabling the identification of molecules from ancient aromatic substances preserved in cooking pots and other containers, in мусоре from city garbage pits, in зубном камне покрывающем on human teeth and even in mummified remains.

Take the humble incense burner, for instance. Finding an ancient incense burner indicates only that a substance of some kind was burned. Раскрывая the molecular makeup of residue clinging to such a find “can determine what exactly was burned and reconstruct whether it was the scent of frankincense, мирра, scented woods or blends of different aromatics,” says archaeologist Barbara Huber.

That sort of detective work is exactly what Huber, of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, and her colleagues did in research on the walled oasis settlement of Tayma in what’s now Saudi Arabia.

Researchers generally assume that Tayma was a pit stop on an ancient network of trade routes, known as the Incense Route, that carried frankincense and myrrh from southern Arabia to Mediterranean destinations around 2,300 to 1,900 years ago. Frankincense and myrrh are both spicy-smelling resins extracted from кустарников and trees that grow on the Arabian Peninsula and in northeastern Africa and India.


1 year, 5 months ago

?Дорогие подписчики!

Словарный запас играет огромную роль в получении высокого балла  на экзамене IELTS, но не менее важно правильно использовать сложные синонимы в речи и досконально понимать разницу между ними.

?Знаете ли Вы разницу между dam, dike, levee и weir или lithe, limber, supple и pliant?

?Hut, shack, shovel и shanty для Вас просто - "хижина"?

?Не всё подписчики могут позволить себе платную подписку на наш канал, поэтому было принято решение сделать БЕСПЛАТНУЮ страницу в инстаграм IELTS Synonyms. Сейчас у вас есть шанс БЕСПЛАТНО подписаться на неë и получать знания, использую 100% авторский контент.

Добро пожаловать!

1 year, 5 months ago


489.Incense - ладан, благовоние

490.Ointment - мазь

491.Olfactory - обонятельный

492.To contend - настаивать, утверждать, заявлять

493.Tangible -  осязаемый,
ощутимый, материальный


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Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.

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Last updated 1 month ago

#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 8 hours ago