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Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago
A father beating his children, a husband beating his wife or a monarch firing artillery shells into a mob. They all belong to the same category of paternal violence, not always corrective, but always a last ditch defence of power where all sound legality fails.
On Evola.
Giulio Caesare (Julius Caesar) Andrea Evola. That is the full legal name of the child born in Rome on the 19th of May, 1898 to two lower bourgeoisie parents. There is little indication that Evola was a baron, a noble at all, nor is there that much in the way of proof that he even called himself anything of the sort. It is likely this is the result of a decades long game of telephone, in part started by Evola as a young adult when he was active in the Italian Dada scene, and further utilized as part of a wider ploy to be recognized as a reliable Italian asset by agents of the SD. His father was a radio technician and his mother rented out apartments.
Everyone and their grandmother has heard the story of the buddhist text and Evola's depression, but very few people know that the real start of Evola's interest in mysticism and the origins of the crisis of modernity started when he was studying mathematics for his engineering degree, and he began to properly internalize the implications of the works of such figures as Einstein and Gödel.
Much like with his "origin story", most people have picked up RAtMW, read a hundred pages and then asked themselves in frustration "what am I even to get out of this?!". Worse still are the people who have been adviced by well-intentioned but predominantly ignorant people to read Pagan Imperialism, or something in the vein of that somewhat immature, rather controversial work. I'm here to tell you to throw it all away. The best thing you can do is to go read The Path of Cinnabar. If you can't stand reading an autobiography, go read Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism (get the Arktos version, the foreword is excellent) or Recognitions instead. Failing that, you can try reading Mystery of the Grail, but I would be careful with doing so. Basically for now it is the case that late Evola>early Evola. Mask and Face is very good because it gives you an idea of how Evola looks at other peoples ideas, whereas Path of Cinnabar is how Evola has portrayed himself.
As to why read Evola at all? I would say the primary purpose of reading Evola, unless one is a committed Evolian, is to use it as a gateway drug to understanding patriarchy in a universal sense. Evola is basically engaged in reinventing the mystical body of kingship, or the order of the temporal sword of the emperor, using among other things comparative religion and the occultism of various western practitioners, not infrequently also with reference to eastern forms and systems. Evola correctly identified the fact that the issue of what he calls "modernity" is a theological, or more suitible to his worldview; a mystical issue. He is very much deserving of the title of the Italian Spengler, for his laudible if flawed attempt to create from scratch a super-holistic rationalization of the pulse of history.
The nation is the family writ large
If nationalists truly believed this they would be royalists. The principle of the fatherdom - patriarchy - is nessecarily one which in a political dimension breeds royalist (I will not say monarchist) attitudes. The idea of the first among brothers so precious to the republicans meets with death when faced with this conception of statehood as fatherhood. If the father is murdered by his sons, the squabbles of the brothers over the inheritance will persist until one of them rises above - Zeus-like - and establishes a new fatherdom.
Greetings dear readers of this channel. The state of inactivity on this channel will continue for the foreseeable future, in part due to my own failure to find some express purpose for it. This concern, in addition to a long felt desire to focus more on matters closer to home means that this channel will likely remain dormant, for the time being. The same fate will not befall the Tolkien channel. Thank you all for your attention over the years and may God be with you. - Olav Huitfeldt
If kids listened to good music, and read decent poetry, they would be inoculated against so many contagions. A healthy dose of Dave Matthews, and Khalil Gibran would do more than any time spent on "red pill" content. Why? Facts last momentarily, but the appreciation of beauty lasts forever.
Henry VIII and his relationship with the Barber-Surgeons (whose infamous skill it was to expertly dissect and mutilate human bodies for research), invites a parallel to the scouring of the English monastic communities and his privateering of the English Church. If I am to be dramatic I should say that the first blind steps towards abortion was taken when we started cutting men up on operating tables.
"I have said, perhaps, more than enough on this point. At least it will be plain that in my opinion fairy-stories should not be specially associated with children. They are associated with them: naturally, because children are human and fairy-stories are a natural human taste (though not necessarily a universal one); accidentally, because fairy-stories are a large part of the literary lumber that in latter-day Europe has been stuffed away in attics; unnaturally, because of erroneous sentiment about children, a sentiment that seems to increase with the decline in children." - J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy Stories.
The Romans had a theory of grace in their preception of the relation of felicitas with virtus.
As the flowers spring out of the ground,
as an apple blooms fourth on the branch,
thus is the folksong to man and maid,
but the folk-wight [folkevetter] will die with it.
So, let now the tune flow from our hearts,
and let us sing in verse and let us dream!
Here is so much to depress us,
but darkness is banished once we verse-sing.
So, come with songs of the homely type,
and let us verse-sing in the old way,
and let us verse-sing without books!
That note singing is not for us!
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