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Class 05 — [min 16:26-17:15]
Mas’alah: Must Tayyamum be of soil?
Summary: Ibn Al-Mundhir, Ibn Hazm, Ibn ‘Abd Al-Barr, Ibn Rushd, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Taymiyyah, and others all said there’s an Ijmā’ on the permissibility of using soil that has dust to it for Tayyamum. Common and popular meaning of Sa’eed in the verse, is soil and some Hadīth specifically mention soil.
Class 05 — [min 15:07-16:26]
Mas’alah: They cut the water off in the local city. You have bottled water you can use for Wudū’ or Ghusl in your house, but that water may be needed to drink and cook with.
Summary: If one may die or cause himself harm if he makes Wudū’, because he will not have enough to water to drink, then he must save it for drinking. If he causes himself harm by doing Ghusl or Wudū’ knowing that he will need it to drink then he committed a prohibited act. By ‘Ijmā’ (related by Ibn Al-Mundhir Ibn Hubayrah and Ibn Hajar) that in such a situation where the water is needed or most likely will be needed for drinking, one should save that water for drinking and do Tayyamum instead of using it for Wudū’ and Ghusl.
Class 05 — [min 1:39-9:57]
Mas’alah: Can one perform Tayyamum to spare the Salāh’s timing if there’s only a few minutes for Salāh?
Summary: 2 opinions.
• Opinion 1 (Mālikiyyah, Hanafiyyah, one of two opinions of the Hanābilah): You can perform Tayyamum if you fear the timing of the salah will be missed.
• Opinion 2 (overwhelming majority of the ‘Ulamā’ from the Hanafiyyah, Shāfi’īyyah, and Hanābilah, second opinion of the Mālikiyyah): You must perform Wudū’ or Ghusl even if you’re going to miss the timing of the Salāh.
→ Ar-Rājih: Opinion 2
The proofs are strong that Wudū’ must be done when there is water and while one is able to. There’s no clear exemption that we know of for one to do Tayyamum in order to avoid missing the Salāh. Ibn Al-Mundhir said there’s an ‘Ijmā’ that one cannot make Tayyamum for Salāt Al-Jum’ah if water is available in order to avoid missing Salāt Al-Jum’ah.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
This channel aims to provide students with condensed summaries of the Masā’il covered in Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl’s (حفظه الله) Furū’ Al-Fiqh classes.
We will (inshā’Allāh) include:
• Clips and time stamps of each Mas’alah to be referred to for detailed explanation
• A very brief summary of the various opinions on each Fiqh issue
• The Rājih (correct, selected opinion)
May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى reward and be pleased with our Shaykh. May He bless all those who share the channel and make it a means of benefit.
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